Saturday, January 28, 2012

Beach Run

15 miles on the Cape Cod Beaches @ Cape Cod Fat Ass Frozen 50k


  • General: Had a pretty good run today. The sand was deep in some spots and since I've never run in the sand for extended periods of time I am feeling it in some weird spots. It was a 50k race but I went into it just planning on getting a long run in which I got.
  • Nutrition: Poor. Me and Contois had a long talk in the car today. We're going to get shit going and hold eachother accountable starting real soon.
  • Body: OK. I feel pretty good from the run just tight legs and tired
  • Sleep: 5-6 hours
  • Reflections: Rest tomorrow and I'm going to deload this week as my body needs it. I want to get a long run in next weekend but since it's a light week I may just head to Lithia and go on a really long hike. Not sure.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back work week 2

Power Shrugs, Strapped

Rack Pull

V Handle Pulldowns
*both PRs

Machine Row

50 minute walk

  • General: I really like doing all this extra back work as I think it's going to help me focus on a big weakness I didn't even realize I had. I especially like V-Handle Pulldowns and rackpulls. Today was a good day of training. I will rest tomorrow in preparation for a long beach run Saturday.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Overall good, fatigued triceps
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: I'm about 90% locked in to commiting to making 5/3/1 my programming for the entirety of the next couple months. I think it's beneficial to me because I will now have an option to run 4 times a week as opposed to 2 (unless I want to run on a day I train lower body which I prefer not to for recovery purposes) and will focus on only one part of my body in training, similar to that of a bodybuilder. I could hit all the goals I have set for the year if I were to do 11 cycles of 5/3/1 in 2012 as well, so even if it seems to be coming slow the big picture looks promising. Long day tomorrow, I'm going to be headed home around 7pm and will be gone by 5am on Saturday for at least 15 beach miles.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


5/3/1 Bench Press Week 3
Worked up to 4x210# (missed PR by 1)

DB Bench Press
3x10x55#'s, 1x8

DB Lateral Raises
3x12x20# thumbless grip

Rope Pulldowns
100# for 20, 15, 15


P- 12, 8, 8
C- 10, 5

  • General: Decent day today. I missed my lifetime bench PR but I'm not too far off it so I'm not mad. I should exceed it soon. I worked with the bodybuilding assistance work today instead of BBB in 5/3/1 and I like it a lot.
  • Nutrition: Really good, ate a lot more than I should've if I want to lose weight though.
  • Body: Not bad but I'm going to be sore tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Couple of things. I think I decided today I want to run 5/3/1 for the remaining 5 months and change until race day. This will allow me to run about 4 full cycles, possibly 5 depending on how many deloads I opt to take. I like how the program has one lift a day with the flexibility for assistance work and since I can do bodybuilding for assistance work I can continue to work towards my strength goals while increasing muscle mass. I also decided to go home for the weekend and do the Cape Cod Frozen fat ass. It's supposed to be 2 loops of 25k but I may only do one because my knee has been iffy recently. Just can't pass up a 15-30 mile run on the beach in January, sounds like too much fun.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2k Row

Tuesday Conditioning:

2k Row
6:41 (PR by 1 second!)

  • General: Went beast mode on the last couple strokes to pull a PR. When I hit the 1k point I thought I'd miss it by about 20 second so I really picked it up. Good conditioning work out. Fortunately I have enough time on Tuesdays now to get a run in when weather permits so I will look to do that when I can.
  • Nutrition: Really good. No vegetables today though lol.
  • Body: Feel good. Back held up and feels good.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: One more training day and then a well deserved day off. Weather permitting I'd like to get a long run in Saturday. I have the option to go home and run a 50k race in Cape Cod if I want to. I am going to keep that in mind over the next day and try to make my decision by Thursday. If I keep on top of all my work I might be able to go. If I can't swing it then I'll head to Lithia and get a few hours under my belt.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Press, deadlift, curls, dips

Worked up to 6x145#

Worked up to 5x330#

EZ Bar Curls
2x12x80# (PR)

Strict Bar Dips
19 (PR), 15, 15

  • General: Felt strong today. Opted to do week 3 5/3/1 press today instead of putting it off to Wednesday. I am not sure but I believe this is a lifetime PR by one. I switched how I press now to cleaning it from the floor and it feels a lot strong driving through the ceiling. 3 rep dip PR which shows I'm doing something right with my tricep strength.
  • Nutrition: Clean
  • Body: Good. Good news was my back didn't hurt during deadlifts again and feels better now that I'm done.
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: Overall really pleased with the day. Working my way back to deadlifting slowly but surely and the press was a big PR. I'm thinking that I started a bit too low with my 5/3/1 numbers and instead of deloading next week as schedule I may do one more 3 week cycle and then deload. It'd be a one time thing but I'm going to consider it over the next couple days.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rest Day

No training

  • General: Long day of being lazy, not much going on. Registered for the Wapack today which rounds out my race schedule through July.
  • Nutrition: Not good
  • Body: OK, needed a day off though
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: School and work pick up this week. Need to keep my schedule tight to allow for proper work out time.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Building Up The Back

Power Shrugs

V Handle Pulldowns

Machine Row W/ Loaded Plates

Rack Pull
1 set at 3x355#

  • General: I introduced a new thing into my training that I'm going to experiment with over the next couple weeks. Basically Johhny Pain has an article here that highlights the importance of a strong back. He recommends taking time off of training to work on it solely but I'd rather add it in to what I'm doing now. A strong back will be beneficial to me for all my lifts and for keeping my structures above the waist strong and healthy during long runs.
  • Nutrition: Really good.
  • Body: Rundown. My legs are more sore and tired from Smolov 4 days after I quit than they were the first few days.
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Alcohol induced so bad quality
  • Reflections: Had a good time out last night but kept it low key today. With the addition of the back exercises into my weekly regiment I will either do a double on Saturday and long run with the back exercises being done first or push the long run to Sunday some weeks. I didn't run today because of a snow storm and my car being too low on gas to get to any trails. No money to put in the tank right now but that will change after I start my new job this week. Legs probably needed the rest anyway.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bench Press, Ring work, curls, conditioning

5/3/1 Bench Press Week 2

Strict Ring Dips
6, 7, 5

Strict Ring Pullups

EZ Bar Curls
2x12x75# (PR)

61# KB Swings


  • General: Bench felt somewhat weak but it was alright. I'm slowly working my way back on the presses I guess. Ring pullups and dips seem to be a good assistance exercise to help get my lifts up so I want to continue to program then on occasion. Didn't time my conditioning but went AFAP.
  • Nutrition: Really good. I'm going to have a bit of booze tonight. Fasted til 1pm.
  • Body: Overall rundown I think. I'm going to benefit from a few days off for sure after one more week on 5/3/1.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Couple of things. I began swimming today in one of my classes which will make me a licensed lifeguard when I'm done. Perfect opportunity for fasted cardio. Another awesome announcement is that I found my first powerlifting meet that I will be signing up for in the next dew days. It's at Uconn and only costs $10. It's unofficial but I really want to try a competition so I'm definitely going to do it and it fits really well with my race schedule. Very excited.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Smolov Day 6, Press, chins, conditioning

Smolov Day 6

Back Squat
3x7x295# (Missed the last 2 sets- explained in comments)

5/3/1 Press Week 2

Chins 3x10

"Tabata Row" For conditioning

  • General: I'm opting to stop running the Smolov squat routine. Today was the halfway point and my lower body is starting to deteriorate in my hips and both knees to the point that it's not even worth it. I think fatigue in my legs has led to my form being shaky on some reps and also the insane amount of volume is just too much for my body right now. I quit halfway through today because my left hip was feeling so tight that I was afraid I may sustain an injury attempting the last 2 sets. Next time I run this program will be after a long break from running because I think that is the reason I was not successful this time. Positive note, my press felt really strong today even though the reps suggested otherwise.
  • Nutrition: Really good today. Back at SC now so I'm doing my best to get in a new rhythm here.
  • Body: Tight hips and knees. Overall tired
  • Sleep: 7-8 hours. Tough to sleep in the dorm bed last night for the first time in a month.
  • Reflections: I won't squat for at least 5 days, more likely a week. I'll go for a 1rm probably a week from Friday to see how all this volume impacted my 1rm.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Smolov Day 5, WPU, Curls, neck

Smolov Day 5
Back Squat

Weighted Pullups (overhand grip)
1x5x27.5# (PR)

EZ bar curls
1 set of cable curls for pump

3x50x15# Neck Harness

  • General: Lower volume today, wasn't feeling too much stress on the body after a long night of dealing with a lot of questionable antics until about 2:30am. The squat was a 20# jump as all the work outs this week are which was a challenge but pretty easy overall which pleased me.
  • Nutrition: Spotty today. I'd say about 90% of what I'd like to do everyday but not perfect.
  • Body: My left hip has been bothering me from all the squatting. Started icing it after today's session,hopefully it helps.
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: Pretty good day overall. Hip thing should subside and after one more squat workout I am halfway done with the Smolov program. If my hip feels okay tomorrow I'll be looking to get a few miles done but with the snow pouring down right now that may present a problem. We'll see what happens.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Smolov Day 4, Back work, shrugs

Smolov Day 4


V Handle Pulldowns

Yates Row
Worked up to 1x8x105# (emphasis on good form since it's first time using this movement)

Lateral Delt Raises
2x10x17.5# (3 sec pause at top, thumbless grip)

Power Shrugs, Strapped
275# for 12, 15

Neck Harness

  • General: Lots of volume today once again with the squats. All the backwork was inspired from a JP article on bringing up your back strength which I realized I am lacking. I want to start doing 1 full day of back exercise assistance work each week along with the arm and yoke work.
  • Nutrition: Not as good. Had a 40oz beer and some junk food while watching the pat's playoff game.
  • Body: Run down. I've noticed some minor problems with my body over the course of this week adjusting to Smolov for sure.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Well deserved rest day tomorrow. I want to make sure I get in a lot of food tomorrow in order to make sure I'm ready for a huge weight jump on Monday.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Smolov day 3, bench press, curls, dips

Smolov Day 3, week 1

Back Squat

5/3/1 Bench Press

EZ Bar Curls

Strict Dips 5x10

  • General: Once again a solid day on Smolov minus a little body trouble. I noticed the inside of my right knee really tight and reluctant to go down into the hole on my squat while I warmed up but it went away as I began the work out. My hip was also pretty tight. My guess is I did not wait long enough after the 50k to start the program like I should've and my body is telling me it's not happy with my decision. If the problems get more severe I may have to call it quits but as of right now I'm full steam ahead ready to crush 10 sets tomorrow.
  • Nutrition: Dynamite but maybe ate too many carbs past curfew (6ish)
  • Body: I feel solid, nothing too sore minus my back bothering me over the last few days as usual. I think my CNS is pretty strung out and is thanking me for any rest it's getting.
  • Sleep: 10 hours or so
  • Reflections: Not too much, planning on making one slight change in my strength training. I think it may be more beneficial for me to do my upper body pressing movement first before I squat from now on. I tend to feel more lose at the beginning of the work out but after I fry my energy levels with a shitload of squats I tend to feel a bit weaker. I may give this a go next week. I will only be doing pressing movements twice a week for a while on 5/3/1 anyway so it won't be a huge change. Few other things to note.... Wapack finally opened and I will be signing up within the next couple days. Also planning to do a run on either Sunday or Tuesday, nothing big just a light one.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Smolov Day 2, 5/3/1 Press, PU

Smolov Day 2

Back Squat

5/3/1 Press Week 1
8x130# (PR?)

"Boring But Big" Assistance Work 5x10x75# Press

5x10 Chin ups

3x40x15# Neck Harness

  • General: Squat was once again manageable but not enjoyable by any means. I feel confident that the first week will progress by without any real danger of failing. First day of 5/3/1 press and I was very satisfied with how I felt afterwards and the overall design of the program. I will follow the "Boring but big" assitance which is basically 5x10 with the same movement after at a lighter weight and then some other type of assistance. I chose chinups today.
  • Nutrition: Really good
  • Body: Feeling good, just minor soreness in some areas
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: I went to the doctors today to get a few things checked out. I have stomach problems off and on that absolutely cripple me to the point where I often tear up and cannot breathe well. He concluded the stomach problems are a result of me having my appendix removed when I was in 5th grade and that it was a disease that I will live with forever which kind of sucks. The only way they could fix it is if it gets worse and ER surgery would be required. I also had my back checked out and he said that I've lost some range of motion and that's normal but he did note that my spine is a rare shape and told me that this shape is predisposed to suffering back injuries especially when lifting heavy things. He advised me to find a new hobby besides powerlifting... Something to think about I guess.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


400m Run
100 DB Swings w/ 50#
400m Run


  • General: Wanted to do a little conditioning today and this fit the bill. I got it from the GSLP website. Good workout that I will do again in the future.
  • Nutrition: For some reason I chose to binge eat late. It was good all day. Need to get back on track and follow the swole prescription.
  • Body: Good. Legs a little sore but nothing noticeable.
  • Sleep: 10 hours
  • Reflections: I say it too much but nutrition has to get on back on track. Smolov day 2 tomorrow and the first 5/3/1 work out for my press.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Smolov Day 1, bench press, curls

Smolov Day 1, Week 1

Back Squat

Bench Press

EZ Bar Curls- 3 second negative with one second contraction, pause at top and bottom

Neck Harness

Random sets of chinups working on strict chest to bar

  • General: Could've been a phenomenal day back but the bench press sucked today. I'm opting to change it before I even get far into it but not following GSLP. I think it may just be too much volume on the presses for my body. I'm thinking 5/3/1 may be the way to go and I've been doing some extensive research on the program recently. It's only twice a week so I may look to give it a go on Wednesday and Friday's training session. Smolov day 1 wasn't awful but it wasn't easy
  • Nutrition: Awesome minus some frozen yogurt with fixins
  • Body: Still sore in the same spots as yesterday just not as bad. Squatting was slow at the start but really made my lower body soreness go away
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours. Will sleep better the next week because I'll be at my Dad's where no one is home to wake me up early.
  • Reflections: Need to figure out what I want to do with the BP and press asap. My only goal is to see increases in these lifts over the next couple months because they have stalled for way too long.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Post Race Rest

No training

  • General: Kind of retired from the everyday blogging on rest days as it wasn't ever really useful information but decided to today since I had a race yesterday. Feeling good from the race yesterday overall.
  • Nutrition: Pretty damn bad. Just trying to shovel in the calories and recover as fast as possible.
  • Body: Mostly sore in my lower calves. Besides that there is some minor soreness in my quads, hamstrings and inner legs but it's nothing big. Shoulders surpisingly were a bit sore too
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours. Never sleep well after long runs
  • Reflections: Was going to start the Smolov cycle on Wednesday but opting to start tomorrow because I'm feeling good. 4x9 squats tomorrow may be pretty brutal on the already sore legs but I think I can handle it.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 GAC Fat Ass 50k Run

I signed up to run my first 100m (Viaduct Trail 100) race in July a few months ago. The GAC Fat Ass race was an easy selection as a preparation race for this goal of mine because it's relatively close, free and the course is really nice. On top of that it's was a good opportunity to test myself after 1 year of running ultras by returning to the first ultra I ever completed, the 2011 GAC Fat Ass which was on the same course but in completely different weather.

We arrived at Bradley Palmer State Park pretty early. I was with my former teacher and running partner Contois for the second year in a row. We parked, dropped off the food we brought for the aid station and relaxed for about a half hour. When I got dressed for the run I was sporting a long sleeve thermal, headband, t-shirt, compression shorts, double layered shorts, drymax socks and my new Montrail Mountain Masochist trail running shoes that I got for Christmas. I carried my new Ultimate Direction handheld throughout the run as well. I ended up ditching the headband and long sleeve after the first loop because it was too hot and switched to a different shirt after 3 loops.

The race was 5 loops of 10k throughout the statepark. Two laps went by easily enough and I was feeling confident. The fastest split I ran for a lap last year at this race was about 62 minutes, and today I did the first 2 laps in about 52 minutes a piece. I was feeling really confident and trying to work on a new racing technique for my own personal use. In past races I've gone out too slow only to find myself miss my goal time when I felt like I could push harder for longer after the races were over. This was more for a precaution than anything but I decided to spend today going out harder than normal on the first few laps and then take a "we'll see what happens" approach to the remainder of the race. This turned out to be very effective. I finished the first 12.4 miles feeling fresh and surprised at how fast the loops were going by.

The third loop I started to notice signs of dehydration. Turns out I was very dehydrated and that bit me in the ass at the end. I slowed down a little during this loop but still came charging in to the RHQ/aid station at around 54 minutes. I started experiencing "dead quad" in my right leg especially. For those not familiar it's a sharp painful stabbing of the quad that usually occurs because of electrolyte imbalance. When this began I thought it might be the new shoes which have more padding than I'm used to but I'm pretty confident it was more dehydration than anything. This sensation was only minor during this lap but would get worse as the race went on.

The fourth loop came and akin to last year turned out to be the hardest lap. I felt like shit because I was extremely dehydrated and didn't take good enough care of myself at the aid station by drinking enough fluid or eating enough. In previous races I also have eaten a lot more food at the aid stations, probably to the point of it being overkill or unnecessary. Today I finished the race hungry and that is definitely a first, but I think a good thing. I slammed a bottle of water and some mountain dew before this lap but it certainly was not enough at the time. This lap was also the first that I used my iPod during, which was also something new I was testing out. Instead of running with my iPod the entire race I decided to save it for motivation when the race entered the later stages. This worked very well because I felt a lot better and the hard miles went by a lot quicker with music in my ears. I think I'll employ this tactic in the future again for sure. I finished the fourth loop in about 63 minutes. There is a portion of this race that is hilly single track and since I opted to walk all of this my time was a lot slower on this lap.

Before the fifth lap I took care of myself by eating several hundred calories worth of food (including grilled cheese.... thank whoever brought those because they were delicious) and downing about 28oz of water and a few cups of mountain dew. My stomach was full and uncomfortable but I took off after about 8 minutes of resting and tried to pick it up the best I could. This loop was up and down as far as feeling good. It went by really slow because at that point I wanted the run to be over but I just kept plugging away. The dead quad got pretty bad but it would only last for about a minute at a time then go away for a few minutes. The worst part of it was about 10 minutes into the loop and it was bothering me so much I almost opted to call it a day early as there was a shortcut back to the car present. In retrospect I'm glad I didn't because the worst part faded soon after, and although it was painful it remained manageable. I got past the single track (what I consider the turning point in the 10k loop due to the hilly terrain) and just kept putting one foot in front of another until I came to the end of the driveway at the end. I was greeted by Contois who had already finished and he was shocked to see that I was done already.

I finished the race in 4:58 which is a 52 minute PR from the same course last year. I am beyond happy with that because anyone who follows me regularly knows I do not run too frequently and do not deserve a massive PR like that in all honesty. Contois finished in 4:03 and hit a big PR as well. Props to him for running a good race and exchanging good conversation on the way there and back.... and also for being cool with me melting chocolate into his passenger seat. Sorry!

In general I'm really pleased with how today turned out. I have 3 more races between now and Viaduct- a 6 hour, 50k and 50 miler. I think this was a great way to start off 2012 strong and make a good push towards the overall goal for the year. Writing this 4 hours later the only thing sore are my calves and achilles like usual. My feet actually feel surprisingly fresh. I'll probably be sore in a few areas tomorrow but other than that I can't really complain.

Things I Did Well:

- Paced myself properly
- Kept good running form
- Kept cool by changing clothes when needed

Things I Messed Up:

- Hydration
- Electrolytes
- Not eating enough calories

I plan to run a Smolov squat routine starting Wednesday that will last the remainder of January or about 3 weeks where I will only do a few minimal runs to focus on strength instead of endurance mostly.. That will still leave me about 6 weeks of solid running training before the TARC Spring Thaw 6 hour race that is on tap next.

A big thank you to the race directors and volunteers today. Thank you for putting on the race and doing such a good job handling all of the runners!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Overhead, DL, curls, sbtnp

Overhead Work- Push Press and Press

Push Press
Worked up to 185x3 (PR)

Dynamic Effort Press
3x3x115# (beltless, explosion from the bottom after 2 second pause, hold at lockout)


Axle Curls
95# for 9, 8, 8

Seated Behind The Neck Press
75# for 10 (PR)
85# for 6, 5

1x30 Back Extensions

  • General: Good workout today but I forgot to do weighted pullups so I will make those up tomorrow even though I should be resting. First day back deadlifting, no pain at all and my back has felt great ever since which has me very pleased. Overhead felt weak so I decided to go for a push press PR instead of getting nowhere with my press. I can tell in general my upper body really needs rest.
  • Nutrition: Really good chipotle for dinner
  • Body: Chest sore. The arm program and having the flu seemed to really weaken my upper body but ~4 days rest from resistance training and lots of protein should help.
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Shitty quality last night
  • Reflections: Signed up for the TARC Spring Classic so now I just have to register for the Wapack when it finally opens. I'll probably do some variation of pullups and ring pullups tomorrow for a few sets, nothing strenuous and then rest until racetime on Saturday morning.

Gymnastics/Skill Development/ Run

Strict Ring Dips
11, 9, 8, 7, 7

Handstand Holds
28s, 27s, 31s

Modified L-Sit Holds
34s, 39s, 26s

Neck Work

Run 1:04 at Rayburn single track for 6 miles w/ Contois

Mobility in the lower body- couch stretch, glute stretch and hamstrings

  • General: Felt good to work on some weaknesses today and hopefully improve for when I start going to open gym back at  school in a few weeks. Run was good, felt a bit tired towards the end.. not sure why but it is what it is. Broke in the mountain masochists which felt good but I rolled my ankle a few times.
  • Nutrition: Really good and enjoying eating the "Swole" style
  • Body: Felt pretty good minus a little problem during my run where my male parts froze...
  • Sleep: 8 hours?
  • Reflections: Not too much. Check out my 6 month plan if you get a chance.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The 6 Month Plan Training Template

If you follow me regularly (or look in the right corner of my page) you might realize that my major goal for 2012 is to run 100m at the Viaduct Trail 100m in Lanesboro, PA. This post is going to be dedicated to the next 6 months of training and the plan that I have to accomplish my goal and will also be stickied on the side of my blog to reference throughout.

As stated before, I'm breaking 2012 into 2 different sections. Pre-race and post-race, which revolves around July 7. After the 100m attempt (seeing that I finish) I will figure out from there what I want to do with my training for the remainder of the year.

I started out making this plan by mapping out the races that I will run prior to July 7. I did this in order to peak my training and allow for adequate rest before and after these runs so my performance is better during these runs. The following races are the ones I plan to do between now and Viaduct; some of these may change due to dates, finances etc. but I'm about 90% sure these are the ones I will partake in. As I finish these races I will update this post with my time and a link to the write up. For now, the ones in red will be ones I have not officially signed up for but plan to ASAP.

1. G.A.C. Fat Ass 50k- January 7, 2012- FINISHED 34th out of 80 for a 52 minute PR

2. TARC Spring Thaw- March 18, 2012

3. TARC Spring Classic- April 28, 2012

4. Wapack and Back 50m- May 12, 2012

*Note- On top of those 4 races I also plan to do the Mothers Day 6 hour walk/run event on May 13, 2012. I am aware that this will be about 12 hours after I finish the Wapack race (knock on wood) but I convinced my mom to do this with me recently and if I bail she probably won't do it. I'll walk the 6 hours with her which will probably be pretty painful but doable and be a good final test for my 100.

With that plan in place that leaves me with 4 ultra distance runs in the span of about 17 weeks and then another 8-9 weeks until I'm off to Pennsylvania. The only big concern I have with this race plan is the big gap of long runs between Wapack and Viaduct but if I can find another race or plan some kind of fun run with Contois (who is doing VT100 2 weeks after my goal race so I'm sure he won't be opposed to doing a long training run) then I think I'll be in good shape. I also think a completion of 50m during the Wapack race is more than enough stimulus to the brain and body to get me through a finish at Viaduct because the course is no joke and has far more elevation than the 100 will. I'm being brutally honest in saying that the Wapack was my last option just because I saw how tough the course was when I volunteered there last year and I'm well aware it'll be a long 50 miles.

I think the most effective way of gameplanning is to decide my plans between races and try to keep it close as possible. Since the GAC 50k is this weekend I will begin with the space of time after that race through the TARC Thaw race

G.A.C. Fat Ass 50k-TARC Spring Thaw 6 Hour (January 7- March 18)

The span between these 2 runs is the furthest I will experience between races. Since both of them will be similar distances I think I just need to continue to improve my distance running by doing 5-15 mile runs mostly but focusing on improving my speed. I think a good way to test how much my running improves will be to see how long it takes me to do 50k at the GAC and then seeing how far I get during the 6 hours in March. Obviously there will be variables but it should be pretty solid. To make sure I don't lose my endurance I will absolutely get a long run in during the month of February. I have spikes to run in the snow therefore I have no excuse and I need to keep in mind that it may be very important.

I haven't talked about strength training yet but as it was last year strength training will still take priority during this time of my 6 month plan. I will continue to only strength train 3x a week with SC powerlifting while I run on either Tuesday or Thursday and always Saturday. The main focus will be to start working towards all my strength goals I made for the year. I had originally considered doing Smolov's 3 week squat program following the GAC and I still may but I have to decide if it's worth sacrificing 3 weeks of good runs to do. At this point I am not sure what I'll do.

TARC Spring Thaw 6 Hour-TARC Spring Classic 50k (March 18-April 28)

From previous experience I've had trouble running during the end of February through March because in New England trails start to thaw out and they tend to be an absolute mess. I think between these 2 races I'm going to need to get a pair of road shoes and spend some time running on the roads. I don't think a specific long run is necessary during this time because of the proximity between the two runs (both exceeding 30m which is plenty long) but I will still train somewhere between 10-15 miles to keep improving. Also during this time I should be able to start working in my secret weapon which will be Lithia Springs in South Hadley, MA. The trails here are amazing and the hills are going to make for a money spot to train for the Wapack race. I know for a fact I'm going to need to bust my ass to make a good time during that race and Lithia can do that for me if I commit to going there once a week.

Strength training will peak during this race as the semester will be coming to a close and I will begin the transition to training at home for the summer. Might as well be honest and say that I will probably spend a few extra sets each week during this time working on my body because I know summer is just around the corner and I want to look good. If I do this I'll have to keep in mind that I have a bigger goal at hand and that is the first thing to go if I begin to over train.

TARC Spring Classic 50k- Wapack and Back 50m (April 28-May 12)
Obviously this is only 2 weeks but I look at it as the turning point for this whole plan so it has value. At this point I should have 3 races completed, hopefully with PRs and good runs piled up as I'e gone. The Wapack will be the final test before Viaduct and I need to spend this 2 weeks getting mentally ready. 50 miles in the mountains is going to be a lot more grueling on my body than a 31m trail run.

I likely will not worry too much about strength training during these 2 weeks. I may just take 2 light weeks to help recover and prepare. I'll buy my 3 month summer pass at this point because my gym has a May discount special but may freeze it until after the Wapack.

Wapack and Back 50m To Viaduct 100m (May 12-July 7)
This is where my training will take a turn from what I'm used to. I am going to make a conscious effort for the first time in over 18 months at this point to focus primarily on running with strength training being on the back burner. My decision behind this is for a confidence boost. If I can hit 4 runs a week with a long one every Saturday and maintain my strength levels then I think I will set myself up to finish my biggest goal of the year in running 100m while not losing sight of my other ones. It's not like I'll stop strength training but I will definitely lower the volume and increase the number of runs I do each week from 2-3 to 4-5. At this point a Saturday long run will also be guaranteed. I think May 12 through somewhere around the 20th of July will be how long I implement this idea, and then will taper until raceday from there. I benefit from getting out of school on the 8th at the latest whereas my running partner is still there until the end of June. I will have more than enough opportunities to run during the school week while also improving my sleep deprivation ability (a good tool for running 24 hours straight I'd imagine) by getting up at 4:30 every morning to run with him. Some of them will be hard runs of 5-7 miles, some will be longer (~10ish), some will be lighter and slower. These will vary during the week with one really long run every Saturday being consistent.

In the gym my mission will be to not overtrain. If by then I'm squatting in the 400's I do not want to lose that, but if I do I need to remember it will come back after I've run 100 miles. I will also considering following a Texas Method style setup, which would still be 3 days a week in the gym but with 1 light day every week. This way I could do 2-3 hard runs in between heavy training days and therefore improve drastically the level that I can run at.

It appears I have all the equipment I need to do this. I'm loaded from Christmas with all the tools necessary for completing my goal. I will be working 3 days a week next semester between 2 jobs so I will need to make sure those days I get what I need done and plan accordingly. I'm ready to do this thing and I think writing this post was the first step.

I'd like very much to hear any advice or input anyone may have because clearly I am no expert. Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back Squat, Bench Press, Pullups, delts

Back Squat
Worked up to 3x335# (lifetime PR)
3 beltless doubles done at 295#

Bench Press
205# for 5, 5, 4

Pullups/Chinups- Did 5 sets with 60-90 sec rest between- first 3 chins last 2 pulls
14 (chinup PR), 9, 7, 6, 6

Lateral Deltoid Raises
3x10x15# with 3 second hold at top of the movement

3x30 Farmers Walk shrugs with 25#

  • General: Big back squat PR which I was somewhat concerned with after spending the last 4 days recovering from the flu. Last set of bench I lost because I wasn't keeping my shoulders tight and my form dipped on the drive off my chest. Weak bench today due to the arm program volume. Opting not to finish the arm program as it's completely eliminating any progress on my pressing movments and I'm trying to move towards strength over size being consistent in my mind.
  • Nutrition: Really good. Started eating similar to how JP recommends in "Swole" which I really liked today.
  • Body: Feeling pretty solid
  • Sleep: 10 hours
  • Reflections: Going to run in my new Montrail Mountain Masochist trail shoes tomorrow and also hit the gym. 2 more days of training and I'll rest Thursday and Friday in preparation for a 50k run on Saturday. Weather is looking really good which is making me very happy.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012- New Year, New Beginnings

You can reference all my goals I speak of to the right of this post.

With one year's end, another begins and it's that time to pick what I want to do in the upcoming year. I will be taking a different approach with this year in that I'm only considering the next 7 months in the ideas I incorporate in this post. I want to focus on completing my first 100m run before I worry about what I'll do with the other 5 months, and therefore am only concerned with the task at hand right now.


1. Train for strength first, then size: Yes, I want to look like a dude who can move some weight around. I spent way too much time in 2011 putting aesthetics in front of strength when I could be doing both at the same time. I will be focusing on less volume, more intensity and moving the weight on the barbell or whatever the device may be on every set in order to become as strong as I possibly can. The size gains will come with it and in order to get big I need to worry more about my diet than my training right now anyway. I'm not going to be doing curls until I feel like pooping myself anymore, and will instead be focusing on seeing how much I can curl (hence the goal of curling 135#)

2. Stop being a pig: I purchased the E-book "Swole" by Johnny Pain recently and have learned by thought of nutrition was completely wrong. There is a way for me to get big without being a pig half the time and I need to begin holding myself accountable for everything I eat or I will never meet the goals I want to meet, plain and simple. I'm going to fine tune my diet into something I'm proud of and hopefully reap the reward of finally looking like the person I want to look like.

3. Strength. Endurance..... and Aesthetics: I've always told people that I train for strength and endurance when in reality that isn't true. I also train to look good and therefore plan to make that part of my creed when referencing my training. I think it's important to look good when you train hard and since I still do not look the way I want to I'm going to put a near nazi like effort into changing that in this upcoming year, permanently.

4. Music: I fell in love with my guitar in 2011. I liked playing before that but I became addicted and plan to spend a lot of time in 2012 improving my music talent. I think it's very important to have something else in your life besides training and my thing is going to be music. I plan to learn the piano to accomplish my goal of learning a second instrument in this upcoming year and plan to record my first song within the next couple weeks. I spend a lot of my free time at school practicing and am declaring a music minor at Springfield College next year which should vastly improve my performance.

My training will not always be the same. I'm going to spend an hour or two doing a "7 month plan" write up in the next day or two which will follow these posts. This will indicate my overall layout leading up to my first 100m attempt. I'm not 100% sure what it will look like yet but I have some ideas so far.

2011 Year In Review

My review of 2011 is going to be long and may be somewhat boring. This is more for me to look back on years from now to see my opinions of where I went this year as athlete, whether it be a good or bad thing.

The year 2011 brought two new things into my life- ultrarunning and powerlifting or specific strength training. In previous years (08-10) I was a "CrossFitter" by trade, although I didn't follow a strict program for a long time which resulted in diminished results, poor body image and most notably the elbow injury that I was so afraid would affect the beginning of this year.


I moved home after I transferred from Springfield College, deciding at the time it was not where I wanted to be. I began commuting to a school close to home and joined a powerlifting gym in the area. I had first learned about powerlifting at SC where they have an amateur club team but was never able to participate the semester I was a freshman there because of my elbow. I started the year 2011 off finishing up a CrossFit strength bias cycle, fresh off completing the CrossFit Endurance Challenge with right before Christmas. Most notably in January I finished my first ever ultra distance, completing the GAC Fat Ass 50k. I spent the next couple months adjusting to life as a strength athlete and getting a few long runs in. I hit a 16 mile run on the roads with Contois as my longest run in preparation for my first 50 mile race. I remember the trails being messy and me not liking the roads being the main excuse for why I didn't train harder. March rolled around and I hit a 50 mile run at NJ Ultra Festival in my goal time of just under ten hours. Reflecting back on that portion of the year, I wish I knew my body could handle more strength stimulus but I'm just glad I didn't injure myself early on. I got lazy some days for sure and probably got lucky by not training as hard as I should've for my 50.


This part of the year is probably the most blurry to me. I spent a few weeks after NJ50 trying to lose weight doing the Paleo challenge but that failed. I hit a nunch of PRs during this time training my strength numbers with my homemade program. In retrospect I wish I was smart enough to not program for myself but I think I did an OK job. I'm a lot happier now following a different program that I did not design. I still have the freedom to add fun things into it now and then (20 rep squats anyone?). Anyway, about halfway through may I started doing the Madcow 5x5 program where I hit my squat and DL pr's that have yet to be surpassed due to injuries, etc. but I'll pass the squat within a few weeks. Madcow was a really good program. It's one that I would go back to if I wanted to focus solely on powerlifting for an 8-12 week period in the future, and it's likely that I will do that sometime later this year. My opinion is that I ate too shitty while on Madcow and blamed the actual program for getting fat and not my diet. It's a phenomenal program. I ended it halfway through June. Also, I must note that I got really depressed during this time. It was one of the roughest thing I've gone through in my life and my training definitely reflected it.


I wrote a midway through the year post at the end of June, saying that I wanted a 405# squat, 525# DL, 185# press and a 255# bench by year's end. Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll hit any of those besides maybe the bench if I were to test that out. I basically gave up my dream of running during the summer because I got lazy. I think my says I only ran like 18 miles over the course of 4 runs in nearly 2 months. I also ran Layne Norton's strength/BB hybrid program for a 4 week trial period over the summer. That may have been one of the most effective programs I've ever used. I do plan to run an 8 week cycle of this someday but this time with nutrition dialed in (300+ g's of protein a day) and no other training. This would have to be later on in 2012 after my 100 but it's something to consider. Even though I got lazy during the summer I ended up getting some good strength numbers and saw a definite increase in the size of my upper body. August rolled around and 2 of the most memorable things of the year took place. I placed 2nd in the TARC Summer Classic 6 hour race barely training the entire summer at all for it. Call me young, call me stupid, but I'm really proud of it. To date that was most likely the best run of my life. The second amazing thing was going to the Appalachian Trail with Contois to pace him for his first 100m attempt. I have to admit that was probably one of the most memorable things that have taken place in my life.... I've never seen an area of the world like that before and ever since we went I've been eager to go back. I guess I'm a nature virgin but it was really cool to me. I spent all of June and pretty much all of July depressed as well, but it got better as time went on.

This point in 2011 was spent with me being a lazy turd. To put it simply I had a long summer and by the end of August the only thing in the world I wanted to do was get back to Springfield College. I had been depressed, miserable and sick of living at home and spent a lot of this time being very lazy with my training. I attempted a half assed effort at running 100 miles, an attempt I rightly failed at the Ghost Train Trail Ultra. I developed a heart problem at this time because I was not managing the relationships in my life that I needed to be. As you grow in life, individual or athlete aside you can reflect on past periods of times where you see room for improvement. This was probably the sloppiest time of my year, and if nothing else my goal in 2012 is to not let my training take any more big dips like the one it took during these 2 months.

I don't have much blogged here, but I spent most of these 2 months doing the GSLP program. All in all a phenomenal program, one I will probably dabble with again. I think Jonny Pain has some really good opinions on how to get strong and big and I have continued to implement them into my training. I only changed the program up to give the PL club's program at my school a shot instead.

November-End Of the Year
I got my head straight after the Ghost Train and realized I needed to make changes. I started going to the powerlifting trainings at my school and lifting with some legit strong people and also changed up my program. I started busting out dips and pullups more consistently, which have always been big weaknesses with me. I also started running a lot more frequently. I signed up for the Viaduct Trail 100m race next July during this time, a race that I will put my heart and soul into leading up to it. I think personally I closed out 2011 with a big improvement and I'm proud of the turnaround I made in such a short amount of time.


2011 was the first year where I began to think for myself and select a proper training program to implement my goals. CrossFit no longer was the only way to train and I trained with several different methods to see what I liked and what I didn't. I developed a love for barbell strength training and an immense fond sensation of ultra marathons. I ran 50 miles, something that if you had told me 3 years ago I would ever do in my lifetime I'd probably ask you where you got the weed you just smoked.
It was also a year where I wasn't consistent with my training or diet, something I need to vastly improve if I ever want to be the person I want to be. This year in general was a great jumping off point and learning experience, one that I can develop my training for 2012 off of with improvements and keeping the things that did work.

Highlights of the Year:

1. Running 50m at the NJ Ultra Festival in under 10 hours
2. Deadlifting 475#
3. Squatting 365# on 2 different occasions
4. Finding Baystate Gym and training there for 8 months out of the year
5. Returning to Springfield College
6. Writing my first song on guitar

Low Points of the Year:
1. The 3 month depression I went through
2. Injuring my back deadlifting in July (haven't deadlifted regularly since)
3. The other nagging injuries I got that were minor but added up to several changed training sessions.

I'd like to thank all my readers for joining me on the ride for 2011. I hope that I can become 10x the athlete I became in the 365 days I spent in this year in the upcoming one and can become an inspiration to others to accomplishing their goals as well.

Little training

Took basically 3 days off minus some arm resistance training (part of that arm program I'm trying) to rest. I'm still not 100% at this point but think I'll be good to go tomorrow. I have a really long year of 2011 review coming later tonight or tomorrow and then my 2012 outlook post will follow that. Happy holidays everyone