Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rest Day

No training.

Did yoga yesterday

  • General: Did 90 min of P90x yoga yesterday which felt awesome. Going to start doing it once a week fa sho. I got some potentially bad news in the reflections that has left me feeling pretty shitty the last few days.
  • Nutrition: It's been really good the past few days.
  • Body: Tired, but nothing bad. yoga did wonders for my back.
  • Sleep: 9 hours.
  • Reflections: If you remember early in the summer I got depressed and had a 2 month time period where everything in my life was really bad. If you know me personally you know how bad it got. Long story short, I learned from that that I get depressed and stressed very easily. About a month ago, I started noticing something wrong with my heart. My heart? It was a sharp pain, feeling as though my heart beat was a stabbing pain in my chest and everything got tight. I opted not to say anything because I didn't want my mom to freak out which she is prone to doing. It happens for 1 minute or less 2-3 times a day, everyday. It got really bad last week and I finally decided to tell my mom who sent me to the health center at school. I got an EKG and bloodwork done and basically I have what are called PVC's that cause chest pain. They aren't dangerous unless it starts to affect my workouts, and they have yet to do that. It's a stress trigger, and being a college student I have plenty of stress (among other reasons I won't go into). So my bloodwork came back normal and now I'm going to be wearing a heart monitor for a few days next week to monitor the beat and make sure everything is OK. The doctor told me today as of now I have no restrictions but it could change once the monitoring process begins. If you asked me today I would say I'm still attempting to run 105 miles in a few weeks but I don't know what's going to happen. Even little stressors have been putting me over the top recently so running that far may be asking my body too much right now. I'll keep it updated as I learn more information. Turns out another blog I follow has the same problem. He recently posted info on good ways to treat it Here.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Squat, 400m runs

Back Squat

400m Runs
1. 1:05
2. 1:08
3. 1:12

Mobility: 20 minutes-- 4 min hamstring each side, 3 min glute stretch each side, 3 min couch stretch each side

  • General: Squatted all the way through today with no pain. 255 for 9 was a joke, just don't want to be too sore from my first set back. Good to see I haven't lost much. Mobility has pretty much repaired my back and has therefore become something I will do everyday. 400m run was a PR on the first one I believe, not sure though. My lower body is becoming very mobile from all the stretching.
  • Nutrition:  Good. Less calories than normal. Time to cut a bit
  • Body: Feel really good. Taking a few days off has been helpful. The elbows still feel a little off.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: I'm going to do yoga tomorrow for my workout. Thursday and Friday I may rest or do Crossfit, and Saturday is a nice long early morning run with Contois. Looking forward to the rest of the week.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rest, week plan

  • General: Took the weekend off
  • Nutrition: Not great, I drank on Saturday night
  • Body: Tired but feel good
  • Sleep: Probably 12 hours combined between both nights, not good
  • Reflections: This week I'm going to eat a lot cleaner and a lot less than I have been, finally starting to be happy with the size my upper body has reached, especially since none of my shirts fit right on my shoulders anymore. My stomach has gotten a bit bigger than I am OK with, so it's time to cut a bit of the fat I've accumulated. This week I will not be following GSLP and will be doing very little to no upper body movements to give my elbows a week off. Probably try to get a day of squatting in and some crossfit-ish conditioning for the lower body. I'll structure the week around a long run on Saturday. I'll try to get 4 hours on my feet on trails near my house in Grafton.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Bench Press
1x6x202.5# (PR)

Barbell Shrugs
2x10x315# (strapped)

Back Squat

  • General: Didn't do my mobility today because I had to drive home and forgot. Back squatted without pain for the first time in a month. PR on bench but getting close to stalling.
  • Nutrition: Decent
  • Body: Good, elbow hurt during the work out.
  • Sleep: IDR
  • Reflections: I'm planning to deload/take all of next week off. I've been feeling a bit burned out again and my numbers are about to stall so I think it's time to let my muscles catch up. I may not take the whole week off but I think it's best for my elbow and the rest of my body.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Press, Pullups, DU's, run

3x5x155# (PR)

3 Sets of chin ups: 10, 9, 7 *last set strict and pause at bottom

5 Rounds For Time:
35 Double Unders
200m Run


  • General: Metcon kicked my ass, CV system just isn't used to Crossfit stuff right now. Going to do more metcons in preparation for this 105 miler in a few weeks to get a little leaner and cross-train my legs more so they are ready to get destroyed. I think it's the right thing to do if I'm not going to run much, which besides one more long run I'm not. I got 155 for 5 which is a lifetime PR on press.
  • Nutrition: Really good
  • Body: Pretty good. Mobilizing is really loosening up my lower body. Elbow nagged me a bit today.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Pretty good day of training. I need to be smart about my elbow and if it's bothering me in my session on Friday I will take the next 4 days off from upper body training. I'm going to be in the car for 8 hours of Saturday (getting paid to do it) so I won't have time to do much. I will be drinking both weekend nights this weekend because it's going to be popping on campus, but for most of the month of October I will drink once or not at all because I will be going home every weekend to teach at a lacrosse clinic in my town.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bench Press, Curl, Other upper body

Bench Press
7x200# (PR)

Strict Curl
2x12x95# Barbell (PR), 1x6x50# DB's

Back Pump Machine

Lateral Flies 2x10x25#

10 minute squat test

5 minutes each side split hamstring stretch

  • General: Pretty good day. Finally in the 200's with bench and going strong on it. I see myself getting several more PR's before stalling there. My press unfortunately will probably stall on Wednesday when I go for 155x3x5. Didn't squat today because my legs are still really sore from FGB. Today is the start of my mobility project for one of my classes-- 20 minutes every day until a few days before my race of Mwods.
  • Nutrition: Ice cream with lunch, decent rest of the day
  • Body: Legs are tremendously sore and shoulders aren't much better still
  • Sleep: 9.5 hours. best night of sleep since I came to college
  • Reflections: I'd like to knock off a run tomorrow. Thinking I may go check out some trails in the Springfield area that I know about.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


No training

  • General: I literally did nothing today. Sundays at college are basically an excuse to sit around all day, and besides the hour of homework I did me and Dan watched tv and laid down literally the entire day. Probably good because I am pretty sore from yesterday. Body isn't used to the high reps that I did in FGB yesterday. Need these days every once in a while.
  • Nutrition: Lots of protein today, had an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's as well. Drank whiskey last night which might've been the 2nd time ever and it affected me differently than other alcohol
  • Body: Legs are shot. Walked around like I had a stick in my ass all day. Shoulders sore too but not bad.
  • Sleep: 9 hours, but I drank so not high quality.
  • Reflections: Semester is pretty slow with school work still. Me and Dan will lift tomorrow in the fitness center and not with powerlifters because we have obligations at night when PL is open. Only thing that sucks about powerlifting here is it's at 7pm and that doesn't always work with my schedule nor do I like working out at that time. I'm planning on hitting some big PR's tomorrow in bench and curls and front squatting.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Back With A vengeance

"Fight Gone Bad!"

As Rx'd, score was 356. (PR)

  • General: I've been training consistently since I moved into school but I decided I needed a break from blogging because my head was not in the right place and neither was my training. I've been eating a lot, growing steadily and getting stronger these last 2 weeks but I have not documented a thing in order to clear my head and reset. I went to Crossfit Iron Will today owned by a really great guy named Heath who has decided to let me be an apprentice in his gym while I'm living in Springfield. I'm going to start going to his gym to get coaching techniques and study how one runs a Crossfit gym beginning this week and I'm really excited for this opportunity. I contacted him and offered to do it for free telling him how I aspire to one day open my own facility and he was nice enough to allow me to help. Today was FGB6 so I jumped in and did the workout, smashing a huge PR. All the strength components were a lot easier with all the size and strength I've put into my shoulders.
  • Nutrition: Didn't eat much today, but it was good. The last 2 weeks I've been eating college food, but I've been doing well. Eating 200-300g of protein a day consisting of hamburger, chicken, and some dairy in the form of yogurt and cheese (mostly cheesesticks). I've been adding a few pounds of fat over the last month but I've had 5 people tell me that I've gotten a lot bigger muscles in my upper body since they last saw me. I've drank more than I'm used to since being here, but that will level off soon.
  • Body: Pretty good. I've been mobilizing consistently so I'm feeling a lot more limber in my lower body. I tweaked my pectoral this week curling but it feels 100% now.
  • Sleep: Pretty good actually, been taking melatonin on the night's I know I will sleep well. Only had one real night of bad sleep which was because I was out drinking.
  • Reflections: It clicked that I need to start blogging again because I want to be able to look back on the last month of training before I attempt the hardest thing I've ever done (105 mile run). I'm planning on doing 1 more long run before the race which should be about 4 hours the first weekend in October. I'm continuing the Greyskull Linear Progression until the race and I plan to keep eating all the food I've been eating too. After the race I'm going to re-evaluate my goals and decide what I want to do in 2012. I'm also starting a project in my wellness class to change a behavior, and I chose to improve my mobility. My goal is to do 20 minutes of mobility every single night before bed lasting until October 18. I have to document it all so I'm looking forward to finally having a reason to do it consistently. I'm back and feeling better than ever, so hopefully my followers forgive me for the layoff and you can look forward to some quality training in the next few months.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where I've Been

I've been MIA off and on the last couple weeks just because I either forget to blog or I am not by a computer when I go to sleep. I am all moved back into Springfield College and blogging should continue as it has in the past. I've been thinking a hell of a lot about where I want to go with my training in 2012, and right now I'm still pretty stumped. I love strength training and I know that is not going anywhere, but besides that I'm a little confused as to where I want to head next. Running is becoming an off and on thing with me. Sometimes I get the feeling that it's a chore and since I haven't done a lot of races I don't really want to train for them on some days. The only thing that has kept the spark alive is the idea that I want to run 100+ miles. I think after I do that once that will decide where I head next. That being said, I'm officially committing to giving it my 100% best effort to run 105 miles at the Ghost Train trail race in about 7-8 weeks. I don't plan to do a whole lot of running before it approaches but I will continue to get time on my feet and lots of strength training in.

Regular blogging will hopefully continue now that I'm back in a routine. I'd like to see where I'm at a month from now because recently I've felt in a funk with my training and I'd like to get out of it ASAP. Side note, all the protein I've been inhaling has been doing wonders for size gains. I've noticed increases in size in my upper body in just 2 weeks. This will continue until I'm where I want to be size-wise.