Monday, May 30, 2011

Squat, bench, conditioning

Madcow Week 3 day 1

Squat 5x5

Bench Press 5x5

DB curls max reps w/ 50#'s- 12, 9, 9, 7, 7

Pumpage: Flies and DB incline press w/ 50's 2 sets each


AMRAP 5: (w/20# vest)
5 Goblet Squats w/ 50# dumbbell
2 Stair ascents (Dan's backyard) *11 steps or so

9 rounds + 5 squats + 1 climb

  • General: Conditioning went well for the first time in a while. Really kicked my ass but I did really well which I can directly attribute to all the heavy lifting I've been doing. Squat was pretty tough surprisingly but maybe because I didn't sleep too well this weekend. Last week of the arms program so I went heavier than I should've. Trained at Dan's today so equipment was a bit limited.
  • Nutrition: Good but I had a big burger and fries with dinner for Dan's birthday.
  • Body: Nothing really wrong, pretty rested I thought but didn't perform as well as I should've coming off 2 rest days.
  • Sleep: 9.5 hours, 6mg of melatonin.
  • Reflections: Need to order my weightlifting shoes tomorrow. Good day of training. I wanted to run with Contois tomorrow but my mom is getting surgery in the morning at 5am and needs a ride, so I will run later in the day. Other than that I'm planning on pulling 500# for the first time within the next 2-3 weeks. Our plan is to instead of Madcow deadlift one Wednesday we will 1 rep max instead and then the next week resume the program just 1 week behind in the deadlift. Our motivation behind this is to pull 5 plates in the same place Dan and myself pulled 4 and 3 plates for the first time.... in front of Contois at the high school.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

whole lotta nothing weekend

No training both Saturday and Sunday

  • General: Sort of took the weekend off to have some fun. Ended up partying friday night and was out late last night although I didn't drink. My mom wasn't home all weekend and cooked little food so I didn't eat as much protein as I normally do, and my sleep was poor this weekend.
  • Nutrition: Alright minus the aforementioned, ate some pizza Saturday night.
  • Body: Feel fine, right elbow hurt yesterday though
  • Sleep: 12 hours (combined 2 nights.....ugh)
  • Reflections: Can't train at Bay state tomorrow because it's closed so we'll train at Dans. Other than that ready to get back to training.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Squat, bench, pump

Squat 4x5, 1x3, 1x8

Bench 4x5, 1x3, 1x8

Preacher curls 3x8x90#

DB curls, incline DB press, shrugs, shoulder flies for 2 sets of 8-10 reps (pump)

  • General: Starting to get a little bit heavier with the weights. I accidentally put too much on for preachers but that's fine because I didn't miss any reps. Looking forward to next week where the weights will start to get challenging.
  • Nutrition: Good but I drank
  • Body: Felt really rested
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Not sure because I'm posting the next day. Nothing much. Hoping to run today

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rest and Mob

Mobility: 3 min hamstring standing stretch each side, 4 min couch stretch on hips

  • General: Mobility felt great. Really felt nice in the bottom of a squat which should help tomorrow.
  • Nutrition: Good minus some fries at dinner
  • Body: Felt OK today, not really sore at all.
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Can't sleep well lately.
  • Reflections: Ready for tomorrow, glad I did mobility, etc. etc. etc. Get it tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Deadlift, press

5x395# (5 rep pr)


Barbell Curls 5x5-8
7x105# (PR)

DB shrugs 2x20x80#'s

  • General: Today's workout really smacked me in the face, but I felt a lot better once it was over the rest of the day. Doing 20 heavy deadlifts is definitely something that requires adaptation and I'm having a hard time believing that 3 weeks from now I'll be pulling 425 for 5. Recovery throughout the week will be key very soon. Rest of the work out went well. My curls seem to be getting a lot stronger but I haven't noticed much size increase. Annoying.
  • Nutrition: Good minus post wod where I had Arby's... decently delicious
  • Body: Felt good. Irks me that my achilles feels 100% today, but I know tomorrow it would hurt if I ran.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Trying to decide if it would be overkill to put a conditioning workout on Wednesdays. I don't think intervals are plausible because they are hard to recover from, so I'm thinking some form of 5-10 minute heart pounder may be in order. I'll decide soon and update that. Rest day tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Early morning trails

58 min run at Wheeler Rd. trails with Contois about 6 miles covered

  • General: Really good run. Solid pace throughout and good conversation made it go by quickly. If the achilles complies this will become a regular Tuesday thing until I move back to Springfield. It was decently sore after the run today. I asked my mom to look into getting me an MRI for it.
  • Nutrition: Good, lots of grub
  • Body: Not very sore just really tired from lack of sleep.
  • Sleep: 5-6 hours. Kept waking up so it was poor quality too. I'll sleep well tonight.
  • Reflections: Bought weightlifting shoes yesterday but forgot to post. It said my debit card got declined so I'll re-order them tomorrow I guess. I think I finally broke out of my funk today and made some really solid life decisions that I think will benefit everything. Hoping to run Saturday but again this achilles apparently is not going to get better without surgery or a long time of rest so I may have to consider that.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Squat, Bench, curls, hilll climb

Back Squat 5x5

Bench Press 5x5

DB Curls 5x12-15
3x12x40#, 1x13x40#'s, 1x12x45#'s

DB Incline Press 1x12x35#'s

Dumbbell Flies 1x10x15#'s

Treadmill Hill Climb 25 min, 15% grade. 400 calories and 1.45 miles covered. 3.5mph


  • General: Although today wasn't exactly PR-ville it was really taxing. Me and Dan went to the gym at 10am and ended up spending 4 hours on the couch complaining about how wiped we were so clearly it was a solid strength workout. I was probably most pleased with the 12 reps of 45# curls because that's a huge improvement from where I started.
  • Nutrition: Good minus ice cream. 
  • Body: Wiped as of now but I woke up feeling good. I was pretty tired though.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: Won't recover too well tonight because I'm up at 4:30 to run with Contois, but I'll hopefully snag a nap tomorrow (benefits of college summer) to help catch me up. Good day and looking forward to the next couple days.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Restin Tailgate Style

No training

  • General: Tailgated today for the quarterfinals of the NCAA lacrosse championships outside of Gillette Stadium. Great day to spend a rest day on. Wasn't exactly dead today but I know I need to stay religious about my 2 rest days a week even if I don't feel like I need them.
  • Nutrition: Not great and drank
  • Body: Good. Achilles isn't sore but I'm sure it will be next time I run.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hrs
  • Reflections: Fun day and back at it tomorrow for week 2 of madcow. Let's go.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


50 min run at Riverlin St. Single track

  • General: Alarm didn't go off this morning when I went to run with Contois. Went out anyway to find him and got in 50 minutes before my achilles started bothering me.
  • Nutrition: Good but had ice cream
  • Body: Not sore surprisingly.
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: Lame that I couldn't go longer but oh well. I'll get it on Monday after rest tomorrow.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Squat, Bench, Curls, shrugs

Back Squat

Bench Press

Preacher Curls

Dumbbell Shrugs

  • General: Solid day of getting stronger. The bench is ridiculously easy and even though it should be since it's week 1 today was a little lame. I think my 1rep max is actually higher than I thought which may explain it. Don't think I'm going to change it anyway since my bench has never been high and I don't want to screw this up. Planning to LP my curls each week too to gauge my progress. Shoulders will be sore after 60 shrugs tomorrow.
  • Nutrition: Good, 3500 calories and 250 grams of protein
  • Body: Abs are still really sore but other than that good. Back still feeling wednesday's workout.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: MWF will continue to be just like this all summer. I'm hoping to start noticing size increases soon. Will be running with Contois at 6am tomorrow and doing mobility.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


No training

Foam rolled legs and back

  • General: Forgot to do mobility today so it will get done tomorrow. I was pretty overall toasted today so the rest day was welcome.
  • Nutrition: Not the best, lots of milk.
  • Body: Abs are shot, back is sore and shoulders were very tight throughout day.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours. Couldn't sleep the last 2 nights really well.
  • Reflections: Tomorrow will be a good day and today was very welcomed. Looking forward to ending the week in the gym on a good note tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Deadlift, press, curls, situps

Deadlift 4x5 (Madcow Week 1)

Press 4x5 (MC Week 1)

Barbell Curls 5x5-8

Decline Weighted Sit ups w/ 25# plate


  • General: Last time I went heavy barbell curling I got 100 for 2 which shows how much stronger my biceps are getting. Deadlifts for 5 reps were a new thing for me. Not a huge fan of them because once the weight gets heavier I think I'll be a lot more prone to injury on the 4th or 5th reps. I'm going to need to be careful. I was pleased with how easily 125# went up on press because I've had problems with that in the past. 
  • Nutrition: Pretty good, going to have some ice cream this evening
  • Body: Run down, showed up to the gym feeling like the inside of an asshole
  • Sleep: 9 hours, took melatonin
  • Reflections: Need to get some serious sleep tonight and need to not take the Tuesday run for granted because I didn't eat enough for recovery yesterday and today I would've suffered big time had the weights been any heavier. Didn't do any conditioning or running today because I want to heal the achilles to go longer Saturday. I believe that's more important for me right now.  Well deserved rest day tomorrow and back at it for some serious strength training on Friday.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Out and back at Riverlin. St powerline trail for a 6.6 mile run in 68:45 (10:25 miles)

Hip couch stretch 2 minutes each side
Glute stretch with bent leg on couch, 3 minutes each side

  • General: Mobility felt so good today. I'm glad that I added it back into my routine because it's obvious that I perform better when I do it consistently. 3 times a week isn't too much anyway. Run felt good, achilles still isn't 100% but I'm convinced it's more scar tissue that I'm feeling than actual injury. Felt better than it has in almost a month. Probably won't run tomorrow even though I'm supposed to see if I can heal it for a long run Saturday.
  • Nutrition: Alright. Had 2 bagels for breakfast which was a first in a long time. Also had a bit of ice cream. Otherwise it was good.
  • Body: Legs are sore from not getting much recovery sleep. Felt tired all day (for good reason)
  • Sleep: 5 hours on the floor
  • Reflections: Looking like I'm going to take a break from drinking for a few weeks. Today's run suffered because of it although I wouldn't have gone much faster no matter what for fear of re-injuring a not ready achilles tendon. Think I need to start appreciating the times I drink more, go slower and be smarter in general..... and not do what I've been doing (binging every once in a while). Funny how you put things into perspective when you spend the whole night throwing up. I think I owe the body that I put through hell in training all the time that much at least. Looking forward to deadlifting tomorrow among other things.


Back Squat 5x5

Bench Press 5x5

DB Curls
1x12x40#, 4x12x35#'s

20:14 treadmill hill climb, 15% grade, 1.23 miles covered with 1k vertical elevation covered
5th set of squats my boxers ripped on reps 4 and 5. I was
laughing so hard I'm surprised I didn't fail the set. Don't judge
my alligator boxers, they were awesome. (RIP)

  • General: Epic day. Boxers ripping was a sign to me that my legs are going to get huge this summer. Felt weird starting so light on all my lifts in the beginning sets but that 5th set is going to get heavy fast. I liked day 1 of madcow and the treadmill hill climb is perfect for the Monday workout so it will probably stay there.
  • Nutrition: Twas good but I drank
  • Body: Felt pretty good my back was a bit naggy from the deadlifting on Friday. I think my CNS was telling me something.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Good day overall. Hope you like this shit Contois.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rest Day

No training

Deep tissue work on achilles.

  • General: Today was alright. Didn't really do much but shot some hoops and stuff. So far through 3 days of summer (for me and Dan) we've played about 5 hours of basketball. If we continue playing as much ball as we have been I may or may not go out for the Celtics next year. We'll see what happens. Should probably work on my low post game first.
  • Nutrition: Alright I didn't eat much and I had a piece of cake (Since when do I like cake?)
  • Body: Back feels good. Ready to go after another night of sleep.
  • Reflections: Ready to get going with Madcow 5x5 tomorrow. Starts pretty light for the first few weeks but it will be solid training nonetheless. I'm hoping to run Tuesday at a hard pace but if my achilles doesn't feel up to it I'll just go slow and get miles under my feet. Contois, if you're reading this you better be ready for a good blog post tomorrow night. You'll just have to wait and see what I mean.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Long Run"

47 min run at Wheeler Rd. trails

  • General: Solid run to ease back into endurance once again after injuries. Achilles either still isn't ready or is loaded with scar tissue but it was very tight towards the end of the run.
  • Nutrition: Bad
  • Body: Back tight. Biceps and deltoids were pretty sore. I tweaked something on the right side of my neck/shoulder but it isn't anything serious.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Glad to be building back up even if my achilles still isn't ready. Just have to find out what's going to make it better before I can run any longer than this.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hey Summer, I'm About to Kick Your Ass

470# (PR, 2011 Goal met)
485# (F)

Preacher Curls

  • General: Today was the first day of training for me and Dan this summer, although I finished up on Tuesday. We train well together because we've been doing it for nearly 4 years and planned to fill our 2011 deadlift goal today to start summer off right. Our new template will begin on Monday which can be found at the bottom of this post. So pumped to get this summer going.
  • Nutrition: Had a celebratory double cheeseburger and fries at Wah-bo with Dan after the deadlift. Also drank half a gallon of whole milk.
  • Body: Shoulders are sore from the shrugs on Wednesday. Hurt my back on the 485# pull but it will be fine tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 9 hours, took melatonin for the first time in a while last night, felt good man.
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I will do a run after 3 days of no running to see if I'm ready to go with that as well. If all goes well I'll hit about an hour on the trails but we'll see. I'd like to get some good runs in these next few weeks with Contois before high school gets out because my runs seem to always be better when I run with him.

Madcow 5x5 is a program I found when searching on Google. I decided to nix the linear progression this summer in order to try something new and see if other strength programs work well with endurance training. One of the selling points of this program is that I enter my 1rep maxes into a calculator and it gives me every single lift, set and weight I will lift in the 12 week program. The only thing I'm changing from the program is I won't squat on Wednesday (it's a 3 squat a week program with a light squat on Wednesday similar to Texas Method) and I won't power clean at all because of my elbows.
My runs will be as hard as possible on Tuesdays and if the intervals start injuring me on Wedneday I will turn that into a run similar to what I do on Tuesday instead. I've noticed injuries with intervals in the past but I like doing them. My diet will change a lot most days depending on what the training is that day but I am no longer eating paleo. I added rice and tortillas back into my diet about a week ago and I'm really pleased with the results. Feel a lot healthier and feel compelled to eat a lot less now. Will also be drinking lots of milk on strength days. I also decided to do curls 3x a week to see how much bigger my arms can get because 2 times a week wasn't doing that much. Fuck it, I'm vain dude. Ready for a summer full of getting bigger and stronger but still being a good runner. Let's go!

Here's the 12 week template of my lifts.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rest Day

no training

  • General: Took the full day off and just relaxed
  • Nutrition: Good ate a bit too much though for a rest day
  • Body: Feeling splendid
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Attempting a 470# pull tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Bench Press
205# (lifetime PR)
1x18x135# (PR by 4, lifetime)

Barbell curls

Dumbbell Shrugs

  • General: Looking at this workout today might make you think I'm an aspiring bodybuilder, haha. All joking aside I was pleased with no elbow pain during the workout and 2 huge PR's on bench, especially the max reps of a plate. Full rest day tomorrow.
  • Nutrition: Good. Tracking on Fitday is really eye opening.
  • Body: Overall feel good. A little tired today.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: After a rest day tomorrow I will attempt to pull 470# on Friday to meet my goal for the year. Next week I will begin my summer template which is done but will be posted either tomorrow or Friday.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A little trail action

30 min run/hike on Wheeler Rd. Trails

  • General: Light run today to test the achilles once again. It holds up for about 15 minutes on most runs then start to bother me, but the pain is no longer there. I won't run tomorrow or Thursday most likely, and hopefully that will do the trick of healing it 100%. Wheeler trails are really nice. Plan to go there more often and explore.
  • Nutrition: Great
  • Body: Squat muscles are a bit tight. Seem to write that a lot nowadays with the amount of squatting I do. Elbows feel good
  • Sleep: 9 hours. I will be getting a lot more sleep now that school's over.
  • Reflections: Been thinking about how I will get my endurance back AFAP once I'm good again. Going to start at the 1 hour run and work my way back up to 3-4 hours. It's been so long since I've done one of those in training that I need to ramp up for sure. I plan to get 1 or 2 of those really long runs in before the TARC 6 hour event in August to make sure I can focus solely on speed and not worrying about crashing. Template for the summer is almost done, just trying to tweak a few things.

Monday, May 9, 2011

squat, press, accessory, run

335# (PR)
355# (PR)


165 (F)
3x Max Reps seated dumbbell press w/ 45# bells: 10, 8, 6
1x12x35# dumbbells
4x8x40# dumbbells

20 minute run on riverlin st. trails, 2 miles covered

  • • General: And summer begins. 30# squat PR from March 8 (2 months yesterday). No PR on press but pleased to see it hasn't dropped since the injury. Started an "arms" routine that is 3 days a week for 31 days. Supposed to add some size so I figured it was worth a shot. Didn't blog yesterday but the elbow felt really good and there were no problems today. Achilles held up on the run but still isn't ready. Definitely will be soon if I'm smart about it.
  • • Nutrition: Good. I'm going to be adding my food to fitday for a while until I start to get the hang of things.
  • • Body: Nothing sore, but I tweaked my shoulder racking the 355# squat. (only I would injure my shoulder squatting right?)
  • • Sleep: 8 hours
  • • Reflections: Refusing to say "I'm back!" just yet but I think that may just be the case, elbow wise at least. But I've learned once again from this phase, and I've made a solid agreement with myself that I will not get injured again because of overtraining. My new template will begin next Monday while I continue to test PR's this week and try to get the achilles back to normal. Today was my last day of my freshman year in college, so let's get it.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wapack Volunteer

No training

  • General: I volunteered at the Wapack 50mile ultra today in New Ipswich, NH. The course was amazing and consisted of the hardest trails I've ever seen in person. Lots of rocks and elevation. I plan to do this race next year.
  • Nutrition: Not good and drank. I could not eat meat today. Had maybe 30 grams of protein. Thinking about eating any of it in my fridge made me want to vomit.
  • Body: Legs were a tad sore.
  • Sleep: 3 hours
  • Reflections: Race was inspiring. I'm pumped to hit that trail next year. Volunteering was pretty boring but it was fun and now I've done my volunteer work within a 14 month period if I choose to do Vermont 100 next year. Probably going to go back to the wapack trail in a few weeks once I can run again and do a long run there.


2 hours of intense pick up basketball

1x10 Bicep curls w/ 40# dumbbells each arm

  • General: Only a little soreness in the achilles today after 2 hours of hoops. Very happy about that. Elbow feels good and I'm planning on testing it in the gym tomorrow. Didn't hurt after curls.
  • Nutrition: Not good. Back at it tomorrow as schools over and summer training begins. No more excuses
  • Body: Alright. Legs a bit sore because I haven't been eating protein.
  • Sleep: 10.5 hrs and a 1 hour nap
  • Reflections: Ready to train again.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Deadlift, Squat



1 hour of basketball shooting around

45 min of kicking around a soccer ball

  • General: Decided to just get under the bar and make shit happen today. All squats went up easy, and although I planned to do more volume today. Chose not to because I have to get up at 4am to drive to the Wapack 50 which is over an hour away. I debated trying to pull 470# early on but found out quickly my CNS was not ready for much heavier than 4 wheels.
  • Nutrition: Pretty good minus the nutella
  • Body: Achilles is legit getting worse. I was hoping to run with Contois tomorrow in his last 7 miles but it won't happen.
  • Sleep: 7.5 hours
  • Reflections: Looking forward to volunteering at Wapack in the AM. I'm doing it to get a feel of what it's like, to see some other good runners and also because the leading candidate for my first 100 is Vermont 2012, and you are required to do ultra-community service (within 14 months of the race) in order to participate. Might as well do it now. Still miserable with my injuries but as I keep saying there's not much I can do.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


400m light jog to test achilles

  • General: Nothing to say really. Achilles still isn't ready.
  • Nutrition: Pretty poor
  • Body: Fine, squat muscles are tight
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Can't wait to get out of this crap.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Back Squat, Hill climb

Back Squat
1x5x310# (PR)
1x3x315# (PR)
1x10x225# w/ emphasis on explosion from bottom

Treadmill Hill climb, 15% grade for 30 minutes
~1400 feet of vertical feet, 1.73 miles, 366 calories burned

  • General: Sweet day for back squats. Took a while to loosen up my legs on the first few sets. Huge grind on 5th rep of the 310# set but I got everything else pretty smoothly. Hill climb will be a good tool for ultra-running and will happen more frequently until I can run again.
  • Nutrition: Bad
  • Body: Elbow was badly bothering me today.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Pleased to get 2 PR's while I recover. Decided that if I still can't work out in a week or two because of injuries I'm going to do the smolov squat program to see how high it raises my back squat. Should be interesting.

Test but rest

15 minute run on Riverlin St. Single track

Ice plunged both feet and elbows

  • General: Achilles still isn't ready. The pain came back pretty quickly after about 8 minutes but I had to get back to my car so I just kept running. Unfortunate but reality.
  • Nutrition: Bad
  • Body: Elbow nagging, achilles was really sore
  • Sleep: Don't remember
  • Reflections: Life just doesn't always go as planned as I demonstrated today. It felt 100% but clearly there's something in there that does not want to heal for me to run. Not sure where to go from here. Since I'm on the shelf for a while from running and I've wanted to get this done for a while, I got my 2nd tattoo today. It didn't bother my achilles at all if you were wondering.

$60. I actually stole this idea from a racer at my first 50 miler.
My way of letting people remember the name when I'm running in front of them. Guess that means I need to become a better runner now.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Positive Upbringings in the weightroom

1x450# (Lifetime PR by 25#)


  • General: Felt decently wreckless today and went into the gym fired up on coffee ready to deadlift. There was no pain from the deadlifts or the curls, although my right elbow tweaked a bit later on in the day when I sat up off my bed wrong. Mentally I needed this day and didn't really care about doing any more training after I got the PR. Felt good and not depressed for the first time in a week after my session today. For some reason 450# was in my head driving to the gym so I threw it on and never looked back, although I have a feeling I could get more.
  • Nutrition: Not great. Literally I haven't been able to eat real food for a while now. Meat and vegetables make me feel sick. It's been tough.
  • Body: Achilles feels good today. I will be running tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: 20# off of my goal for the year on deadlift which I plan to get by the end of this month. Realized today that I should hit a 500# deadlift without any injuries this summer and I'm pumped about that. Going to hit up a run tomorrow, maybe squat too depending on how I feel.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rest Day


  • General: Seems like I've been posting this a lot recently.... But what can you do? Achilles still isn't feeling good and I'm near the end of my rope with the injuries. Basically concluded that I'm not meant to do high volume stuff and when I'm healed my new training will reflect that. Life stuff isn't getting much better but I'm still going strong.
  • Nutrition: Burnett's vodka isn't exactly paleo but neither are munchies at 2am
  • Body: Legs are a bit sore but fine otherwise
  • Sleep: 6 hours on the floor
  • Reflections: Felt good to wind down last night after a week of hell, although I don't like using alcohol to do that for me (considering my dad's an alcoholic). Not exactly sure what's on tap this week because I still cannot run and cannot lift. Planning to squat either tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on my schedule tomorrow. My elbow suffered no problems from the deadlifting last week so I may try to perk myself up by testing my 1rm. I've noticed that I'm losing weight because I haven't been eating much food from all the stress, and when I have been it hasn't been ideal. Any form of protein has not appealed to me in well over a week.