Thursday, March 31, 2011

So much for a rest day

Bench Press 3-3-3
190 (3 rep PR)
190 (F)

11 reps at 135#

Crossfit Games Open Wod #1

30 Double Unders
75# Power Snatches or Ground to overhead

5 rds + 7 double unders

  • General: I think that eating so clean the last couple days has made me recover a lot faster. This is the first time I've skipped a rest day in a while and I felt really good. Decided to do the Crossfit games open WOD to see where I stood and for not doing Crossfit really in 3 months I think I did pretty well. The bench PR was good too and since there is a snow storm coming in tomorrow it will be nice to get in and out of the gym faster come tomorrow morning.
  • Nutrition: Day 10 strict
  • Body: Felt good today minus a pretty sore back still.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Planning on volume front squatting tomorrow and doing some other stuff. Won't be conditioning tomorrow but will be doing a brutal CFE workout on Saturday that I'm getting primed for. I've done it twice before and it's always quite an experience.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oly Lifting, BE, Pullups, Runnin'

35 minute time limit to work up to heavy 1 rep snatch and full clean and jerk

(In lbs, weird numbers because I used kilo bumper plates)

99, 109, 119, 124, 125, 134 (PR I think)

Clean + Jerk
134, 159, 179, 189 (PR)
Pullups 6-9-6-6-Max 9

3x15 Back Extensions
37:30 Run on Riverlin St. Powerline trail, 9 minute pace. Covered about 4 miles

"Death by ~10 yards"
16 Rounds + 16 touches *Exact same score as last time I did this, today's distance may have been longer

Oly lifting MWOD stretching inner legs against walls
  • General: I couldn't find the dumb hill I wanted to do run intervals on. I had planned to run the trail about a half hour to it but apparently I'm as useful as a blind person when it comes to navigating trails. It's my own fault because I'm used to running with Contois and I just follow his lead without paying attention. The Oly lifting was very fun. My C+J form is very good according to some of the serious powerlifters at my gym. I could've gone heavier on both lifts but my form was getting off on the snatches and the timer ran out with the clean.
  • Nutrition: Day 9 strict.
  • Body: Shoulders and back are sore. Otherwise good.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: I didn't get to do hot yoga tonight because I was planning on going with my girlfriend and mom. My mother sustained a questionable knee injury that prevented her from attending (I say questionable because it happened suspiciously after she read how hard hot yoga is online) and we decided to wait for her. In general a good day of training but I'm irritated I didn't get to do the hill intervals. I really want to incorporate full olympic lifts more and perfect my snatch form. I did the Oly lifting in my new powerlifting belt today. Not sure how much it helped those lifts particularly but I'm pumped to front squat with it on Friday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Deadlift, Dips, Conditioning, HSPU practice

361x1, 3x3x381# (used the colored plates today instead of stripping the bar, hence weird #'s)

Weighted Dips 3x4x30#

Tabata 95# thrusters for 40 total reps (20:10x8)
Tabata Burpees for 50 total reps (20:10x8)

HSPU practice: 3 handstand holds for brief periods, 3x max reps on incline pushups off GHD in gym
  • General: Going straight across in deadlift may be a tad too taxing for recovery purposes in the future, but I went with it today. Not really sure how I'll structure it next week but we'll see. 30# is the most weight I've ever dipped before. I'm seeing some huge benefits from doing dips so often, especially in my bench and shoulder press. The conditioning was brutal, especially the thrusters. I wasn't very happy with the amounts for each but it's something to work on.
  • Nutrition: Good, strict day 8.
  • Body: Shoulders were a bit tight but felt good overall
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Had a really good training session today. I had olympic work planned tomorrow but I want to see how my shoulders feel in the morning. Going overhead 3 days in a row wasn't the brightest programming idea. Regardless tomorrow will be my first interval session in a while, and my first experience with Bikram Hot Yoga. I'll be making a trip to "the hill" on the powerline trail after classes tomorrow. Enough said

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to the Barbell

Back Squat
1x3x245#, 3x5x275#

1x5x115#, 3x5x125#

Pullups 6-8-6-6-9

4x8x40# Dumbbell curls, messed around with higher and lighter dumbbells too

4 Minute on each side stretching my hip flexor MWOD

  • General: Decided today to go straight across with my sets. I'm undecided on whether or not I'll continue to do this next week. It was definitely more taxing than the old way I did it so it may be worth the extra effort as long as it doesn't mess with recovery. The press and squat were both very difficult today. This was the first day on my new pullup cycle, this time in the 12-15 category as prescribed by the website. First Mwod on my hips in a while.... it was ugly.
  • Nutrition: Strict day 7
  • Body: Feeling good.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: Felt good to return to strength training today. Tomorrow I have deadlift, weighted dips and tabata scheduled. I'm looking forward to this week of training in general. For the first time on Wednesday night (after my training of course) I will be doing Bikram Hot Yoga. I read a lot about the benefits of it in Dan John's book so I decided to give it a shot. Should be interesting. Unfortunately I did plan to do HSPU work today and I didn't get to it but that was because I was really busy all day. I'll have time to work on it tomorrow so as long as it gets done no harm no foul.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week In Review (3/21-3/27

Highlight of the week:
Not having to eat cat food

Low Point(s) of the week:
Caffeine withdrawals early on in the week


Things I Said I'd Do, and Did:
- Recover Fully from the race before training again
- Begin the first few days of my 30 day paleo/alpo challenge
- Take care of the body any other way it demands

Things I Didn't Do:
-4 MWOD's

Goals For Next Week:
- Complete scheduled HSPU work on both days
- 3 Mobility Wods
- Complete all scheduled training sessions

Solid week I guess. I made lots of changes this week in my diet and was still in recovery mode. Still knocked out 2 solid training sessions which is less than what I wanted but still alright in my book. Next week I have some good stuff planned as I begin to start working on my sub 5 mile goal. For the first couple weeks I will be easing back into it with basically any interval stuff I plan because the stimulus of that training should be enough. I will also begin a dedicated effort to accomplishing the daunting HSPU goal I set. For some reason I hate handstand pushups. I fuckin' hate them. I don't like being on my head even so I can imagine this will be one of my hardest goals.

My stomach has leaned out a bit in the 6 days it's been of strict eating. I've noticed not eating after 6pm has me waking up in fat burning mode every day which is helping significantly. My recovery for training has been good this week so it may become a permanent thing in the future.

I'm also officially penciling into my plans a 50k next month in Portsmouth, NH. Contois invited me and since he has low expectations for his finishing time on it I may just run with him or try to beat him. It'll be nice to set a new 50k PR anyway. The run is 8 days after my paleo challenge ends so I should be able to throw in one long run the week before to make sure I'm good to go.

Active Recovery Day

75 Minute Hike with my girlfriend at Riverlin St. Trails... Discovered some trails there I'd never been on and some cool single track I'd never seen that I will be looking at again

10 Minute Squat Test MWOD

  • General: Good rest day. Felt nice to do such a long walk because I am rarely motivated to do it alone and my girlfriend usually craps out on me after 45 minutes or so. Until Dan gets back I can't guarantee long walks like this are possible usually so it was nice. The MWOD seemed to help my back which is still bothering me.
  • Nutrition: Good strict day 6.
  • Body: Foot is feeling a lot better, felt pretty good today overall
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Got a really sweet week of training lined up. Ready to get back at it big time. Hoping my belt comes tomorrow so I can deadlift with it on Tuesday.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rest Day

No training

  • General: I bought a new pair of road shoes today. They are a 2010 model New Balance pair that I got for $40 on blowout clearance at PR running. I told the guy I didn't have much and just needed something for when I wasn't on trails, but something that could also hold up on the track for interval training. Those were what he hooked me up with. They are really padded but should do the trick once worn in.
  • Nutrition: Good, strict day 5.
  • Body: I feel pretty good. My lower back is really tight. Foot is feeling OK. It didn't hurt light jogging in the shoes but hurts when I walk a lot
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours. I've noticed that when I take melatonin now I can't sleep more than 8.5-9 hours, but I wake up really refreshed.
  • Reflections: I won't rest completely tomorrow. My plan is to go for a few miles (foot depending) in the new shoes to wear them in. Sort of realized today that I need something to train for in between now and the Stone Cat in November. It's just too far out. As of now I don't really know what it is I want to do, but likely another ultra if possible. Would be really interested in doing one with 2-3 others. If you're interested feel free to comment on ideas for a possible race. I could travel if necessary (by car).

Friday, March 25, 2011

Front Squat, Dip, Curl, Core, Tabata Row

Front Squat

Weighted Bar Dips

4x5x85# Barbell Curls

3x20 Back Extensions

"Tabata Row" for 75 calories

15 Min Epsom Salt Bath
  • General: I needed today to be a good training day for a mental boost if nothing else. The front squats were light but they felt good although my hips and the top of my quads are still pretty ruined deep inside the muscle. It's a weird feeling and not one I've experienced before. Decided to work on form and explode up instead of overdo it. The dips continue to get stronger. Tabata row was not a PR from what I remember but I'm really sick so I didn't really expect it.
  • Nutrition: Strict day 4. Headaches aren't subsiding very much and I'm pretty miserable.
  • Body: I have a really bad cold right now. I'm not sore anywhere but I feel like a bag of dicks.
  • Sleep: 9 hours. I've been SO tired these last few days. My body is just really trying to catch up.
  • Reflections: I'm likely going to take the weekend off in order to heal and start training on Monday with my newer template. I got paid today so I'm planning on buying some track shoes tonight or tomorrow. I'm planning on also deciding which days I will do mobility for this new template to make sure it gets done and I have less control over when it's done.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Basically rest..

3 sets of max pushups

20 minute primal walk

7 total minutes spent in the bottom of a squat

  • General: I began doing a tabata that I made up but I started feeling sick. It was like an exertion headache or something similar so I just stopped. I didn't have a plan on what I was going to do today anyway so it may have been for the better that I rested. Sitting in the bottom squat position is really helping my back feel better so I'm going to keep doing it.
  • Nutrition: Strict day 3.
  • Body: Feeling a lot better. My legs are a tad sore but it's a weird kind of sore. My foot isn't getting much better.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I will be strength training and probably doing some form of conditioning. I want to do another session on Saturday but I am not sure what it will consist of yet.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Easing Back Into It

Bench Press 5-5-5

10 explosive reps at 135#

30 Strict Pullups, do in as many sets as possible with little rest in between. Didn't time but did 8 the first set and went down to sets of 3 to finish

Bicep Curls 3x10x30#

  • General: Just didn't do as much as I thought I would today but that's alright. I would rather play it safe than pay for it later like the days after my first ultra. It was good to see a tied PR on bench but I knew I couldn't hit a new PR today. I liked the pullup idea I had today so I just went with it since this isn't any real strict training this week. Good to build volume at least.
  • Nutrition: Good, strict day 2. Caffeine withdrawals weren't as bad today
  • Body: Feeling a lot better but my foot is still really hurting. Walking around at work for 3 hours made matters worse.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Today will be similar to how things will be going once I'm 100% back to training, with the addition of running intervals or more strength work. I'm thinking the best thing I can do to hit my daunted HSPU goal is to incorporate them on 2 of the same days EVERY week so I am forced to work on them. I'm thinking Day 1 and 6 are the best candidates as of now. I need to go find a cheap pair of track shoes when I get paid Friday to use for running intervals.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rest -__-

No training today

  • General: In general just felt like a bag of ass all day. The caffeine withdrawals got mighty towards the end of the day and have been focusing on my being as achy as possible in my bad left knee primarily. It's like they know my weak spot. Honestly sucks. I plan to train tomorrow regardless of how I feel.
  • Nutrition: Good, but I probably under-ate. No coffee and day 1 strict.
  • Body: Legs are feeling a lot better but still sore. Feel like shit in other spots that aren't my muscles. Foot is still really aching. I also have a sore throat and a cough which is a first for me in probably a year.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours. I went to bed at 8pm last night and couldn't sleep past 6:30am, not due to lack of trying. As we speak I'm going to bed after I post this and it's only 8:45pm.
  • Reflections: Guessing this is a mixture of withdrawals and recovering from running 50 miles. Hopefully a good night sleep does wonders and I'm fresh for tomorrow. My new-ish template won't start until Monday so if I can get in 2 strength days and a good session on Saturday I'll be satisfied for the week. Probably looking at a combo of dips, pullups, deadlifts, and press/bench press tomorrow. Mix and match the 4 or do all of them if I feel good enough.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rest Day

No training

Soaked my feet in epsom salt and ice plunged my right foot
10 minute massage

  • General: Tomorrow if all goes as planned I will do a little training, but today was exactly what it should've been. I'm not really feeling very well in general which sucks.
  • Nutrition: Bad. Day 1 starts tomorrow and I'm pretty pumped to get going.
  • Body: Foot really hurts but is getting better. Legs are still sore but improving.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours. I was exhausted today
  • Reflections: Ugh, just feel like shit in general. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

30 Day Paleo challenge guidelines + New Template

In an effort to give myself a kick in the ass and re-implement the healthy lifestyle I once followed religiously I am putting myself on a strict 30 day challenge following the paleolithic model. I made this decision about 10 days before my 50 mile ultra I just finished 2 days ago. My reasoning behind this is to lose some weight that has crept back into the picture after I let my diet go over the last couple months. I also gained a few pounds my first semester in college due to the elbow injury I had and not training or eating very well.

It's best for me to do this now in my opinion because I'm coming off a very big accomplishment that should give me plenty of momentum. I've read that the best way to accomplish a goal is to state the goal, the reason behind wanting to accomplish this goal (aka what it will do to benefit me) and where it fits in with the rest of my goals. Therefore:

My goal is to follow the paleolithic diet model with no cheats from 3/22-4/20. That means that from the morning I wake up on 3/22 until the day I wake up on 4/21 nothing other than clean food will enter my body. My diet will also be getting rid of my daily coffee for 30 days to reset my caffeine sensitivity. 

My reason behind doing this is to lose some weight. To advance my running career I think this is a necessary step. I'm OK with losing/maintaing strength for 30 days in order to do this because it's not worth it to me to be disgusting in order to be strong. My guess is that if I eat enough protein and fat I can still make some gains anyway. I think it will also help improve my chances of succeeding in my bodyweight goals. The last reason is because I want to get healthier. My family has a lot of health issues and I have no desire to go down that track. I'm going to start here and after the 30 days is up I will make decisions based upon how good I felt during this. Eating healthy is not temporary, just being this strict is.

The biggest things I'm changing are removing coffee from my mornings, eating after 8pm (unless I get off work at 8 like I do sometimes, in that case I'll eat), only eating sweet potatoes post workout, no whey powder for the course of the challenge, and limiting carbs after the post WOD meal (typically around 4-5pm)

I will also be walking 2-3x a week to try to speed up the process and not affect recovery. Tomorrow morning there will be a weigh-in and a before picture taken before any food is consumed.

Since weight loss and strength gains do not go hand in hand I will be focused on some of my other goals this month. Everyday will still have strength training but other than that I plan to test my Fran time, and work on my sub 5min mile goal, handstand pushups, pullups and muscle ups. Here's an outline of my template for the next 4 weeks plus:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week In Review (3/14-3/20)

Highlight of the week:
Completing my first 50 mile ultramarathon

Low Point(s) of the week:

PR's: (2)
- Longest Distance Ever Completed (50 Miles)
- 14 Strict Pullups

Things I Said I'd Do, and Did:
- Don't do anything stupid Monday-Friday that could jeopardize race
- Finish my first 50 mile ultramarathon
- Run 50 miles in under 10 hours

Things I Didn't Do:
None... got to love that.

Goals For Next Week:
- Recover Fully from the race before training again
- Begin the first few days of my 30 day paleo/alpo challenge
- 4 Mwod's
- Take care of the body any other way it demands

Can't even begin to explain how great it feels to have finished this chapter of my training and completing my first 50 mile race. It just goes to show that when you set the bar high you can do whatever you set your mind to. I'm so pleased that I finished my first 50 in the time I was shooting for. Hopefully this translates to more ultras in my future but like I said in the report I need to make sure that's where I want to go.

On a smaller (but still great) note, I was very happy to see a 3 pullup PR from 2 weeks of training. I will be doing another cycle of 50 pullups starting a week from tomorrow in order to maintain my MWF schedule. I'll do my best to move towards my goal of 20.

I will be ordering a new powerlifting belt and a pair of track shoes later on tonight. The shoes are just a cool pair of road shoes I found on clearance online that I will use when I road run and on the track for CFE workouts. My new template will be up within the next 24-36 hours for the next phase of my goals. I can say there will be lots of track work but other than that I'm still mulling over several options. Time to get my diet in order starting later this week with a 30 day paleo challenge. Penalty for cheating = 1 can of consumed cat food. No thanks, I'll eat the broccoli.

Rest Day

no training

  • General: Drove home today. Very surreal feeling all day that it's finally over and I'm moving on to new things. Really just a strange feeling but I can't help but like it.
  • Nutrition: Poor. Earned
  • Body: Really sore in my calves, quads and my feet are fucked. My right foot really hurts bad in one spot that it never has before which is a bit scary. Hope it's not a stress fracture or anything.
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Can't sleep well after long runs.
  • Reflections: Ready for the week ahead.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

NJ Ultra Festival 50 Mile

NJ Ultra Festival
March 19, 2011

I signed up for the NJ Ultra Festival last September originally planning to do my first 50k about 6 months later. If you follow my blog you know that I did my first ultra/50k in January (if not check out my event history), which made this my 2nd ultra and my first 50. I changed to the 50 mile race a few weeks prior to give myself more of a challenge and to actually consider myself an ultra runner. Some feel that the 50k distance is so close to a marathon that it shouldn't be considered an ultra, so I felt it was my time to join the ranks no questions asked. I had 2 goals with this race; finish the 50 mile distance and finish in under 10 hours.

My training since the 50k has been a hybrid program that I designed myself. A typical week would involve heavy barbell training 4 days a week while also running 2x a week. My wednesday run was typically a 3-7 mile run while my Saturday run was where I built up my base and went longer. One major change in my training for this race opposed to pre-50k in January is the lack of conditioning I did. Whereas Crossfit had me doing it 4-5x a week, I only really conditioned when I ran minus a few occasions. Unfortunately due to the trails not being OK to run on from all the snow(therefore my motivation diminished) and a nagging foot injury, my longest run prior to this race was about 16 miles and only 3 hours total. It had me worried going into the race because I wasn't sure I had enough miles under my belt to guarantee a finish, let alone a sub-10 hour effort. I approached the race rather nonchalantly however because for some reason it takes a lot to really make me nervous nowadays. I attribute this heavily to the amount of time I spend doing uncomfortable things (like running long distances).

To give you a better visual, below is the course map.

The easiest way for me to interpret what happened today would be to divide the race up into 4 parts. Starteing at the Long Valley Presbyterian Church, runners did the west leg twice for a total of 32 miles. The west leg was 8 miles, so basic math tells you that it's out and back twice. Once this is completed you had to do 2 more out and backs on the eastern leg which was 4.5 miles total. The course was very flat, something I did not know when I signed up for the race (my own fault for not researching) but it was a good inaugural 50 miler for me nonetheless.

The first loop of 16 miles went by a lot better than I thought it might. The race began at 6am at the LVPC. I was up and ready to go at 4am. We arrived at the church at 5:15 and waited for the start. After a pre-race briefing we were off in the dark. I brought my headlamp for the first loop although it wasn't needed after about 30 minutes of running. I was very surprised how fast the first hour went by. One thing I believe really benefits my running ability is that I rarely run in training on fresh legs. Typically my training will have me squatting very heavy the day or days before and I'm going into the run taxed. And let's be honest, I'm one of the few ultra-runners whose squatting heavy 2x a week (for better or for worse, we all have goals...) but it's nice to have that advantage regardless. The first 2 hours went by with little to no pain which was great. I ate a goo prior to the run and had no other breakfast so I grabbed a bite at the first aid station and proceeded. The first loop went by pretty uneventfully actually. I came cranking into race headquarters to my family who was surprised how good I looked. 16 miles done in 2:51.

Before I go further, I want to point out for myself a trend I've noticed. I was always told as an unexperienced ultra-runners to run my own race and go conservative in the beginning. I've realized through my first 2 ultras that I've been too conservative. Out of the 58 runners doing the 50m, I would estimate through the first 10-16 miles I was in 50th place. For some reason I dropped to the back of the pack and I was running too slow. I know "my pace" that I can sustain without going too hard and I was below that.There's a good possibility I would've shaved a few minutes off if I hadn't done this accidentally, but it's hard to say. I will have to look at this for the future.

16 Mile loop 2 came along and went by a lot slower than the first loop. The furthest I've ever run prior to this event was 31.1 miles, so completing this loop would put me in uncharted territory as far as distances go. I found that the more hung up on split times I got during this loop the more frustrating it got. It went by agonizingly slow at some points. All I wanted to do was get to the "easier" 9 mile out and back sections and be done with the western loop. Around mile 25-27 I was beginning to get tired legs and going through big ups and downs. When I get hit with a big up I usually ride the wave until it burns out and then I do my best to face whatever comes next. Sometimes I take the low points pretty severely and get pretty pissed off. This was happening on the return portion of the 2nd 16 mile out and back (mile 24-32) quite frequently. Without any salt tablets I noticed some funny feelings during this portion of the race as well. I got very tired of pretzels but forced them down to help replenish sodium. I think it helped but that's also tough to say.

Speaking of nutrition, I did pretty well during the course of the day. I ate mostly pretzels, M+M's, blueberries, strawberries, hammer gels, and jelly beans. I had never had jelly beans during a run before but those might be one of my new favorites for long run quick energy. To drink I had lots of water, heed, a few cups of ginger ale and probably 2 cans of mountain dew total. The aid stations were all loaded with food and drink which could hurt you if you weren't careful. The station on the eastern leg was run by a local boyscout group who did a good job in my opinion, but I was shocked how many people were irritated at them just because they took 2 or 3 seconds longer to fill a water bottle than an adult would. Some people take racing too seriously apparently, or maybe I just don't know because I wasn't trying to win it all.
Getting back to headquarters and seeing everybody was really nice. I had quite the crowd in attendance as my girlfriend, mom, brother, dad, aunt, uncle and cousin were all there to cheer me on. It was good seeing them and I often used reaching them as motivation during my low points. I told my mom when to be back for the 41 mile check-in and I was off after eating and changing my shirt and shoes. I began the race in my Inov8 Roclite 295's for 32 miles and then changed to my New Balance Mt101's for the remainder of the race. Both shoes held up really well and I was pleased to see the Mt101's take quite a beating and hold their own. Post-race I realized it may not have gone as well as I thought because my feet (as seen in pictures at the bottom) are absolutely toasted with blisters.

Going into my first of two 9 mile out and backs I was very optomistic. "Oh this is going to be so quick! It's like half of what I was doing before!" Yeah, not so much. The loop started off pretty uneventfully, but soon became treacherous to my legs and mental well-being. In my first ultra, the 4th 10k loop of 5 was my biggest challenge. The main reason behind this was because my motivation was just not there. In the back of my mind I knew I had to do it all over again, which resulted in really low self-esteem. Today the same thing happened to me on this loop. Being only 4.5 miles away felt so close but the end just wouldn't come. The aid station was at mile 3 so you would hit on the way out to the end of the eastern course and then again 3 miles later on the return leg. I used this as a landmark to gauge my progress, which became increasingly demoralizing. This third "leg" of my race was definitely the worst part. I walked a lot more on this portion than anywhere else. All I wanted to do was see my family and get my monster coffee drink to buzz me up and give me a swift kick in the ass to get back on the trail and finish.

We don't always get what we want. I returned to the 41-mile landmark at RHQ to find that no one was there. My mom had my drink that I was literally craving and was nowhere in sight. Turns out they misinterpreted the race director and thought it was 9 miles out and back (total of 18 miles) and only thought they would see me again at the end. I waited 10 minutes for them to show up at RHQ when I could've been running. All I wanted to do was see them so it was worth it to me at the time, but when they didn't show up I just had to count my losses and go.

I chugged a mountain dew (suitable substitute to the Monster) and charged back onto the trail. I was pissed I hadn't seen anyone and even more mad that I wasted 10 minutes dicking around when I could've been running. I don't really regret the fact that I waited because I was miserable and basically banking on getting my pick-me-up but it never came. I didn't really care if I missed the sub-10 hour goal in the first place (especially at that point) so in the end it was alright in my book. Apparently I cared a lot more than I thought about getting in under 10 hours, because along with my aggravation at missing my family the last loop went by a lot faster simply because I went a lot faster. I was cranking out 9:30 miles while walking every 7-10 minutes for 60 seconds just to make sure I wasn't pushing too hard. I hit the turn around, banged out the distance to the return aid station and then cruised all the way back to RHQ. That 3 miles to the finish may or may not have been the longest ever. The last 4 miles of the race I passed over 15 people. This was my reprieve to the slow start and shows what type of runner I am. My opinion is that all the heavy lifting I do gives me an element to my running no one else has. I still have the power in my legs than others just lose after a long time on their feet. Anyway, I cruised into race headquarters where my family was waiting, just in time to meet my goal. First 50 miles done in 9:53.

Some Things of Note:
- My no dairy 7 days before the race trick worked. I only had to use the bathroom once and it was brief and not urgent.
- I need to do more 5-7 mile runs at 7-8:30 minute miles if I want to advance as a runner. I have no problem with the actual base miles but I neglect these and it limits how fast I can cruise without "feeling like I'm doing anything"
- I think I would benefit from doing more track workouts as well
- Tend better to blisters in the future during races
- I really need to stop looking at my split times because they do nothing but frustrate me and make me nervous.
- The sorest areas are my feet, quads, and calves. My hamstrings are sore but feel OK. My shoulders are tight and so is my back.
- I can honestly say that in my mind the 50k was harder. I dug so much deeper to finish that race although this would be a damn close second. I think I'm a lot more mentally tough now.

Reflections: One, I would definitely recommend the NJ trail series races to anyone looking for ultras. The race directors did a great job. A bit pricy but definitely worth it if you have the cash. Two, I don't think I'm going to distance for a while. I burned out from running 2 weeks or so ago and have been looking forward to getting past this race so I could take a break. I'm going to focus on some of my other goals for a month or two and keep ultra-running on the back burner for a bit if all goes as planned. Specifically, I will begin working on my sub 5 minute mile goal and continue to get stronger. I will begin to do more track workouts once I'm fully recovered from this race. I'd like to start practicing muscle ups but with limited equipment right now that's an issue. Along with my training I'm going to make a serious effort to lose some fat for the first time in about a year. We'll see how it plays out but as of now that's the plan. I still need to run 1 more 50 mile race this year to meet my goal, and as of now my plan is to do the Stone Cat 50 in November. I may do a fat-ass style 50k next month in order to maintain some of my endurance but like everything else I need to think it through first. I'm still not sure if ultras are in my future or not, but regardless it was awesome to train so hard and then meet my goal.

Some pictures:
pre race jitters

Me and Allie pre-race. We're better looking
 during the day I swear.
Mid chew checking my splits

Finishing my first 50 miler

Geekin' out after 50 miles
Sexy poster race blister

Friday, March 18, 2011

Final Rest Day

No training.

  • General: Drove 4.5 hours today, went to get all my stuff at packet pickup and spent some time with my family. Hoping to get to sleep early tonight and get up and go at 4am.
  • Nutrition: Alright
  • Body: Feeling pretty fresh in general.
  • Sleep: 9 hours. I still feel tired which bugs me but not much I can do.
  • Reflections: I got a really cool back and technical shirt from the race directors along with some other stuff. I may be able to do my race write up tomorrow night if I'm not too busy with family stuff post-race, but if not it will be posted on Sunday. Signed up for this race September 10. It's finally here. Let's go.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rest Day

20 Minute walk, rest day otherwise


  • General: As expected another rest day. Headed down tomorrow to NJ at 10am. Should be there by 2:30 if everything goes as planned. Packet pickup is at 4pm.
  • Nutrition: Poor
  • Body: Feeling pretty good just tired. Need to sleep good tonight.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: Not a whole lot to talk about today but I'm sure tomorrow will be different. I feel ready but I'm nervous, as to be expected. I'll be blogging one more time tomorrow before it's go time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rest Day

No training

  • General: Nice day off. Felt good to relax today although I really had the itch to workout.
  • Nutrition: Not good
  • Body: Neck was sore. Legs are tight.
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Didn't take melatonin and didn't sleep well. I don't want to really rely on melatonin to sleep all the time so I will probably not take it every night to fix this.
  • Reflections: Less than 60 hours until go time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Light Run

39 Minute Run on Powerline trail at Riverlin St. Trails. I brought my girlfriend out to trail run with me and because it was only her second time and this course is particularly rocky we went at a very conservative pace. Likely only covered 3-3.5 miles total.

2 "rounds" of minutes of 2 min hot, 2 min cold plunging my feet in water (epsom salt in the hot water), then massaged the muscles in my feet thoroughly

  • General: And now we play the waiting game. Today wasn't really about getting better at running. Instead I was just trying to keep my heart rate up while putting a few miles out and not taking a full rest day. It's more important to note that Allie likes running with me and wants to find a goal race we can sign up for. Probably like a trail 10k or something That'll be something to monitor if it comes to fruition.... always fun to run with new people.
  • Nutrition: Alright not flawless
  • Body: Felt pretty good today but tired overall.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours or so
  • Reflections: The next few days will be about resting, getting adequate sleep and being careful with what I eat and do. I've only got 9 total hours of work over the next 2 days and since I'm on spring break my plans should play out with no problems. I'll probably go on a few walks over the next 48 hours. I keep saying that I'm going to begin packing now, but anyone who knows me knows I'm a lazy procrastinator and I likely won't begin packing until Thursday night. Also, the race directors had to change some stuff because of permits and such in the county next to where the race starts, so as of now I don't really know when/where the aid stations are.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Squat, Press, Max Pullups, Bicep-age

Squat 5-5-5

Press 5-5-5

Max Rep Strict Pullups- 14 (PR by 3)

Bicep Curls- 4x6x40#, 2x4x45#

15 minute hot soak in an epsom salt bath
  • General: Kept the squat light and really deep today and they came up with no issues. Press was another story because I failed on my first set of 125 but re-did it and barely made both sets. My arms were taxed from yesterdays bench apparently. The 3 pullup PR in 2 weeks shows the program really works. I missed 15 by a very small margin and couldn't count it because I "kipped" it too much. My plan is to continue on 50pullups and ride the train all the way to my goal of 20 and beyond.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Abs and lower back sore
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: Last strength day for 7-10 days. Along with my light run tomorrow me and Dan will be walking Wednesday and Thursday and that's all I have planned until race day. Looking like 60 and Sunny for Saturday in Long Valley which has me very optomistic. I'll start packing tomorrow or Wednesday. I also took an epsom salt bath today which I've been reading helps recovery and boosts magnesium levels which many of us are deficient in. Maybe we'll see some benefits.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week in Review (3/7-3/13)

Highlight of the week:
40# Total PR on my CFT from 7 weeks ago (865 to 905)

Low Point(s) of the week:
Foot still nagging me
Not being able to match my PB powerclean

PR's: (7)
155# Press (10# PR)
425# Deadlift (15# PR)
11 Dips (PR by 2)
325# Back Squat (10# PR)
225x5# Front Squat
100 Burpees in 6:31 (9 second PR)
180x5# Bench Press

Things I Said I'd Do, and Did:
- Set a new 1 rep PR in all 5 of the barbell lifts on my goals listed
- Finish the 2nd week of the pullup program
- Set another PR in "100 Burpees" Time

Things I Didn't Do:
- 4 or more MWODS (2)
- Didn't really begin preparations for the race

Goals For Next Week:
- Don't do anything stupid Monday-Friday that could jeopardize race
- Finish my first 50 mile ultramarathon
- Run 50 miles in under 10 hours

Hitting 7 PR's was great this week. The only 1rm I didn't test was bench press but that's OK because I could use the extra training days with it anyway. After tomorrow (Monday) I will not even be thinking about barbells for at least a week so it's been a nice week to go out with a bang.

The countdown is 5 days until I head to NJ. I will be driving down Friday morning with my girlfriend, mom and brother for packet pickup later that afternoon. I'm actually excited for the gear the race directors put together for this race because it's really nice. I've been thinking a lot about the whole event recently. My prediction is that the 25 mile point is going to be the most important. The course is flat, and it's 2 loops of 25 total miles. It's going to be tedious as hell but I think hitting the halfway point will be a huge mental boost for me, knowing that I just have to chip away at what I've already done. Other than that I haven't really thought about much specifics for the race other than my quasi-goal of sub 10 hours. My real goal is just to finish, as it should be for my first time going this far.

This upcoming week will be 2 actual days of training since I start my training week on Monday and not on Sunday. Monday will be a strength training session along with testing my max rep pullups. Tuesday I will do some light bodyweight training and one last actual run, probably 3-5 miles. I will take the other days off completely although I do plan to elevate my heartrate somehow on 1-2 of the days for a few minutes just to keep me loose. I also will be icing/heating my left foot in hopes that it feels better for Saturday.

Deadlift, Bench Press, Dips

Deadlift 3-3-3

Bench Press 5-5-5
180 (PR)

Weighted Dips 3x4x25#

  • General: Didn't end up resting today because I decided it would be best to knock out both strength sessions today and tomorrow. I will be going back to the gym tomorrow to do some other stuff but I am not sure exactly what yet. The deadlifts went up pretty easy but my back is still not 100%, so I will likely skip deads the first week back after I'm recovered from my ultra next weekend.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Abs are sore. It seems like everytime I do 100 burpees my abs are the sorest of any muscle group. Weird.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours... not really sure because of the daylight savings time mix up.
  • Reflections: Only 2 more training days to go until I rest. Today went smoothly capping off a week full of PR's and good runs. Pleased with how my body responded to the light week I took last week.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Burpees, Trails

100 Burpees For Time:

6:31 (9 second PR from 2/22, 18 days ago)

52 Min Trail Run at Riverlin St. Trails. Started out on the new trails Contois and I ran last weekend, then hit the powerline trail all the way to the end (neglecting to run "the hill" at the end......), turned around and came out to the main road where I ran another 10-15 minutes. Probably covered 5 miles in total, maybe a bit more.

Contrast hot/cold 2 minute on 1 minute off soak on my left foot

  • General: Nice PR with the burpees. I think the best way to keep getting closer to my goal is to keep doing the exact workout every couple weeks. Even if I shave off only a few seconds each time eventually it will add up and my body will adapt to it better each time. Today was a phenomenal run. Good pace, nice trails (albeit they were soaked and muddy... at least minimal snow). I look forward to only doing runs like this after next weekend and taking a break from the really long ones that sometimes bore me. I think it will give me a greater appreciation for trail running, especially once the snow is gone.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Legs started off feeling pretty tired during the run but I felt pretty good after I warmed up. Foot was bothering me towards the end of the run.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours. Tried 5mg of melatonin last night but it didn't do much more than 3mg so I don't think I'll go higher than 3 for now.
  • Reflections: I think tomorrow I will either rest or go to Baystate and strength train. Likely strength training so that I can do one more session of it on Monday and then a last light run on Tuesday. From there on will be pure rest. I decided that after next weekend I will be kicking caffeine of any sort for the 30 days to see if I really want to continue drinking coffee everyday. It's going to suck.....but I want to see what happens. My foot was bothering me and that irks me but the contrast soak felt good and I will likely do that again the next few days.

Something else I wanted to point out. Assuming that I'll do a ~4 mile run on Tuesday, I have run a total of 118.8 miles over 19 different sessions (16 distance, 1 "fartlek", 2 interval) since the 50k in January. It's an average of 6.3 miles per run. It's approximately 11 weeks since my last ultra. The weekly average for me going into the last one was a hair over 7 miles. Although I did not do as many long runs preparing for this ultra (longest was about 16 miles, compared to around 22 last time) I averaged 10.8 miles per week. I'm pleased to see the number went up especially with all the strength gains I've made in these past weeks. I know the reason I didn't get that long run in I'd planned for was because I hate the roads. Had the trails been OK to run on I would have hit 25+ at least once. But at this point what's done is done and it's time to mentally prepare for the task at hand and not worry about what could've happened.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Front Squat, Pullups, Curls

Front Squat 5-5-5
225 (PR)

Pullups 6-9-6-6-10

Curls 3x8x40#, 1x10x30#

  • General: First time front squatting in like 2 months and I believe this is a 10 or 20# PR. I really like these type of days that I've been doing recently with a squat workout, pullups and some curls. I think I can make some significant gains in arm size, pullup numbers and squat numbers if I continue doing days similar to this 1-2x a week. I'd like to add a run or some type of conditioning in on these days as well on top of this to get some more work towards my goals done.
  • Nutrition: Good. Promised myself I'd eat really good until Thursday when I will likely start to "carb up"
  • Body: Felt pretty good today coming off the rest.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I'll be doing a double, testing my 100 burpee time (once again) in the AM, and then going for a solid run after work. I'm still pretty undecided on what I'm going to do the next few days but I will likely work out Sunday-Tuesday, plan a light 45 minute run on Wednesday and then full rest days Thursday and Friday. I'm on spring break as of today so I have more time to do most of the stuff I want to do. I'll be testing max deadhang pullups on Monday or Tuesday.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rest Day

No training

  • General: Nothing really to say
  • Nutrition: Not great
  • Body: Felt good but shoulders were very sore
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Small announcement that I'll be doing a 50k at the end of April. There's 2 I can choose from and I'm not sure which one I'll do but when I choose it'll be up here. I've  been thinking a lot recently about where I want to be when I enter the "real world" out of college. Do I want to be a large meathead? Do I want to be an emaciated ultra-runner? Do I want to be a combination (if thats even possible) of the 2? I think before I do anything I need to make a few changes in my life and go from there. I'm really looking forward to the race next week to help me sort out anything I may not know the answer to. Running 50 miles supposedly puts things into perspective.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crossfit, Pullups, Run

3 Rounds For Time:
15 Hang Power Cleans 135#
15 Burpees


Pullups 6-9-6-6-8

35 Minute Run @ Riverlin St. Trails, 3.5-4miles completed

MWOD: (Glutes and hips static stretch)

  • General:  I did that metcon on Christmas with 115# and only missed that time by 8 seconds which makes me happy I'm a lot stronger. Pullups felt weak today. I missed 9 minimum on the last maxing out set. The run felt really good even though my legs are really taxed. I was going at a solid pace the whole time and some of the trails were really sloppy.
  • Nutrition: Last day of dairy, some junk. Having ice cream after I post this and the next time I have dairy will be after my 50 mile attempt.
  • Body: Taxed and ready for a rest day, but it was a good training day.
  • Sleep: 8.75 hours
  • Reflections: So although some people may laugh and/or say this is extreme I'm going to try a diet I read about in Dan John's book starting 2 days after NJ Ultra Festival. The diet is called the Alpo diet. For 30 days I will go 100% strict paleo. If I fail to make this task with any cheats then the penalty is eating a full can of Alpo cat food. Talk about motivation to stay clean right?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Getting There

Back Squat 1 Rep Max:
295, 315, 325 (PR), 335 (F)

Bench Press
3x3x175#, 1x10x135#, 2x5x155#

Dips 3x3x25#

  • General: Decided to keep with that wreckless attitude and test back squat today even though I was taxed from yesterday severely. I was happy with a 10# PR but really believe on a fresh day I have 335 or even more in me. I benched today to check my form out since I'm reading Starting Strength right now and I wanted to make sure I was doing all the minor things correct. My CFT is officially 905, a 40# increase from the 865# I hit at the end of January 6 weeks ago.
  • Nutrition: Good. 1/3 gallon of whole milk for recovery. I might drink it tomorrow too depending.
  • Body: Shoulders and lower back are sore. Something hurts on the right side of my neck from not warming up properly to press yesterday. It's happened before so I know what it is. Nothing big.
  • Sleep: 9.5 hours
  • Reflections: A 40# CFT jump in 6 weeks is a good indication my program is working. I'm well on my way to a 1000# CFT which is one of my goals for the year (if you add the 3 lifts up). I think after the race and some revamping my numbers should go up even more. I'm undecided on tomorrow on resting or training as of now. If anything probably a light day practicing skills or maybe a run or something.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Press, Deadlift, Dips, Pullups

Press 1-1-1
150 (PR)
155 (PR)

Deadlift 1 Rep Max
425 (PR)


Max Rep Dips after warmup Set: 11 (PR)

Pullups 5-8-5-5 (forgot to do a max set.... don't know how)

Bicep Curls 3x6x40#, max reps at 35#


Mobility WOD: 3 Minutes on ea side Hip Flexor Stretch

  • General: Planned to do a power clean 1 rep max today but I kept failing at 215 and got irritated, which led me to wrecklessly deadlift. Threw on 3 plates and never looked back. 425# went up pretty quick, leading me to believe I may have 5-10# more in me. Awesome day of PR's today. I only need to hit a 5# pr on squat tomorrow/wednesday to hit a 900# CFT.
  • Nutrition: Good, had probably 1/4 gallon of whole milk with a little chocolate syrup
  • Body: I was tired going into the gym but felt pretty good. Hamstrings were kind of tight.
  • Sleep: 8.75 hours
  • Reflections: Depending on how I feel tomorrow from today's heavy session I might test my squat out, if not then I will Wednesday. I doubt I'm going to PR on power clean this week so I will likely just continue heavy lifting and re-test it in a month or so. I'm not really worried I won't hit 225# this year anyway.

Week In Review (2/28-3/6)

Highlight of the week:
410# Deadlift and getting to lift with experienced powerlifters

Low Point of the week:
Nothing really low. Kept the volume low so not a whole lot of opportunities to fail.

PR's: (2)
9 Dips
410# Deadlift

Things I Said I'd Do, and Did:
- Keep the week really light, keep ego in check
- Many Performed Recovery Methods (Total of 6-7 throughout week)
-Test out new running shoes
-Test and evaluate the first week of program

Things I Didn't Do:
- Keep a clean diet

Goals For Next Week:
- Set a new 1 rep PR in all 5 of the barbell lifts on my goals list
- Finish the 2nd week of the pullup program
- Set another PR in "100 Burpees" Time
- Minimum of 4 completed Mobility wods
- Preparations for NJ Ultra Festival begin

First experience with a 'deload' week was a good one. Since I program most of the stuff I do for myself (for better or worse, you be the judge) I sometimes decide things on the fly. A light week was definitely in order after the general shitty feeling I went through for that 7-10 day period. I'm feeling better now which is a good sign. It's hard to say how often, but there will be more light weeks like this in the future.

Writing this now I'm 13 days from the race. It's starting to get real and the fact that my foot is still bugging me is making me nervous. I will be doing everything within my power to finish the race that day, and that's all I can hope for. Part of ultra-running is accepting the fact that you can't always control everything. I'm just along for the ride.

I think adding mobility back into my daily routine is necessary. My plan is to do it in between sets of pullups during the 50pullups program to save time. I need to focus heavily on my glutes and hips for now and not neglect my upper body like I have in the past.

The upcoming week will be heavily based on testing PRs. I have the opportunity to hit 7 PR's this week, with an additional one possible next Monday when I re-test my pullups after the 2 week cycle is over. I did some estimating and I could break a 900# CFT for the first time this week if my numbers are close to what I think I can do. Tuesday of next week will be my last training day. I've got the plan of what I'll be doing set through this Saturday as of now.

Ready for the race, ready for PR's, excited for the week ahead.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rest Day

No training

Did the 10 minute squat re-set test MWOD

  • General: Long night last night which led to a full day of recovery. Doing my first Mwod felt good on my legs. I did it to give me a better chance of PRing on squat on Tuesday because it seems like whenever I mobilize to squat the bottom of the movement feels 100x better.
  • Nutrition: Not very good. When I'm hungover I can't eat strict.
  • Body: Feel fine
  • Sleep: About 5 hours total, 2.5 of those hours spent sleeping in my car....  long story
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I will be pressing and powercleaning testing for 1 rep max's. I will do my week in review for this previous week tomorrow morning in between classes.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Last Long Run

~9 mile run in 1:35 running on Riverlin St. Trails. Some snow, some trails packed down while some were slush and difficult to run on. Went faster and slower paces throughout.


  • General: Todays run was really good. We hit some trails that I had never been on. Contois knows his way around there very well and even he admitted to being sort of lost at some points. I love running new trails so it made today's run really exciting. It's great that the trails are finally melting. I love having a great trail area 1 mile away from my house. 2 weeks until the race.
  • Nutrition: Had some ice cream and cereal after the run. Ate normal otherwise. I'm drinking tonight too.
  • Body: Chest was sore. Otherwise felt good. My hamstrings were being toasted on the run. Foot started to hurt towards the end of the run.
  • Sleep: 9.5 hours
  • Reflections: My goal was to get one more good run in regardless of distance to keep myself motivated going into the race. Mission accomplished. Tonight I will be drinking and enjoying one more fun night before I get really serious tomorrow about the race. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bench, Pullups, Curls, Run

Bench Press 5-5-5
180 (F), got it back up to the top rack but couldn't lock it out... can't count it

10 explosive reps at 135#

Pullups 5-7-5-5-8

Dumbbell Curls, 3x8x35#, 1x6x30#

2 Mile Run on Riverlin St. Trails, 9 minute miles or so

  • General: Snuck my workout in between classes today so didn't do a lot of extra stuff. Technically I'm deloading anyway so it was probably a good thing my ego couldn't take over if there was more time. I like the 50pullups program so far because it's not over-strenuous and I feel like I'm getting stronger as I continue to improve on strict form. I only ran to try out the MT101's and to see what the Millbury trails would be like for tomorrow, so it was nothing strenuous. I like the shoes a lot I just have a feeling they won't last as long as other trail shoes, similar to the minimalist road shoes I bought last year.
  • Nutrition: Good. I had milk last night and plan to drink it next week while I max out for a few days. Won't have a drop of dairy 7+ days before the race to ensure no stomach problems.
  • Body: Felt good coming off the rest day. The PVC pipe rolling has done wonders on my lower back. I can hear all these kinks coming out of it everytime I do it. Plan to keep doing this 2-3 a week minimum.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: I've been feeling better these last few days which is a good sign. Tomorrow I'm going for a 2-3 hour run with Bryan on Millbury trails and some roads, probably on a pretty hilly course. I'll be ordering a powerlifting belt and a pair of road running shoes within the next week because I'm getting a massive check this week. 1-2 rest days after tomorrow's run, then max testing for on either Mon-Wed or just Tuesday and Wednesday. Not sure how what I'll do from next Thursday to race day just yet. Also, I haven't decided yet but I may decide to go get rowdy at Endicott tomorrow night. Not sure if I'll have the $$ to get up there but we'll see.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rest Day

No training

Got a 30 minute professional massage

  • General: Light day didn't do a whole lot. The massage felt great but wasn't what I expected at all. I think I'll probably get another one in a month or two but this time will be deep tissue.
  • Nutrition: Bad. Feeling better overall though which is a good sign
  • Body: Felt pretty good. 3 days of good sleep definitely did some good.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Ready for strength training tomorrow and I'm going to long run Saturday. My foot feels good to go.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lifetime PR's on "Deload Days"... What?

Deadlift 1-1-1

Pullups 4-6-4-4-9

Bicep Curls, 3x8x40#, walked rack

  • General: What a day. I showed up to the gym intending to just do some light deadlifts, the pullups and some light stretching. I go into the powerlifting room in my gym and there was 7 extremely serious powerlifers that train at my gym all warming up to deadlift. Some of them are world class and have competed for years. They quickly befriended me and told me I was deadlifting with them and pulling a lifetime PR. I didn't hesitate and followed everything they told me to do. Probably  one of the best training sessions I've ever had in my life.
  • Nutrition: Not great. I'm really having trouble recovering only eating paleo. It's not helping that my mom doesn't go shopping often enough and I get stuck with little food options. I think I may have to make some changes again.
  • Body: Felt pretty good today just still really tired. It's amazing that 4-5pm everyday I feel like it's midnight. Just can't explain it.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: Today I learned so much it was unbelievable. A couple of the people corrected my form on the deadlift. There was 3-4 flaws that felt so much better on my pulls when I corrected it. 410# went up pretty fast so I'm excited to see what I pull 2-3 weeks from now when I'm fully rested. I saw an unofficial world record (605# deadlift by a 73 year old man,  a PR by 5# from the world record he already has) and also saw 3 guys pull 7 plates. The highlight of the day was seeing a 725# deadlift by one of the guys there. It was some of the most inspirational stuff I've ever seen. The 73 year old guy told me to keep it up because I've got serious potential if I commit to it. In general today was phenomenal. I really hope I get to train with these guys again.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Light Day

6x3x45# Full Snatch Practice, emphasising the overhead squat position to work on depth and flexibility

Kettlebell swings, sets of 5-10 emphasising explosive movement from hips

2k Row @ Light Pace, somewhere between 8-9 minutes

25 minute stretch, focusing on quads, calves, glutes, hips and hamstrings

Foam rolled back

  • General: I started to warmup to do a metcon today but it was pointless. I simply don't have the energy righ now to do high intensity stuff. I'm going on 3-4 days of feeling like this so pretty soon I might start to get worried. I think I need to start Mwodding again because since I stopped doing it 3-4 weeks ago I've gotten very tight. Good to work on full snatches because I haven't done them in ages and I want to get good at them while progressing to heavier ones.
  • Nutrition: Good strict
  • Body: Just run down but not really sore anywhere. back feels a lot better. Foam rolling really helps.
  • Sleep: 9.5-10 hours. Took 3mg of melatonin and slept so good. Good start but need to be more consistent
  • Reflections: Not sure on what I'll do tomorrow. Was planning to de-load deadlift but we shall see.