Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012- New Year, New Beginnings

You can reference all my goals I speak of to the right of this post.

With one year's end, another begins and it's that time to pick what I want to do in the upcoming year. I will be taking a different approach with this year in that I'm only considering the next 7 months in the ideas I incorporate in this post. I want to focus on completing my first 100m run before I worry about what I'll do with the other 5 months, and therefore am only concerned with the task at hand right now.


1. Train for strength first, then size: Yes, I want to look like a dude who can move some weight around. I spent way too much time in 2011 putting aesthetics in front of strength when I could be doing both at the same time. I will be focusing on less volume, more intensity and moving the weight on the barbell or whatever the device may be on every set in order to become as strong as I possibly can. The size gains will come with it and in order to get big I need to worry more about my diet than my training right now anyway. I'm not going to be doing curls until I feel like pooping myself anymore, and will instead be focusing on seeing how much I can curl (hence the goal of curling 135#)

2. Stop being a pig: I purchased the E-book "Swole" by Johnny Pain recently and have learned by thought of nutrition was completely wrong. There is a way for me to get big without being a pig half the time and I need to begin holding myself accountable for everything I eat or I will never meet the goals I want to meet, plain and simple. I'm going to fine tune my diet into something I'm proud of and hopefully reap the reward of finally looking like the person I want to look like.

3. Strength. Endurance..... and Aesthetics: I've always told people that I train for strength and endurance when in reality that isn't true. I also train to look good and therefore plan to make that part of my creed when referencing my training. I think it's important to look good when you train hard and since I still do not look the way I want to I'm going to put a near nazi like effort into changing that in this upcoming year, permanently.

4. Music: I fell in love with my guitar in 2011. I liked playing before that but I became addicted and plan to spend a lot of time in 2012 improving my music talent. I think it's very important to have something else in your life besides training and my thing is going to be music. I plan to learn the piano to accomplish my goal of learning a second instrument in this upcoming year and plan to record my first song within the next couple weeks. I spend a lot of my free time at school practicing and am declaring a music minor at Springfield College next year which should vastly improve my performance.

My training will not always be the same. I'm going to spend an hour or two doing a "7 month plan" write up in the next day or two which will follow these posts. This will indicate my overall layout leading up to my first 100m attempt. I'm not 100% sure what it will look like yet but I have some ideas so far.

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