Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bodyweight BS

3x 100 Squats For Time:

1:45, 2:12, 3rd one I lost time for because Dad texted me during it and stopwatch stopped.

100 Situps For time:
3:27 (no pr)

Went for a 5 minute light jog, had the right foot wrapped in ace bandage and was at a light pace.


General: OK, probably not the most creative or hardest work outs but I did something that didn't involve a bike at least. Some very positive news today- the achilles didn't hurt but it was sore the whole time, no pain though. The nerve gliding is phenomenal and although I'm not rushing anything I am pretty confident I will be back a lot sooner than I thought. I had no idea something could do this much for an injury, it's unbelievable. No pain in the elbows at all today. Hopefully I can do a run tomorrow, maybe some sprints.

Nutrition: Good. I filled out a fitday today and tweaked it to adjust to my goals (excess fat loss, better performance). The link is a realistic ideal day for me. I started by filling out my actual day and removed all the fruit I've been eating at breakfast and replaced it with a can of tuna and an orange, which should help a lot.

Body: A lot better. Mentally feeling better too.

Sleep: 9 hours, still was tired today. Going to sleep like a baby tonight.

Reflections: Just so happy that I might be back to Crossfit soon. It couldn't come at a better time. The nerve gliding made me aware that there is physically NOTHING wrong with my elbows. The nerve is just compressed and when pain is felt, that's where I feel it. The radial nerve goes from my neck to my finger tips and I can feel the entire thing when I do the gliding exercises. If I feel a tweak in the elbow, I do it and it makes that go away for hours. I'm very excited for what the future holds.

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