Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Team Metcon

In teams of 2
For time:
50 Deadlifts, 225/135
Run 400meters
50 Overhead Squats, 95/65
Run 400meters
50 Burpees
Run 400meters
50 Ring Dips
Run 400meters
50 Box Jumps, 24″
Run 400meters
50 Overhead Walking Lunges, 45/35
Run 400meters

Athletes will run together. Only one athlete may work at a time on other exercises. Both athletes must be back from the run before the start of the next exercise. Only one bar per team!

Time: 26:12, teamed with Paul C.

*Taken directly from CFCM website.

Day 6 burpee challenge complete.


  • General: Really fun work out, first team work out I've done and it was cool. The runs were strong but the ring dips really held me back. Need to do more OHS to get the form and strength for them.
  • Nutrition: OK, not strict.
  • Body: Pectorals fatigued, glutes were a little sore earlier in day.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hrs
  • Reflections: Gymnastics still killing me. Still finalizing ideas for the marathon attempt, almost done with that. Tomorrow I start strict. Going to see how long I can go with that, hopefully until I leave for college. All in all good day.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Livin The Primal Life

6 Rounds (on the beach):

~53 yd Overhead walking lunge with a ~25 pound rock
~106 yd beach sprint

Time: 11:27

Burpee Day 5


  • General: Got over my food poisoning by about noon. Going home tomorrow. Decided to join the 100 day burpee challenge that my friends are doing, starting on day 5 so I had to do 15 today.
  • Nutrition: Decent amount of junk. Vacation.
  • Sleep: 7 hours +
  • Body: Feel good, sort of tired.
  • Reflections: Nothing much. Happy to get rid of my food poisoning.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Recovery Day

Got food poisoning, didn't eat much, all junk when I did. Only slept about 3.5 hrs in total. Did not work out and might not tomorrow. We'll see.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


5 Rds For Time:

275 Deadlift 5 reps
10 Burpees



  • General: Today's WOD really irritated me. I've lost a lot of strength because my PR on this workout is 3:37.
  • Nutrition: I cheated last night, I agreed to cheat on vacation this week so it's alright. I'm going to be lax for a few days then go back to normal.
  • Body: Feel good, really tired.
  • Sleep: Poor. Can't seem to catch up.
  • Reflections: This is my only real vacation week of the summer so I'm taking advantage of it. Partying is OK this week and diet can relax. I'm fine with it and will begin hard training on Thursday of this week with my strict diet.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rest Day

No Training.


  • General: Took the day off because I had to work 9 hrs and I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights. Rest day welcomed.
  • Nutrition: Good, fasted from 6 PM the previous night to 3:15 today.
  • Body: Pectorals and quads sore, feel really fatigued in general
  • Reflections: Need to figure out sleeping problem
  • Tomorrow: I'll be going to CFCM.


Karen as RX'd (150 wallball shots at a 10 ft target), 20 lb ball



  • General: Really busy day, got my work out in so I was happy. This was a contest WOD at CFCM and I got 8th.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Body: Pectorals, biceps, quads sore.
  • Sleep: 7.5 hrs, poor night sleep.
  • Reflections: Decided my plan is to run 26.2 miles with only CF and CFE method training with only paleo and primal before and during. That'll be later this summer. I also need to figure out why I can't sleep recently.
  • Notes: Tomorrow I have to work 9 hrs, so I'm going to take a rest day and just primal walk at both jobs and fast for part of it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

30 Muscleups, Walk

30 Muscle Ups For Time was RX'd

Did 15 rounds of 6 pullups and 6 ring dips as my substitute, still can't do muscle ups
Time: 16:10

Went on a ~45 minute primal walk in the PM after work.


  • General: Solid workout today. I used the red bands after about 30 ring dips as a further substitute. The pullups were strong, ring dips not so much.
  • Nutrition: Good
  • Sleep: 9 hrs
  • Body: Shoulders are a little tight. Legs are still tight but no longer sore.
  • Reflections: Need to do more gymnastic work, and get more skill work in after I'm done with my WOD

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rest Day

Nothing much. As of now, haven't done much besides make a point of being active walking at work. Going to primal walk/light jog in the PM.


  • General: Didn't work out today because of my schedule and because I was still pretty sore. I want to ease back in and make sure I'm recovering enough before I take on more loads.
  • Nutrition: Another day complete. I think it's day 10 or 11.
  • Sleep: 8.5hrs
  • Body: Legs are tight in all areas that have been sore minus glutes (hamstrings, quads, inner thigh. There is still that tight knot near my knees I wrote about last night, and it's in both legs. My neck hurts a bit and that thing in my shoulder I wrote about is most likely a pulled muscle, but the rest day is definitely helping it. Achilles are sore too.
  • Reflections: I'm going to start adding this to the blog every night. I was thinking today that I might want to do a marathon this summer and was trying to figure out how I could fit that into my training so I can knock that off my goals. I also was thinking I need to find some good things I can do on recovery days, both for exercise and helping speed up recovery.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bar Of Death, Deadlifts

Warmup: Jump rope practice.

Deadlift 5-5-5, Deloading Week (40,50,60%)
185, 205, 205

Five Rounds For Time:
15 Deadlifts
12 Hang Power Cleans
9 Front Squats
6 Push Jerks

Time: 23:42

*Weight used: 115


  • General: This was a really good work out. Definitely one I'll do again at some point. The prescribed weight was 135# but I wasn't sure how much strength I had lost and thought it might be a better idea to scale. It probably could've gone either way in retrospect.
  • Body: Still pretty sore in glutess, hamstrings, quads. Shoulders are tight and will be sore tomorrow I'm sure. The inside of my legs near my knees (quads?) are extremely tight and don't hurt when I massage them, but I can tell they could use some rest. Ripped a couple calluses on my hand. Area in my right shoulder blade is hurting and I think it's either a nerve or a pulled muscle.
  • Nutrition: Day 10(?) complete. Not even hard anymore, but I do eat a lot of fruit. Definitely going to adjust my diet once I start recovering from workouts as fast as I used to.
  • Sleep: ~8 hrs
  • Notes: Hang power cleans were strong. I could really use some extra overhead practice. Felt rusty with most of the lifts because it was my first time doing them in a while. Might rest tomorrow because of the high intensity of last couple days, but we'll see how I feel in the morning. Also, I could really use extra double under practice.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thrusters, Floor Wipers, Pullups

Shoulder Press 3x5
65, 75,85 (joined on a deload week)

For Time:
1 Mile Run
21 Thrusters 95lbs
21 Floor Wipers 95lbs
21 Pullups
800m Run
15 Thrusters 95lbs
15 Floor Wipers 95lbs
21 Pullups
400m Run
9 Thrusters 95lbs
9Floor Wipers 95lbs
9 Pullups


Primal walked for about an hour after.

  • General: First day at the new crossfit gym. It was definitely an experience. That workout was really tough and I felt nauseas for about 80% of it. My first run since the concussion and it made me feel pretty sick.
  • Nutrition: Another day complete, Over a week in now.
  • Sleep: 7-8 hrs, couldn't fall asleep
  • Body: Sore in glutes, hamstrings, groin, quads, shoulders
  • Notes: Nothing really today. That was an interesting first day and it really drained me. First metcon I've done over 10-15 minutes in months and it really sucked. Body still isn't used to it and I was dizzy and nauseas most of the day after the workout. Drank coffee before and that was a poor decision.
  • Tomorrow: Another metcon probably. We'll see what CFCM brings.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rest Day

-Went for a ~40 minute walk on pavement in the VFF's
- Foam Rolled for 10 minutes, focusing on legs
- Stretched for ~10 minutes, focusing on legs


  • General: Took the day off. Didn't end up going to my college for orientation today so I decided to join my gym tomorrow instead and rest today.
  • Body: Very sore in shoulders, hamstrings, quads, glutes and groin. Lower back is stiff. Stretching was poor and hurt really bad- I have lost a lot of flexibility.
  • Nutrition: Another day complete. Strict.
  • Notes: I need to start active stretching, foam rolling, dynamic stretching etc. more. My flexibility is really sub par to what it used to be.
  • Sleep: 8 hrs, was a little stressed.
  • Tomorrow: Whatever CFCM brings. First day. Really excited.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Clean Metcon, Shoulder Press

3x3 Shoulder Press, straight sets across
115# used, dialing in form and starting light as I work my way back

3 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Clean and Jerks 135#
10 Hurdle Hops, 18in (estimate)


  • General: Still easing my way back into Crossfit and the high intensity. The shoulder press was harder than I would've liked it to be and the C+J's were brutal almost the whole way through. Definitely need to get a lot of my strength back but it's a work in progress.
  • Body: Extremely sore in my quads, hamstrings, groin, glutes. Also feel like a pinched a nerve or something at the top of my back near my neck during the clean and jerks in the metcon (didn't have bumpers so I had to set the weight down after reps gently). Shoulders and pectorals are tight.
  • Nutrition: Day 6 complete, feeling good too. Maybe eating a bit too much but I want to make sure I'm recovering fully as I ease back in. I'll adjust in the next week or so.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hrs
  • Tomorrow: Not sure. I've got college orientation so I might have a hard time working out and I'll probably just see how I feel when I wake up. If I decide to do something, it will probably be bodyweight or track stuff. Rest day on Monday for sure and joining CFCM on Tuesday.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Metcon, First Crossfit WOD back

5 Front Squats 135#
10 Burpees
20 Walking Lunges
RDS:6 Rounds, stopped short

After 13:30 I started to feel nauseas, so I ended early.


  • Notes: First day back, felt good, really going to feel it in the legs tomorrow. The nauseas feeling was expected- body has not felt such intensity in ~5 or 6 weeks and I went pretty hard. The burpees are what made me feel sick- and I think tomorrow will be better.
  • Nutrition: Day 5 COMPLETE
  • Body: Lats, biceps, pectorals
  • Sleep: 8 Hrs
  • Tomorrow: Not sure yet, going to go by how I feel when I wake up. Starting at CFCM on Tuesday, going to do a WOD tomorrow and Sunday then rest on Monday. I think tomorrow will be some Olympic lifting, or a couplet of some sort.


The point of this blog is to track my goals. I had a blog before that I chose to stop writing on because of lacrosse, and when I looked back I realized how lazy I had been and how I was embarassed to see that on the blog. Now that my lacrosse career is over, I can focus solely on my training and programming.

This summer I will be joining Crossfit Center Mass in Worcester, Ma. I'm hoping to obtain a couple movements I was always to lazy to learn (HSPU, muscle ups, etc.) and work on all my weaknesses so that when I leave for college in September and begin my own programming I'll have some of those in my arsenal for Metcons. As of now, I think I want to do some sort of strength bias programming when I am in college, but we'll see. My ultimate goal is to be a competitive person in the Crossfit Games within the next few years. This year was supposed to be the one to increase my strength, learn and strengthen my weaknesses (gymnastic stuff mostly) and then be able to apply them to being a really strong Crossfitter.

As far as diet goes, I'm strict paleo most of the time. Writing this now, I'm on day 5 of a 30 day challenge going strict. I decided to do 30 days because I had been really lax with my diet for the last few months and want to dial it in. After it ends, I'll listen to my body and see what it needs and doesn't need.
