Monday, January 31, 2011

Squat, Press, Dips, DB Work

Squat 5-5-5
265 (PR)

Press 5-5-5
125 (PR)

1x12-21- 95# For 12 Reps (tied PR)

Max Rep Bar Dips, Good Recoveries:


Bicep Curls: 3x8x40#, then walked the rack
Shoulder Flies: 3x Max Reps w/ 15#
Weighted Walking Lunges: 3x8x35#

  • General: 2 PR's today so I'm guessing a few days off was what the doctor ordered. I did not Mwod but will do two tomorrow to compensate, just had a really busy day. Tomorrow I'm running at 5:30am with Contois for an hour then off to my gym for some other good stuff I wrote up today.
  • Nutrition: Good, day 1 of being strict
  • Body: Feel great.
  • Sleep: 7-8 hours. I neeeeeeed to figure out this sleep situation. Just can't get enough.
  • Reflections: Not a whole lot. 265# went up really easy so hopefully I'll go up another 10 next week. It's awesome that I'm 4-6 weeks away from squatting over 300 for 5 reps. Just unbelievable how strong I'm going to be if I keep this up.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week in Review (1/24-1/30)

Highlight of the week:
405# on Monday for the 2nd time in my life

Low Point of the week:
Wednesday's training session where I failed to PR on 2 lifts

# Of PR's:
1 (405# Deadlift)

Improvements For Next Week:
- Do all 3 runs that are scheduled
- Knock out 7 days in a row of healthy eating
- Sleep enough on school nights
- Plan out everything I need the night before so I'm not rushing to get my workout done on MWF
- 7 completed Mwod's

Other comments:

I'm very glad that I'm finally back to where I was (and even stronger in some lifts), and look forward to getting even closer to my 2011 goals. This was not the best first week on my new template, but I'm hoping it was more of an adjustment than anything permanent. I had a lot of stress this week and I hope I can overcome it this week with some PR's, especially in press and back squat.

My nutrition will change a bit tomorrow as I look to get leaner. If all goes as planned the only time I'll deviate from "paleo" is on long runs, and I'm not 100% sure I will have to even then. I'm planning a long run this week on Saturday in the AM so we will see how that goes. I'd like to lose some weight before the 50miler coming up in less than 7 weeks now so I'll be as consistent as possible. I think the most important thing is to take it day by day, and be more careful at night with the binging before bed.

Rest Days

No training at all this weekend

  • General: So yesterday when my long run was scheduled, it turned out I accidentally agreed to work a longer shift than originally expected at work. I worked all the hours I could before I had to go to Endicott and missed a long run. So next weekend I'm going to jump to 3 hours and just try and catch up from there. I'm hoping the weekend of rest will make for some PRs and renewed energy this upcoming week.
  • Nutrition: Saturday I drank and ate next to no food all day because of my packed schedule, and Sunday was good minus some hashbrowns at breakfast.
  • Body: I feel tired, but that's because I was up late drinking last night. I'll hopefully get a good night sleep and be ready to go tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 7 hours of terrible quality sleep
  • Reflections: OK, so a couple things:

I'm going to start adding a new section to the blog every Sunday night where I reflect on the previous week of training after I spend some time reading it over. Talking about how many PRs I hit, improvements that could be made, little things I want to remember, etc. I think this will help me evaluate a lot more for the future and also be interesting to some of my readers.

I'm going to start being really anal about doing my mobility wods everyday. I'm debating on adding some sort of penalty if I do not do them. I feel like I need to keep doing them because I have seen such improvements since I started and I often neglect them.

For now, I will be cutting whole milk for 30 days starting tomorrow. I'm sick of this extra weight I gained so I'm going to be as strict as possible for the next month and try to lose a few pounds. I'll be keeping whey powder and probably a few other minor things that aren't "paleo." Dairy doesn't settle well with me as I've been well aware all along, and I've been using the "not being strict" cue to cheat at will over the past few weeks. Morbid cheats. Digusting amounts of cheats. On top of the tightened diet, I'm going to make a conscious effort to primal walk more often (even though it's freezing) because it helped me lean out during the summer.  I think losing some weight will do leaps and bounds in my effort to become a more efficient runner, make me a lot more motivated to keep training, and also improve all my chances of getting my bodyweight goals done. Hopefully I'll still see gains for the time being but as long as I eat enough protein I should be good to go. Game time!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bench press

Bench 3-3-3

1x max reps @ 135

  • General: I was really packed for time today and I didn't feel very good. I hate missing bench days because I suck at it so much so I forced myself to do it. I pushed my long run to tomorrow because when I got up at 4:30 this morning to run, I noticed my mother decided to play hide and seek with my running shoes. Plenty of motivation to get back in bed.
  • Nutrition: Not good
  • Body: Tired. I just don't feel very well. Elbows are OK
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: I'm going to start adding a new element to the blog once a week on Sunday night called week recap, where I add up my PRs and some general comments on that week of training. I'm going to Endicott tomorrow night to stay with Dan so I'm sure it's going to be a rowdy night. If I don't get to blog I'll update Sunday

Thursday, January 27, 2011


No training

  • General: Nothing really to say today
  • Nutrition: Not good
  • Body: Elbow has been bothering me a lot today :\ not sure why.
  • Sleep: 10 hours
  • Reflections: Not benching/squatting tomorrow. Instead I'm going to long run in the AM (really early) because I'm busy all weekend and will not have time otherwise. Looking ahead to the weekend I'm not exactly sure what I'll do Saturday either.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Squat, Press, Dips

Back Squat 5-5-5
255 (F 5th rep)

Press 5-5-5

Max Rep Bar Dips, Strict with no kip:

  • General: Mentally I was probably not in it for this work out today. On the 5th rep of my last set of squat I could not convince myself to go down to try and finish it. The 4th rep was a big grind but I don't think I've ever just said "Fuck it, I can't do it" and racked it. I was a little surprised with myself when I stepped away from the rack. No PRs today. I didn't do the high rep sets because I skewed this week of my template and will be benching and box squatting after tomorrow's rest day. I'm probably going to start doing 5 sets of dips/pullups during these training days instead of 3.
  • Nutrition: Good minus the pint of ice cream I had
  • Body: In general I feel really run down, but nothing except my abs and back are sore.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: I'm looking for some advice from anyone who follows my blog on other stuff I can do on my pure strength days. Maybe it's the Crossfitter inside of me but if I don't feel spent after a workout then I don't feel like I should be done. Today I felt like I had a lot left in the tank but wasn't up to doing conditioning. I just want to find some new things I can throw in as assistance work or whatever else so I can feel better. Maybe more sets? Any advice appreciated. Also, here's my finished template just to update anyone who cares. I tweaked it a bit and I think it's a lot better. Any advice appreciated on that too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


10 95# Thrusters
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps

4 rounds + 8 thrusters

50 55# KB Swings For Time:


Mwod Complete (Olympic Pulling Groin/inner thigh stretch work)
  • General: The metcon I made up at the gym and I liked it. Haven't done high rep thrusters in a while so I'm sure I'll feel those tomorrow. I feel like the high levels of stress I've been experiencing these last 36 hours held me back on the first WOD. Some guy at the gym helped correct a flaw in my KB swing. We started talking, turns out he's Russian Kettlebell certified, used to Crossfit and has a pair of vibrams he runs in. I told him about my possible powerlifting goals and ultra running and he told me to start programming KB swings more often because they are awesome for everything. I'm sure it can't hurt so I'll give it a shot.
  • Nutrition: Good. I'm going to drink a lot of milk to try and recover for tomorrow's squat.
  • Body: Forearms and abs are sore, as well as lower back. I've had a lot of stress in the last 36 hours which may prevent me from doing good on my work out tomorrow unless I sleep good tonight. I'm hoping everything sorts out tonight though.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Nothing to really reflect on. I wasn't able to do intervals because I spent 4 hours getting my car out of the place it was stuck, so valid excuse there. In general looking forward to a good day tomorrow and a nice rest day after that.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Deadlift, Pullups, Run, STORY TIME

Deadlift 1-1-1
395 PR
405 (PR!)

Strict Pullups max reps

8x negative pullups, lower as slowly as possible from top of a pullup. Did 5, rested for a bit then did 3 more.

3x15 GHD Sit ups

5x Max Rep Bicep curls w/35# dumbbells

3x Max rep shoulder flys with 20# dumbbells

45 Minute Run in the PM, after dark at Riverlin St. trails. Started in snow shoes for 20 minutes, rest on roads. Story explained below. Covered probably 6 miles.

mwod complete (soft tissue work for 10 min on legs)

  • General: Well my first day on my program went great, at least at my gym. I'm officially back in the 400# DL "club". My CFT is now 865 which is a 90# pr from when I did it in August, and that's with a near 4 month break of little to no strength training. 
Check this out.....
  • The run probably led to the worst 2 hours of my life. I got my car stuck in a snow bank where you park at Riverlin st. trails. Keep in mind today is the coldest day of the year. The dashboard on my car said it was -2 degrees at the time, and this is at 7pm. Decided to call my mom, to which I was told she was at her boyfriend's over a half hour away. I call my dad (reluctantly) and explain to him, and he says he can't get me either. So I decided to just start running with the snow shoes on (trails were perfect didn't even need them) and call my girlfriend to ask her to get me after I'm done. After 20 minutes on the trails I decide to instead run home (2 miles away) and get my shovel to try to get my car out. I run back and spend half hour jumping around in the snow to try getting my car out, but to no avail. My dad finally decides he'll come get me, without telling me of course. He decides since he can't find me and I'm not answering that I'm home, so he goes home. I call him and tell him to come get me and by that point I've been waiting outside for him for a half hour. As I gather everything I need to leave my car there for the night, I snap my $110 oakley's I just got for christmas by accident. Fuck me right? UGH rant over.
  • Nutrition: Good, strict minus milk and whey
  • Body: I feel really good.
  • Sleep: 7-8 hours
  • Reflections: Can't wait to just go to sleep and forget about tonight. I'm going to start doing PU negatives a lot because I know they'll help. Also figured I should just address it head on- Yes, I now do things like bicep curls. In truth I've been doing them regularly for about a month now but not posting them because I know how Crossfitters feel about them, and I did once consider myself one. One of my goals besides performance is to get bigger and having big arms has always been a goal of mine. I've already seen an increase in size in the brief time I've been doing them, so I will be keeping them. Shit on me, whatever but they are MY goals after all. Crossfit tomorrow and some type of intervals.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rest Day

No Training

  • General: As scheduled, nothing. Tomorrow I start my new program although I'll be switching day 3 for 1 so I can test my 1rm deadlift tomorrow instead.
  • Nutrition: Pretty good
  • Body: Feel good
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: Need to sleep more!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Run, Press

73 minute run, covering ~6.5 miles at riverlin st trails. Contois was wearing snow shoes and breaking trails of 6 inch deep untouched snow while I followed right behind him, making it similar to running through shallow snow.

Press 1-1-1-1-1-1

no mwod

  • General: I went from 120x3 to 145 for 1 during this cycle of the CFSB, which is a great improvement. The run was fun. Contois let me borrow snow shoes that I'll probably get use out of later this week
  • Nutrition: Not great, and I'm drinking tonight
  • Body: Good
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: Nada, can't wait for the new template. Need to start Mwodding again.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Squat, Team Metcon

Squat 1-1-1-1-1
315  (pr)

Team Metcon (Done with Dan and Bryan)

Complete the following:
200 Crossfit Pushups, 300 Double Unders, 400 Box Jumps For Time:

In teams of 3, one person performs as many of the exercise as possible. The other 2 have to remain in a parallel wall squat while the person performs said movement. The order is pushups, Double unders, box jumps. Upon completion of the CF pushups, for every 2 double unders completed the person must complete 1/2 that amount in box jumps before moving back to the wall and rotating. Time stops when the remaining 250 box jumps (after the double unders are completed) are done.


  • General: I was so happy with the 315 back squat. First day at Baystate was awesome to kick off with my first squat over 300 in my lifetime. The metcon was fun, I didn't really even want to workout but this was just nice to work on some stuff and get the heart rate going. I made it up on the spot so it wasn't anything spectacular but it was kind of fun.
  • Nutrition: Not great. Basically a cheat day
  • Body: Feeling good. Upper body is kind of sore.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I'll be running with Contois in the AM for 2-3 hours, then going to work for 3 hours, then testing my 1rm shoulder press. Hoping for a nice run and an even sweeter PR with the barbell. Rest day sunday and then my program begins Monday.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cleans, Ring Dips, Pullups, Burpees

3x Max Rep Strict Pullups

40# DB Power Clean
Assisted Ring Dips (Purple band)


No Mwod

  • General: I was right around where I expected to be with the pullups. I wanted to further my work on ring dips so I sort of made this metcon up. It was good but I probably should've waited and used the 50#'s because mine were pretty light. Nice to get the blood flowing though. Burpees and ring dips are a lethal combo.
  • Nutrition: Paleo w/ whey powder, salad dressing, smoked almonds
  • Body: Chest was pretty sore, upper body pretty tight in general.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Tomorrow after classes (if I have classes, weather permitting) I will be working out at my new gym. I want to test my 1rm squat tomorrow and maybe something else if I have time. This weekend I'm looking at a long run on Saturday and a rest day Sunday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dumbbell dumbbell dumbbell

3x Dumbbell Bench Press Max Reps w/ 50# DB's

7 Rds, 30 seconds on 30 seconds Off for Max Reps:

50# Dumbbell Deadlift- 19, 22, 19, 16, 18, 18, 15 = 127 total reps
Box Jumps- 17, 18, 19, 19, 20, 18 = 131 total reps

No Mwod

  • General: Good day today. I originally planned to test my 1rm bench but for some reason it was really painful benching. I think it had to do with the ice plunge I took yesterday and my muscles still being really tight from it. For whatever reason the dumbbell's made it not hurt so I decided to do that. I'm hoping it helps me transition into benching next week and makes me less sore once I begin my new template. The metcon was good but might've been a bad idea as I wanted to test my 1rm deadlift on Friday and this may tax me a bit too much.
  • Nutrition: Paleo-ish w/ milk, whey and had croutons and dressing earlier.
  • Body: Inner thighs, biceps, triceps, and chest were all tight. Nothing really sore though which is nice.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours
  • Reflections: I'm going to start being more specific on my diet each day so that I can reflect as the weeks go by as to what's working and what isn't on the long term. On a good note, I'm in love with the new gym I'm joining. I'll be getting a 6 month membership starting friday and that will be my first day working out there. The owner told me straight up I'd learn so much stuff on how to get strong from some of the smartest people in powerlifting. There are 4 people who go regularly who held a world record at one point in their lives. Needless to say I can't wait. Tomorrow I will be doing some light stuff to make sure I'm ready to max out on Friday, but it won't be a rest day by any means.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rest Day

No training, but shoveled for 2 hours of heavy snow

-Foam rolled for 10 minutes
-10 Minute Ice Plunge

Mwod Complete (Hips, Hamstrings)

  • General: Felt nice to do a little work out shoveling and also really do some nice recovery stuff. I've never spent so long submerged in cold water so hopefully I see some benefits from that. The Mwod also felt good because my hamstrings need more flexibility.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Pretty much my whole body was shot earlier in the day but everything feels better now that I did some shoveling and after all my recovery work.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Tomorrow is my first day at my new college. I've only got 2 classes and they are nearly 3 hours spread (scheduling error that will be fixed tomorrow) so after I stop at the registrar I'm going to pop into Baystate Gym and try to sign up, then hopefully come back after my last class and train. I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ring Dips, Leg Lifts, Run

5x Max Reps/time w/ full recoveries Ring Dips and leg lifts 6 inches

Ring Dips

5 Strict
5 w/ black band strict (basically same as strict)
11 w/ purple band assist
10 w/ pb
9 w/ pb

Leg Lifts


Tabata Run, 20:10x8 on treadmill at max incline at good pace (note to self: 3 settings above "aerobic" level)

Mwod Complete (Groin, hips)

  • General: Finally worked on ring dips today. I really lost a lot on them because I could do 12-14 during the summer. I will begin doing some form of dips 1x a week with my program which will hopefully improve them drastically. The leg lifts were more mental than anything. I chose to do them because core training always seems to improve my running.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Biceps, lats, forearms are fried. Legs in general are really shot too. Probably going to rest tomorrow unless I wake up feeling a lot better.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Going to my new gym tomorrow to figure out my membership. I'm so excited to start learning from people and getting a whole hell of a lot stronger. I've finally realized that I just don't care about my "Crossfit times" anymore. I'd rather get big, strong and run ultras. It's nice to finally have a focus instead of wanting to be good at everything. Although I'll Crossfit again someday, and plan to teach the methodology of it, I feel now is the time to do what I want to do with no excuses or regrets.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


3 Rounds For Time:

400m Run
15 Pullups
50 Squats
15 Pullups


Handstand Pushup Work
* Feet on top of couch, body at a 90 degree angle for max reps. 3 sets. Got between 10-15 each time

2 Mwods Complete (Wrists, Lats, hips, scapula, shoulders, Lacrosse ball ART)

  • General: I was amazed at how crappy I felt during/after this work out. I think it was a mix of dehydration, cold weather and no metcons for nearly 2 weeks. I didn't feel like I could go fast for whatever reason. I'm happy I finally worked on HSPU and will continue that, because I plan to complete Diane as RX'd this year and I'd rather not take an hour to do so. The Mwod's today felt great.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: I feel good. Probably too good. No need to rest tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: I emailed the owner of the gym I want to join. I'm hoping he gets back to me soon so I can start going this week. Dan's bar is having issues so I won't be able to test 1rm maxes (except press) until I get into Baystate Gym. Until then I will test my press max tomorrow, try to do some running intervals, and most likely just Crossfit and work on some weaknesses this week. It'll be nice to have a lighter week before I begin my new template. I'm supposed to start school Tuesday, but there's some problems with my old school right now so I could be pretty bored this week if I can't go to classes.... which would mean a long run near 6 hours if the trails are nice.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow Shoe Runnin'

50-55 minute run on trails at Leominster State Forest with Contois through packed snowy trails and unpacked ~8 inch deep trails with snow shoes

No Mwod. Hurt my wrist and today was a wrist Mwod.

  • General: I've never run with snow shoes on before. It was fun and although I won't be entering any snow shoe competitions in the near future I'd definitely do it again. Doing that even 2x a month I'm sure would provide significant running improvement due to the sand-like running feeling you experience. Felt nice to get my first real run in since the 50k
  • Nutrition: Pretty good had frozen yogurt
  • Body: Feeling good. I hurt my wrist hitting it when I was dicking around earlier and I thought I broke it at first. It's still really swollen and hurts really bad to move. Hoping it feels better when I wake up.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Planning on getting more dialed in with my diet starting tomorrow for a few weeks. Now that school is re-starting I want to get in a good routine and make sure I figure out how to deal with my new schedule. Excited to start at my new gym this week hopefully.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Rest Day

No training

Mwod Complete (hip flexion)

  • General: Basically the day off, not much else to say.
  • Nutrition: Alright had ice cream.
  • Body: Feeling good
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Nada, going running tomorrow.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

CFSB (Press, Run)

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3

125 (PR3rep)
130 (PR"")
135 (PR"")
135 (F on 5th rep)

1x12-15 @100# for 11 reps

25 Minute Run at 85% pace, covering main roads and some hills scattered throughout. Picked it up periodically to test out legs

Mwod Complete (Rib cage muscles and shoulders)

  • General: I was pleased with my PR on press. When I started CFSB the first week I failed on 125 for 3 reps, so I've come a long way in 5 weeks. I only missed the last set because I slightly dipped by accident and almost push pressed it up, so I caught myself and tried to re-do it, to no avail. The run felt good, but both my knees still hurt during it pretty significantly.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Feeling good in general but my knees hurt off and on all day
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: I'm going to start logging what I work on during my Mwod each day so I can keep myself honest and find areas I neglect or need to improve on and do them more frequently. The run today felt pretty good and I can say I'm probably 100% recovered from the race if I wasn't already a few days ago. My plan is to rest tomorrow and then hit up a nice trail run Saturday (no work!), but the snow might say otherwise. If that's the case I'll probably just Crossfit and do intervals. I've also been reviewing my programming for once CFSB is over and I might make a few minor changes, but that's not a very big deal. Tomorrow will be a day to work on my flexibility and recovery methods.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

CFSB (Front Squat)

Front Squat 5-5-5

205 (F) 5th rep

Also shoveled for over 2 hours

Mwod Complete

  • General: The front squat was lame because I showed up to not squat, then changed my mind after I felt better. I didn't have my chucks or anything. My wrist was still bothering me from yesterday's metcon I started and had to stop and that was why I failed my previous PR. The 5th rep didn't even feel that bad otherwise. Oh, excuses excuses. Looking forward to shoulder press tomorrow.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Lower back sore, legs were really tight. Chest was also really sore from pushups. I foam rolled today for the first time in a while. It wasn't pretty. I really need to be more consistent with it.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours, didn't go to sleep until 1 though
  • Reflections: My legs on the foam roller today was ugly. I'm going to make a conscious effort to foam roll for over 20-30 minutes 3 times a week to hopefully keep me loose and help heal muscle tissue on top of the daily Mwod Today's Mwod was hip and anterior tibialis work which really helped because it was a running one, and I'm still tight from the 50k. I'm looking forward to setting some PRs this upcoming week with the final week of CFSB. On Saturday I'll probably trail run instead of back squat and that will be the last week before I begin my new program where I will be squatting 2x a week.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Basiically A Rest Day

5x Max Rep Push ups on Pushup bars, close but not to full recovery


MWOD completed (Reset with 10min squat test)

  • General: Didn't feel good after the pushups so I stopped. I originally started the middle of a work out but hurt my wrist on the push press portion so I stopped. Oh well, hoping to be good to squat tomorrow.
  • Nutrition: Not good, wasn't motivated to eat great after the work out fiasco. Drank a shit load of milk.
  • Body: Fine
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Get it tomorrow I guess...

Monday, January 10, 2011

CFSB (Deadlift)

Deadlift 3-3-3

375 (PR)

1x15-21@ 265 for 15 reps (PR)


  • General: I was so pleased with a PR today especially since I wasn't even 48 hours recovered from running 31 miles when I trained today. I got 15 reps at 265 compared to 19 reps at 245 last week, and easily had 2-3 more in me. I just didn't do as many as I could once again because of recovery purposes. No metcon because I have no desire to overtrain.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Legs were still pretty sore, and my ankles were probably still the worst.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Not a whole lot. Going to do a metcon tomorrow if I feel good enough and we'll see how the rest of the week goes. I think I'm finally back up to 400# deadlift with today's PR which I will be testing next week on the final week of CFSB. That's a start but I've still got a long way to go. I'm going to dial in the Mwod starting tomorrow without a doubt in my mind.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rest Day

No training


  • General: Nice rest day today. Finally set in that I'm now an ultra runner and I've got another one to get ready for in a few weeks. It's really not that far away. Going to have to work hard to get another 19 miles in.
  • Nutrition: Decently nice cheat day. Getting shit going tomorrow. I was really hungry all day and needed the carbohydrate boost.
  • Body: My legs weren't as sore as I expected. Nonetheless, everything was pretty exhausted. Ankles are probably the worst with my hamstrings and IT band a close second. Right knee hurts too.
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Had trouble sleeping last night like Contois said might happen.
  • Reflections: Deadlifting tomorrow as I think I'll be good to go. Pleased with my quick recovery from the ultra. If I wake up worse than I think I might just do some light exercise. I have about 10-12 days left before classes start again and CFSB is almost over, which is getting me excited for my new template to start. In general looking forward to the next few weeks.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

G.A.C. Fatass 50k Trail Run (1/8/2011)

G.A.C. Fatass 50k Trail Run 1/8/2011

Ever since I read the book Born To Run by Chris McDougall in the fall of 2009, I have been very intrigued by distance running, especially the ultramarathon. I spent several months after I finished the book last year training for a marathon I signed up for rather prematurely, only to never even show up because I felt unprepared. Although I spent 2 months training heavily for it originally, I soon burned out and did not run for over 6 weeks. I had a lacrosse season fast approaching and was too nervous to risk injury. That day has had a significant impact in my life, particularly my training because ever since the day I decided I was going to drop out of that race I have been desperate to finally run a marathon or even farther. Today I finally met that goal, albeit a year later. Here's how it went down.

The 50k today was a "fatass" run which means there was no payment, awards, etc. You just show up and run. I was invited to do this run about 8 weeks ago by the person who got me into distance running in the first place, my old Physical Education teacher who I refer to as Contois (his last name). I was not 100% sure I would be ready, but we put in some long runs over the weeks prior when I was home from college. The furthest I had ever gone before this run was about 22-24 miles over a 4 hour run that I did on November 20, 2010. I went back and checked my blog prior to this race and added up my totals. Since September I have only run 108 total miles (estimated), or an average of about 7 a week. Obviously if I plan to pursue running further I will need to increase that, but I felt fairly confident that I would be OK with my training for this race.

We arrived at Bradley Palmer State Park in Topsfield, MA at 7:45AM. We were one of the first cars there. This was probably a good thing. On the event website, the race director requested we bring something for the aid station. Normally, ultra runners will tend to bring things from the day old bakery, gatorade, pretzels, candy, etc. Of course my wonderful mother decided that this was not enough, and decided to send me in with these freshly baked treats:

(Chocolate brownies with PB swirled in and coffee cake muffins)

Walking in with these 2 trays in both my hands, at least compared to the other goodies people were showing up with, made me look more or less like this: 

But I regress. Anyway, we suited up by the car. Contois positioned his car so that when we came off the trail we would hit it right on the way back to the aid station. This was very helpful for me to grab a new water bottle or dump gear I no longer needed. I was freezing at first, and started with 2 hats and 2 pairs of gloves on top of each other. Apparently last year's event made the temperature today seem like a heat wave, so I guess we got lucky. I ditched one hat and one pair of gloves after the first loop. The gear I wore, along with everything in my drop bag (not all needed, but nice to keep together) is pictured below:

The first loop started at exactly 9am. I took the advice of Shane Skowron by running a slow pace on the first lap and saving what I had for later loops. This was a good decision. As this was my first ultra I immediately became aware that a lot of the things you were "supposed to do" as an ultra runner were happening before my very eyes. An example would be running my own race. It was much more tempting than I would've expected to stay at my own slow pace on the first lap and not run with the other people going faster. I kept telling myself I had no idea how many loops they were doing, or who they were/how good at running they were. This helped but it was still a challenge nonetheless. The first loop went by pretty uneventfully, and I finished in 1:01:37. I was recording them as I got back to the car, and not at the aid station so if the times seem a bit skewed that's why.

My first trip to an aid station was definitely an experience. I thought I was making quick time, until I realized I had spent over 3 minutes there after the first loop. I promised myself to be quicker on the other loops. I headed back out for my 2nd loop. My gameplan for the first 3 loops was to run them in the exact same time. This would ensure I didn't go out too hard in the beginning and would still have to work once I started to wear down on the 2nd and 3rd loop. By now the trail was a lot more padded down, after being full of ice and patches of unpadded snow on the first lap. This made running a lot easier.  I finished my 2nd loop by 2:08. I had to walk a lot more than I wanted on the 2nd loop, not because of soreness, but because I might've looked like this had I not:

The 3rd loop was a pain in the ass (no pun intended) before it even started. I grabbed a new water bottle at the end of my 2nd loop, and had to spend over 5 minutes in the porta potty before I was able to start going again. I checked in at the aid station and took my time because I already had spent quite a while not running. You could guess I was a bit irritated because I should've taken care of this before the race, but I forgot. Lesson learned: no dairy before races, problem solved ;).

Besides that little fiasco, the third loop went by pretty smoothly. I finished by 3:20 even after that little stop, so I guess I did pretty well. I do recall that at this point I was beginning to get pretty tired, and my legs got really sore. My right knee was bugging me as well, but me running without knee pain is more of a shock than running with it. I'm pretty accustomed to it at this point. I guess there is only so much POSE running can do. At this point I was feeling good and thought a sub 5:30 time was possible. But then came the hardest hour of my life.

I remember the aid station. I had some gummy bears, some gatorade and some chocolate covered pretzels while checking in. The lady said "Only 2 more, keep going!" which motivated me because the way I look at it is there's only 1 more loop until 1 loop left. My brain likes to divide things up like that when I do long runs or workouts. If only I knew what the next loop had in store for me. About 2 miles in I began to feel miserable. The snow also began pouring down heavily, which only made things worse. The last 4 miles of this loop were terrible. My legs were killing me, and I had no motivation to go any faster. I just wanted to walk. Sub 5:30 slipped out of my grasp which also did nothing positive for me in this position. This was also when weird stuff started to happen. I had already seen 2-3 "people" in the beginning of the loop that turned out to be trees, rocks, nothing at all... you know, normal stuff. This continued, but some stuff I've never experienced also happened. I was listening to music on my iPod. Some of the lyrics these artists I was listening to are pretty deep if you think about them. Something about certain lines of songs was making me feel like crying. At first I thought it was from the pain in my legs, but I soon realized it wasn't. When a line would relate to something, such as the chorus of Rascall Flatt's "My Wish" when he says 'Youre dreams stay big, your worries stay small," the lyrics would strike me really weird. I would relate that line to the race, because I have big aspirations as a runner and/or athlete that I take pride in. My throat was welling up like the feeling you'd get before you cry, and I would have to fight it back. Then once I fought it off, I would get a huge adrenaline rush which would make me buzz until I crashed again. It also happened when I thought about how I had almost finally covered a marathon distance for the first time in my life. I understand the adrenaline, but the crying thing was weird and has never happened to me before.This happened 8-9 times, mostly on loop 4. I guess my emotions were messed up from putting my body through the hardest thing it's ever experienced. Weird.

I finally finished the 4th loop by 4:35. You know that feeling you get when you know you've done something before, and have no desire to do it again? For anyone who CrossFits, you would understand. Like when you see Barbara or Griff (2 of my least favorite WODs at least) come up, you get that pit in your stomach and the sensation that you do not want to do it. That was exactly how I felt at the aid station before my final lap. Contois was done at this point (he finished in 4:30), and was encouraging me. I slammed some food and drink, closed my eyes and just said this is it. I embarked on the final lap without even looking back. Back I went onto the loop. I tried to break it up into smaller bits, but until I got past the hilly single track section in the middle of the loop I wasn't even able to think about the finish. Then once I got by there, I couldn't even think about the finish until the driveway that leads to the parking lot. Then once I realized how freaking long the driveway is, I began to think about it at the parking lot. Right as I hit the parking lot "False Pretense" by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus came on my iPod on random ALL. Call me what you will, but I take that as a sign of fate. It's probably one of my top 3 favorite pump up songs of all time, so I knew it was time to hit the jets. I sprinted the final 400 meters to the aid station, and finally I was done. 5:50.39, mission complete. Finally done with the distance that has haunted me for so long, plus some more.

On a side note, something funny did happen with my iPod. You know the song Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews band, and know the parts when he says "CRASH" and there is a second pause? On the 5th loop this song was playing and I was chugging away. Right at that point in the song where he says crash I nearly ate shit big time for the first time in the race. I actually started laughing at myself because I didn't know what else to do. I found it pretty ironic.

Some things I learned:

- Drink more than I think necessary, because I was very dehydrated by the end of each loop, especially the end of the race.
- When wearing Yaktrax/running in snow, make sure your traction is fit properly. Don't try to run with it a little off, because it messes with stride.
- No dairy the day before races to prevent stomach/bowel problems.
- Run your own race, not anyone elses
- Do NOT get hung up on split times. It just depresses you and doesn't help at all, especially when the race means nothing for what time you get.
- Might want to consider adding more running for any more ultras in the future.
- Push off your knees when climbing hills at a powerwalk speed.

In general, I had a blast today. I've never pushed myself this hard in my life and I was so pleased when I finally finished the race. There was never a point where I thought I would give up no matter how bad it got, which was definitely a step in the right direction. Contois asked me on the way home if I thought ultras were in my future, and I told him to ask me tomorrow. I was surprised to see how 'blah' I felt after the race. I was drained mentally and physically and my emotions seemed blunted post race.

Tonight, in honor of my completion I had a delicious cheat meal. I told my mom to surprise me with a pizza for when I got home and she went with one called the "Napoleon Dynamite." For those of you thinking it's covered in llama and tater tots (don't worry, I did too), it was bacon, sausage, onions and jalapenos. It was a solid meal and I'm looking forward to a nice night of sleep.

Here are some other pictures:

Me at 5am ready to go. Myspace whore?

My car at 5:15am, and the snow that we received overnight

Friday, January 7, 2011

Rest Day

No training


  • General: As scheduled, the last day of no training before the race. Writing this now I just got off work and hanging with my girlfriend for a bit. I have everything I need ready to go next to the front door and a 5:30am wake up call for tomorrow. I'm apprehensive and nervous right now about it. I really just want to start going. The hardest part to think about is that 1 hour between 8am and 9am where I have to wait to start. I will update tomorrow night with results and will hopefully do a race report the next day.
  • Nutrition: Not good, carbing up for tomorrow. Major cheat scheduled after the race (Uno's pizza baby! I bet it tastes better with a finishing time and not a DNF)
  • Body: I feel good. Mentally I feel good. Kind of tired from not getting great nights of sleep recently.
  • Sleep: 8 hours. Not going to sleep well tonight. As I write this the best I can do is 7.5 hours.
  • Reflections: I'm just hoping I'm trained well enough. Quitting won't be an option unless I decide seriously that it might prevent me from running the 50 miler in March. Other than that it's go time. I can't wait to finally join the ranks of an actual ultra-runner. Tomorrow is the start of big things, and likely the first of many races I will do.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rest Day

No training

  • General: Did not do anything today. Just never really got around to it. Probably going to primal walk tomorrow then spend some time mentally preparing, and other than that it's game time. I'll be setting my drop bag up tonight.
  • Nutrition: Had ice cream with lunch but otherwise pretty good
  • Body: Feeling solid. Shoulders were tight all day though
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Really starting to set in for what I have to do Saturday. I'm not really nervous so much as I just want to start. I don't care what the weather is like because I've run in every condition before, but the mystery of everything is killing me. Tomorrow will be my last day to prepare then it's game time. I'm going to start taking pictures tonight for the eventual write up that will follow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

CFSB (Run, Press, Cleans, Ice Cream)

40 Min Trail run at Riverlin St. Trails in early PM. Slow pace.

Shoulder Press 5-5-5

125 (F) 5th rep, missed it by literally a foot

1x12-20 @95 for 12 reps (PR)

1 Power Clean on the minute for 15 minutes
135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 185, 195, 200, 205(F), 205, 205, 210 F), 195(F), 195, 210 (F)

Highest PC was 205. (PR by 20)


General: The trail run was great. If every run was like todays, I would do nothing but trail run. It was relaxing and just nice to get out alone and explore new trails I've never run on by myself (hence not knowing exactly where I was). The yaktrax felt awesome. I was irritated with the miss at 125 but I can't exactly tell you why I failed. I missed it by such a close margin it was unbelievable. Hopefully I'll get it next week. The clean workout was really fun, and I PR'd by 20 having not done power cleans in a long time minus last week's metcon. I think 210-215 is possible with adequate rest in between.

Nutrition: I ate strict all day but had ice cream and some oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert. First time I've eaten junky in a while. I've ditched that side of me that gorges when I cheat though, so I'm more obliged to have small cheats once in a while like this.

Body: Felt good today. One of the cleans made my left elbow a little tender, but it hasn't hurt at all and I don't feel it anymore so I think it's OK. Perfect time to rest the elbow for 4-5 days.

Sleep: 8 hours

Reflections: All in all a good session, and now that I've finished the week strong it's game time for the race. Tomorrow I'll look to primal walk or maybe do a light tabata run session similar to how CFE recommends tapering.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


100 Burpees For Time:



General: Worked a lot today and decided to skip the squat day. I just couldn't convince myself it was worth the risk of not being 100% on Saturday. I PRed on this WOD by over a minute so I was happy, especially since I have been doing very little stuff like this.

Nutrition: Good, ate a little too much dark chocolate though and got a headache

Body: Feeling good. Back is a little tight

Sleep: 8 hours

Reflections: Not a whole lot to reflect on. Busy day today with work so I did the best I could. Going to do 1 more session tomorrow with shoulder press and a nice relaxing run of 30-60 minutes and then Thurs and Fri will be days to prepare and maybe go for some primal walks. Really looking forward to Saturday, although I'm pretty nervous.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Recovery Day

No training

25 minute primal walk in the AM

Took a hot cold bath in the PM. Ice plunged for 5 minutes total


General: The ice plunge was the coldest I've ever made it and it definitely was something I forgot how much can help. On the other hand, it was pretty damn cold. I got out and felt really refreshed and my back decreased in soreness substantially over the next hour.

Nutrition: Good. Fasted until noon from 6pm last night. Ate at a big calorie deficit today (explained below)

Body: Good minus the sore back. I've been getting these severe stomach pains recently. It's becoming a daily occurrence and sometimes happens more than once. They last about an hour and tend to happen after I eat. I didn't eat much today because I got them twice after both meals I had and they lasted nearly 2 hours each. Going to get checked out soon.

Sleep: 8 hours

Reflections: Wish I knew what was wrong with my stomach. Tomorrow is going to be really busy with work all day so I may skip front squat in favor of just some form of CrossFit after work. I want to do it though so we'll see how I feel tomorrow. 1 more day of training tomorrow, then shoulder press and a light run the next day and I'm officially done training until the 50k. The reality is beginning to set in for sure on what I've got to do this weekend especially since the forecast is predicting snow Friday night and Saturday morning.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

CFSB (Deadlift, Pullups)

Deadlift 3-3-3

1x15-21 @ 245- 19 reps *

"Death By Pullups"

10 Rds + 4 Pullups

MWOD Complete


General: PRed again today on the deadlift even though I was pretty sore from yesterdays run. The * next to the high rep set just means I could've done more but I was playing it safe with recovery for the upcoming week and the 50k. At 19 I knew I had 2 more to finish the rep scheme, and even possibly more than that but I was beginning to struggle and I knew that doing anymore would make me sore for 3 days instead of 1-2... I just know my body that's all. I didn't PR on the WOD because my hands are mangled and I quit at 10 rounds. Literally quit which was a first for me in a long time, but it hurt decently bad and I didn't want my hands to rip again.

Nutrition: Good. Lots of milk for recovery

Body: Knees hurt earlier today. Calves are sore, groin is tight and lower back was before deadlifting and will only get worse. Probably going to be really sore tomorrow.

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: Lots of pulling today. The pullups were very weak. Going to need to start programming them a lot more to reach my goal of 20 strict by the end of the year, but they are on deck as far as how frequently they'll be done (with my new template) Looking forward to a nice rest day tomorrow and a possible primal walk.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Long Run

2 hour run on reservation trails in Holden, MA. Averaged a ~10 minute pace and covered between 10-12 miles estimated


General: Today was my final run before the 50k next weekend and I think I'm ready to go. I got to test out the Yaktrax today in the snow and they were phenomenal. I don't think running in the snow next weekend will be anything more than a small obstacle, and definitely will not be a problem. Skipped squat today on CFSB but will deadlift and metcon tomorrow accordingly.

Nutrition: It was alright. I only had GU's during the run and ate paleo all day, but my girlfriend's mom cooked a huge Thanksgiving-esque dinner and I ate stuffing, a roll, mashed potatoes, a bit of ice cream and apple pie. Eating for recovery though, right?

Body: Feeling good. My knees hurt a little bit from the stride issues I had when first adjusting to the snow.

Sleep: 7 hours

Reflections: My schedule for this week looks like this, or at least so I think for now:

Sunday: Deadlift + Metcon
Monday: Rest Day
Tuesday: Front Squat (switching the days) + High rep BS + Metcon
Wednesday: Taper run, 30-60 minutes and shoulder press day with a possible metcon.

My decision to mess with it this week was to make sure I didn't miss any of the strength days and still had time to taper. Thursday and Friday I will probably do light stuff but mostly just rest.