Saturday, August 6, 2011

Over a Week of Catch Up

So basically the last week has been insane, and I have not had means of blogging it as I usually do. I spent the last 2 days (Thursday and Friday) of 2 weeks ago before I went to Maine finishing up Layne Norton's program. It ended well enough and I was very pleased with the results. My arms, chest and shoulders all gained noticeable size and cut way more than I expected. The program was no joke, and I decided to let my body rest adequtetely after what I put it through for 4 weeks. I have not lifted heavy for 8 days and counting, although I may hit the gym tomorrow if I feel good.

I spent my time in Wells, ME on vacation only doing some 60-90 minute walks in the morning almost everyday and then doing 3 beach runs that were about half hour long in the PM. I wanted to rest up to crew Contois in his first attempt at running 100 miles, which I returned from today.

After getting a total of 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours I can honestly say I've never experienced anything like what I was part of this weekend. The 100 miler that Contois chose to partake in one unbelievable.I paced him for 17 miles of it and we estimated about ~12,000 feet of elevation gain and loss throughout that part alone. It took us about 8 and a half hours to cover that 17 mile stretch. I picked him up at mile 69 at about 1:45am on Saturday and we managed to haul it in in that time. We climbed 5 mountains in that stretch all in the 2000' range. The appalachian trail is no fucking joke and I've gained masive amounts of respect for anyone who ever through hiked it. I honestly feel no desire to ever do that, but who knows what the future could hold. It'd be an epic challenge for sure.

Contois did have to drop at mile 86 for a combination of problems that resulted in an early day. I have to give the man his props regardless because I've never seen anyone push through something as hard as he did today. And since he knows he gave it his all and there will be another chance in the future to get that first 100 done I know he is OK with the decision he made. In all honesty the things I saw him go through made me question if I ever actually want to run 100 miles. I think I still do but it was eye opening nonetheless. I'll post a link to his write up when he gets around to it.

As far as other stuff, my nutrition was crap all week. I was with my ex-girlfriend's family in Wells and we did work all week on delicious food. I ate pure sugar all weekend minus some deli turkey in Millinocket with Contois and the crew, which was fine for the occasion. I plan to really clean up my nutrition again now that I'm back in business and stay really strict until I go back to school in less than a month. I also did a bunch of mobility work last week to loosen my hips and glutes which will continue after I saw bigtime benefits in my low squat. My back is still bothering me but the week of rest did a lot of work in healing me up.

Looking forward, I have my TARC 6 hour race next weekend. My goal is between 30-35 miles. I'm just going to give it my all and see what happens. I signed up for my 4th ultra officially while I was in Wells. The Fells Winter Solstice 40m in Stoneham, MA. Should be pretty legit as the terrain was described as "nightmarish" and Contois who is 10x the runner I am said the course is a bitch. Unfortunately my last opportunity to run 50 miles this year was squandered when Stone Cat 50m filled up within 36 hours of opening. I did not register quickly enough. I think this 40 is a good test nonetheless and given the circumstances I may consider the goal complete.

Tomorrow I will either rest or strength train, but either way regular blogging will begin again tomorrow night. Good to be back.

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