Thursday, November 24, 2011

Powerlifting shiz


Power Snatch
Worked up to 134# for a PR

3x135# (stop at bottom, controlled movement up)

Accessory Work:

Did Pullups, Dips, delt work and lat work. I don't have my notebook to refer to for the exact sets.


Bodybuilding Day:

3x12x50# DB Incline Chest Press

AB Work- 2x25 Fifer Scissors, sit ups

Lots of curls

  • General: Happy thanksgiving everyone. Didn't remember to blog yesterday and I left for New Jersey at 8:30am this morning so I snuck in a few sets before we left. Felt satisfied hearing from my relatives how much bigger I've gotten......
  • Nutrition: Not too hot but it's a holiday. Beer and good food is a necessity
  • Body: Started off really sore today. Hopefully all the food will help me recover
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: Resting definitely tomorrow. Definitely strength training Saturday and I'd like to get a good run in on Sunday to get ready for the Fells.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Brief Conditioning

50# DB Hang Cleans


  • General: Had planned to condition at Baystate today but I didn't feel like driving there during rush hour traffic which takes 45 min most days. Did a quick session and called it a day. This is a workout I would do again.
  • Nutrition: Shaky. Some good some bad. I got my creatine and BCAA capsules in the mail today
  • Body: Back really bothering me
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Got a race in less than 2 weeks now. Need to get a final tune up run in before game time.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Squat, Bench, Accessory

Bench Press
3x3x215# (PR)
2x6x185# with paused reps at the bottom (I had a powerlifter there calling "press" on cue for me)

Back Squat


Supersets Pullups + Dips: 12,8/ 8,7/ 6,8

Bicep Curls
2x6x105# Cheat BB curls
1x9x100# Cable Curls\

Tricep Pulldowns

Delong Lateral Raises 3x6
15# used for all sets

  • General: Pretty good day at the gym. I worked landscaping all day which was nice for the wallet and for some good exercise. Definitely something I'd love to do full time during the summer so I may look into that for 2012. Solid workout with some heavy squats and bench presses, both which felt pretty easy.
  • Nutrition: Pretty good minus a sandwich at lunch
  • Body: Good but my back isn't feeling too good
  • Sleep: 14 hours- unreal. I went to sleep at 5pm on a Sunday night and didn't wake up until 7pm. I'm currently taking flexeril sporadically from my neck injury to dull the pain which helped.
  • Reflections: Nothing much. Going to work out the next couple days. Powerlifting possibly all 3 days if I find out tomorrow I can't get into the gym on Thursday or Friday. I know Thursday is off limits but I'm unsure about Friday.

Sunday, November 20, 2011



5 50# Dumbbell Hang Clean
7 Supine Ring Pullups
9 Pushups

8 Rounds + 5 cleans + 3 ring pullups

Couple Bodybuilding sets to work on my tiny delts

  • General: Didn't end up running today, decided to CrossFit instead. I was pretty tired all day for some reason. Conditioning was good and that's a work out I would do again for sure. The supine ring pullups certainly gave me a big pump. I went unbroken with the pushups and cleans but had to break the pullups up pretty quickly.
  • Nutrition: Not too hot, lots of protein but I had ice cream and some other junk.
  • Body: Tired. Back was bothering me today
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Always sleep shitty at my mom's house
  • Reflections: Feeling pretty run down, not sure what I'm going to do for a work out tomorrow if anything but if I do it'll be some type of running.

Friday, November 18, 2011

HPC+J, Squat, Press, Accessory

Hang Power Clean W/ Overhead Lockout (wasn't a jerk but was more than a push press- basically really lenient on my form.

Back Squat
335# (PR- not a lifetime PR but heaviest squat I've done in about 4 months.)

Overhead Press
Work up to heavy 1 or 2 rep max-- 2x165# (Lifetime PR)
4x4x145# (Volume PR I believe)


Supersets of Close Grip Bench Press @ 155# with 55# DB Hammer Curls-- 7/7, 7/7, 6/7

Chinups- 10, 8, 6 then worked on lowering slowly from the top of a pullup for a few reps

  • General: Hit a lifetime PR on press without really trying to can't really complain. Squat "pr" was nice even though the most I've ever squatted was 365 but after a few injuries I can't complain how far away I am from it. It probably wasn't my max but I wasn't interested in trying to test that theory. Really liking doing chin ups or pullups 3x a week as I have already noticed an increase in strength in my arms.
  • Nutrition: Pretty good- little bit of junk thrown in there but mostly good amounts of protein. Had 3 beers
  • Body: Feeling good. My back is tight, still sore but on the rebound
  • Sleep: Not too many hours- had to register for classes at 7am.
  • Reflections: Home for Thanksgiving early as a lot of my professors cancelled class next week and I decided to take a few extra days and skip the couple that didn't. Trained at Baystate today for the first time in a few months and it felt awesome. I really miss this gym more than anything else that I have at home to be honest. Tomorrow I'll get some form of conditioning in, not exactly sure what yet. I'd like to get a run in either tomorrow or Sunday on the Riverlin trails.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

PC + Jerk, Deadlift, Bench, Accessory

Power Clean And Jerk
1x201# (Lifetime PR)

Deadlift Heavy 1 reps

Bench Press
Worked up to a new 1rm
1x240# (Lifetime PR)

4x3x210# (PR for volume and weight)


Supersets of BW Pullups and Dips- 11/8, 8/7, 6/6

One Arm Dumbbell Rows
3x6x80#'s (Changed my form on these)

Arnold's Press 2x6

  • General: Awesome day minus the deadlift. My back still isn't ready to pull heavy. During the 405# attempt I felt the same tweak I've felt for a long time but it wasn't too bad so I'm not that upset. I am not mad at myself because it hasn't hurt in 2 weeks so I thought it was time to give it a shot. In retrospect I definitely did too much. Lots of ice, heat and stretching. Huge bench PRs, the 1 rep was pretty easy to lockout.
  • Nutrition: Very good
  • Body: Feeling good just tired. Legs are a bit sore
  • Sleep: 9 hours I slept good last night.
  • Reflections: Not too much. Lifting again Friday with a rest day tomorrow. I get to go to train at Baystate next week too which I can't wait for. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday I'll be training there and  hopefully a Friday workout with my cousin when I'm in New Jersey for Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Conditioning + Walk

5 Rounds For Time:
200m Sprint on SC track (100m down and back)
10 burpees


25 min barefoot walk

1 hour of gymnastics

  • General: Good conditioning work out. One that gets the heart rate jacked but won't do too much for tampering with recovery, so it'll be one I use again. Gymnastics was pretty fun today, got to play on the rings and do things like skin the cats which I had never been able to do before. We also had work on the balance beam which showed me how unbelievably bad my balance is.
  • Nutrition: On point once again
  • Body: Upper body in general is pretty sore. Hamstrings and quads pretty sore too. Hip tight
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Had trouble falling asleep last night.
  • Reflections: Strength training tomorrow night, really looking forward to deadlifting for the first time in a long time tomorrow. Really happy with my training so far this week.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Powerlifting Day 1

Power Snatch- Work up to a heavy 1rm, then do 3x1 at a lighter weight

Worked up to 130 for a heavy single

Back Squat 8x2

Press 5x10

Weighted Pullups 3x6
6, 5, 5 with 10#

Weighted Dips 3x6
8, 6, 6 with 20#

Bi's/Tri's- Supersetted DB strict hammer curls with skull crushers
50's for bis and 65's for skull crushers 3x6

2x20x85# DB Shrugs
25 min walk

  • General: Obviously a lot more volume than I'm used to but I think it's for the best. When it comes down to it I've realized that this is the type of training I'm into and CrossFit may be something I go back to later in life. For now I want to see where lifting like this 3x a week and 2 conditioning sessions can take me because I think it can take me pretty damn far. All lifts felt really good, no lifetime PR's but first time squatting over 300 for work sets since summer.
  • Nutrition: On point today. Trying to follow my fitday analysis I did the other day a lot closer.
  • Body: Felt good, hip was a bit sore today and I felt it during the squats. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Awesome day. Since I technically didn't take a rest day this weekend I'm going to decide tomorrow when I wake up if I will train or not. I'd like to normally rest on Thursdays but I may make this week's tomorrow. If I do train it will be pure conditioning, whether a run or something else. I need to be VERY careful as to what I do during my conditioning sessions until I adjust to this volume of weight training or I'll be out of comission fast. The best thing about this new training is I'm no longer programming for myself- something I think is very important. I tend to cherry pick when I program for myself and neglect things I need to work on and that will no longer be a problem.



Bench Press
1x6x205# (PR)

5 sets of curls, used 100# for BB curls for 8 and 7 strict

3 sets of bar dips- 12,10, 9

Interval Run on Treadmill 30:20x8 for conditioning


65 min trail run at Mittineague State Park in Westfield, MA

15 min barefoot running session post run

  • General: Solid weekend just forgot to blog. Bench was a lifetime PR. I'll be transitioning to a newish style of strength training for a while now that I'll be following Springfield College powerlifting programing. It's pretty similar to a Texas Method style of training so I'm looking forward to seeing what that does for me. Run on Sunday was really good minus the trees down all over the place. The storm a few weeks ago raped Westfield. Wanted to go longer but lots of the trails were unrunnable due to trees being down so I decided not to be a hero and head home.
  • Nutrition: Decent. I threw up on Saturday night from drinking too much. I get really pissed off at myself when that happens because at this point in my life I should be able to control myself. It most likely happened because I took advil earlier in the day and didn't account for it in the evening.
  • Body: Feeling pretty good. Legs felt awesome on the run
  • Sleep: Shitty on Saturday night but good the other nights
  • Reflections: I'm less than 3 weeks out from my next race. I'm going to get 2 runs in this week, one longer one on the weekend. I go home for Thanksgiving break a week from tomorrow and I'll be looking to get another good run in when I'm home since I know the trails there better.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pain in the neck

No training the last 2 days (Thursday and Friday)

  • General: In my gymnastics class at school I hurt my neck pretty bad practicing headstands to roll outs, something I've never done before. Pain went from bad to excrutiating yesterday so I went and got xrays done but they came out negative. Today is Saturday and it's feeling a lot better but still not 100% so I'm glad to at least know it will be gone soon. Those 2 days I physically would not have been able to train, especially Friday where I could barely move my neck. I have a prescription of muscle relaxers to help me sleep the next couple nights and I'll be taking painkillers until it's gone.
  • Nutrition: it's been OK. I did a fitday analysis today that really opened my eyes.
  • Body: Alright minus the neck
  • Sleep: 5 hours Thursday night and a lot better the other night
  • Reflections: I was worried I wouldn't be able to run or lift this weekend but now I think I'll be good to do both. I'm going to lift on Saturday and go for a run on Sunday. Glad that my neck injury wasn't too serious as I was pretty scared initially. I had headaches similar to the ones I get when I have had concussions in the past which is a road I never want to go down again.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bench, curls, close grip

Bench Press

4x8,8,7,6 with 95# strict BB
1x6 42.5# Delong curls

Close Grip
1x6x165# (PR)

  • General: Had to work out at 6am due to a really busy day and didn't have time to condition today. Good workout, bench I didn't PR on. Thinking about changing the programming up on my presses because GSLP style hasn't raised my maxes much but has made my upper body increase in size significantly.
  • Nutrition: Not too hot. Went to a really good pizza place for dinner with my mom (came to visit me at school) and did my best Adam Richman impression (the guy from Man Vs. Food)
  • Body: I feel pretty good just tired
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: I'll probably rest tomorrow but I'll barefoot run. Maybe I'll get another run in too. I'm finalizing my race ideas for 2012 and trying to pick my next 100 mile attempt right now.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Uneventful Run

6 mile run in 61 minutes

Last 11 min (1 mile or so) were run in the VFF's

  • General: Really busy today, so I decided running would be better than strength training (minus the race I have coming up- could be useful for that too!) Solid run in general, felt awesome the entire way through. I'm going to hit up 2 hours or so on Saturday morning (or Sunday depending on what night I go out). Tomorrow I'm going to be absolutely swamped all day, not sure when I'll be able to sneak my work out in but I'll make it happen.
  • Nutrition: Pretty good had soft serve
  • Body: Triceps are sore, legs kind of
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours shit quality, adjusting to working out at night is tough
  • Reflections: I'd like to get a run like this in each week on top of my 3 barefoot runs and hopefully a long run every now and then. 2 weeks from now when I go home for Thanksgiving break I'll try to get a run in with Contois, longer preferably as my last one before the Fells.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Squat, Power cleans, db thrusters, chins


198# Power Clean
55# Dumbell Thrusters


5 sets of chins, not counted or full recoveries. Trying to build endurance.

  • General: I'm going to start lifting with the powerlifting team again for good. I'll be losing my normal training partner in about a month to lacrosse season so it's time to start lifting with some dudes who know what they are doing and not by myself. Squat was good, didn't high rep because I'm still sore from Fridays squat. The conditioning was surprisingly really good.
  • Nutrition: Really good
  • Body: Fine. I hit my sternum on one of the power cleans just being stupid with my form. It's bruised right now and hurts, going to be a while before it's healed too
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections :Awesome day, going to change the program a tad bit tomorrow now that I know I'll be lifting MWF with the powerlifting people instead of on my own. I also have a job interview on Wednesday for a new position so I'm really excited about that.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


  • General: Nice to relax today. Everything's pretty sore so I'm happy to have a day off. New program is above, it's basically the Crossfit Strength Bias Template with a few changes, most notably eliminating front squatting one day for 2 days of back squatting and currently no deadlifting due to my back not being ready for it still. I also made a decision today to start lifting with the powerlifting team at my school again, something I've been neglecting but I see importance in because there are some strong dudes there and I can learn from them.
  • Nutrition: Good. Ate a lot of protein today.
  • Body: Abs still a bit sore from Annie, surprisingly. Chest and triceps are pretty shot.
  • Sleep: 5 hours maybe?
  • Reflections: I think adding in the runs will be important. I need to make sure I do them consistently. I'm committed to getting a 100 mile run done in the spring so I think I know what I need to do here. I was hoping to join Crossfit Iron Will full time in the next month or two, but it won't happen right now because they increased their rates to a price I currently cannot afford.

Press, Dips, Rowing, barefoot run

1x13x105# (PR)

"Tabata Bar Dips"
27 reps total

"Tabata Row"
82 calories rowed

Delong Curls 2x8x40#

45 min walk

800m Barefoot run

  • General: I'm going to start programming dips once a week in a similar fashion to this because my triceps are very weak compared to other top Crossfitters and having them get stronger will only benefit me. I fixed my press form finally, the work sets were so much easier than they have been. I moved my hands closer together on the bar which was awesome. I want to start walking again a few times a week to help lean out
  • Nutrition: Really good but I unexpectedly went out drinking. Didn't eat shitty food but had beer
  • Body: Everythings pretty sore, abs and legs especially.
  • Sleep: 10 hours
  • Reflections: I want to start programming barefoot runs a few times a week into my programming. My thought process behind this is that it can help make up for my lack of miles by strengthening the little muscles in the lower parts of my legs. I said I was going to do this before and didn't so I'm going to be more diligent this time around. I'm going to post a weekly schedule tomorrow to follow my training. Next week I'm definitely going to hit a run or two to start getting ready for my ultra in a few weeks.
  • Heart Situation: Got my heart checked out on Friday morning, doctor said I'm perfectly healthy. He thinks its a muscle in my heart malfunctioning which is somewhat common and is due to anxiety and stress. He gave me the OK to drink coffee and alcohol in moderation. He thinks the reason I had the heart scare during my 100 mile attempt was because I was putting a lot of stress on my body and my heart reacted to the situation, which is what I was assuming happened. He gave me permission to do my next ultra in a few weeks but he told me I should "not be stupid about it." My hearts been feeling a lot better recently so I think that I should be alright. Doing all the conditioning I did this week made it feel a lot better surprisingly.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lotsa Squats, BB Complexes

Back Squat
1x8x290# (PR)

Barbell Complexes- 5 reps of each movement with no putting the bar down in between

Stiff Leg Deadlift, Hang Power clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Bent Rows, Back Squat

135#- Completed through
145# Failed at 3rd overhead due to forearm cramping
145# Completed, but skipped the bent rows because I wasn't going to be abel to hold onto the bar.

  • General: BB complexes have officially proved they will be a nice complement to my training. I was gassed after the first one and was so shocked I couldn't get through at 145# on either set. Doing these sets on a regular basis will make my forearms so strong...can't even imagine. They gave me a nice pump too. I got 8 pretty solid squats on my high rep set, maybe had more in the tank but I was happy with 8 and I didn't want to risk the adductor bothering me again which was a good call in my opinion. These squats are getting pretty easy, I'm looking forward to being back in the 300's on my work sets for the first time since summer really soon.
  • Nutrition: Really good. I'm looking better already, the key will be to maintain what I'm doing.
  • Body: I felt decent today, forearms and calves were sore from double unders.
  • Sleep: 9 hours. Been sleeping good recently
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I'll press and hit a tough conditioning session. I need to not cherry pick my WOD's so much or I'll turn out like I did 2 summers ago- under conditioned, injured and a skinny girl. Gonna make it happen.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bench Press, Annie, Curls

Bench Press


Barbell Curls
2x10x90# strict BB
1x7x37.5# using the 2:4 method I learned from coach Delong

Double Unders

9:03 (missed PR by 2 min or so)

1 hour of gymnastics.

  • General: Thoroughly embarrased by how far I missed my PR. My abs just couldn't do the sit ups fast enough to push for PR territory, which is to be expected  I suppose. I don't really like that work out but I need to keep conditioning to get back to where I once was and to lean out. I also did my first handstand pushup today which I was psyched about. My gymnastics class is really fun and I'm learning a lot.
  • Nutrition: Really good
  • Body: Left adductor was really tight and actually hurt. I didn't do BB complexes because of this because any good BB complex has squats in it and I couldn't do that without pain. I also tweaked my shoulder doing gymnastics stuff but it already feels better.
  • Sleep: 10 hours
  • Reflections: OK day, I'd like to hit a better conditioning session tomorrow along with the squats that I will hopefully feel good enough to do. I'm back in Grafton right now and headed to the doctors tomorrow morning to hopefully get referred to a cardiologist to find out what's going on with the heart situation.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


No training

  • General: Really sore today, no chance of a work out even if it wasn't a schedule rest day. Body isn't used to Crossfit still.
  • Nutrition: Pretty solid. The only thing I may have indulged a bit too much on would be the wonderful creation I made today instead of studying for a midterm.... Let's just say I melted together have a jar of PB and half a jar of nutella and now have a jar of delicious goodness at my disposal.
  • Body: Legs are still trashed, shoulders and triceps are really tight.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I think I'm going to give BB complexes a shot for the first time. One of the most important things about going back to Crossfit for me is to maintain my strength and get even stronger at some point, so there will be many days where strength training is my primary mission and a lot of the conditioning work outs could reflect that too. Tomorrow is the 20 min metcon day which I'll probably fill with different things each week.
Another thing to mention, I won't be drinking for a couple weeks. I think the next time may be a few beers on Thanskgiving and I'll take the time in between that off. One of my life goals is to quit drinking alcohol all together at some point in my life that I have yet to decide. This decision stems from alcohol playing a negative role in my life as a child and the fact that alcoholism runs in my family. I've been toying around with times when this will become a real part of my life recently, but I'm still not sure exactly when it will be. Wanted to blog this so I can look back in a few months and see where I am with this situation

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Heavy Push press, chins, pushups


500m row, 10 chin ups, 20 45# presses, 5x95# press


135# Push Press
Strict Chin Ups


1x20 Back Extensions

  • General: The conditioning wasn't exactly a heart-pounder like I thought it might be. Apparently 135# is still pretty heavy for a push press for me as I thought I've have a lot easier time busting out the reps but it turned out to be the thing that held me back most. I got the first 13 unbroken on the first round which is around a 5 rep PR from the last time I push pressed a plate for max reps. Did back extensions because I think it's time to start working in some work for my back while I can't deadlift.
  • Nutrition: Awesome. I had 7 eggs today with no stomach pains.
  • Body: Legs are trashed in every imaginable way from my hips to my knee. Traps and triceps are pretty sore too.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Happy with today's work out. Found out something today that made me really excited and I can consider a life PR-- I'm going to be minoring in music at Springfield College. Previously I was told that you could only minor in 2 categories with a Physical Education major but my advisor told me if I take a summer course next year I'll have no problem graduating. Really excited about this as I think the void I lost in my life from lacrosse will be filled with guitar down the road. I'll be taking singing courses among other things which will really help me advance my career with music, that being something I'm really interested in doing. Training is going good, I'm happy with the switch back to Crossfit already. Feeling healthier in general.

On another note I also am taking a gymnastics course at school and I'm learning to do a lot of things that will help me train Crossfit. Soon we'll be doing handstands and ring work so I'll be 10x the gymnast I was before this course in a few months.