Highlight of the week:
200# Bench Press
Low Point of the week:
Injury during long run and nagging back problems
PR's: (6)
290x5 Back Squat
140x3 Press
100 Burpees in 6:40 (20 sec PR)
190# Split Jerk
200# Bench Press
335x5# Box Squat
Things I Didn't Do:
- 405x3 Deadlift (Back bothering me)
- Run 4 hours (foot injury... see a pattern?)
- 135x5 Press (instead did 3 rep sets, but did PR)
Goals For Next Week:
- 1 Performed Recovery Method each day (Foam roll, massage, ice plunge, primal walk, Mwods, etc)
- Keep the week really light, keep ego in check
- Test and evaluate the first week of 50pullups.com program
- Test out new running shoes (if foot injury allows)
- 7 days of no cheats
- 1 IF session
My overall goal for this week was to hit some PRs before I went into my first deload week. This entire week I felt pretty crappy overall which leads me to believe I'm doing something very wrong. My diet will change as of today for good because like I said yesterday I'm sick of shorthanding myself. I'm going to start focusing on my protein intake very heavily because the days when I lacked enough protein were often the times I felt the worst.
I've hit that wall with running that I have hit a few times in the past. I have lost a lot of motivation to do my long runs. This stupid foot injury isn't helping. After the NJ ultra festival I'm going to re-evaluate where I want to go for the next couple months. There's a chance I may nix running entirely for a while to try and get stronger. Maybe some real trail running will give me a spark because I hate running on the roads, so we'll see what happens when the snow is gone.
Made a couple changes to my template for after the 50m is over. Decided to add a second day of dips, switch front squats for box squats and I'm still trying to decide what I'll do on my long run day if I decide to take a break from running.
Next week will be very light. I'm not planning on hitting any PR's. The only thing I have planned to PR on is dips for the upcoming training week. I'm hoping this lets my CNS repair itself and I can come back more motivated the week after to crush some 1rm PR's and hit a few shorter runs for the final days prior to the race. I definitely think this is a positive thing for my body although my ego may suffer with such a low volume week of no PR's and little effort exerted.