Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Body weight stuff, Death by 10 yards

Walking Lunges


"Death By 10 yards"
16 rounds + 16 touches (missed the 17th by 2 seconds)

Mobility Wod completed


General: Both metcons were good. Felt the walking lunges on the turn around of the running WOD a lot more than I thought I would. Lots of hip work in today's Mwod which I definitely need.

Nutrition: Pretty good, had some frozen yogurt and white potatoes though

Body: Sore in biceps, shoulders, groin

Sleep: 9 Hours

Reflections: Just trying to make do with what I have. My elbows don't hurt during the work out but feel so weird after and I'm not sure if it's a bad thing or not. I'm hesitant to do anything else on them besides burpees and push ups right now.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Squat, Burpee, Box Jumps

Back Squat 3-3-3

255 (PR)
260 (PR)

5 Rounds for time:
10 Burpees
15 24 inch box jumps


Mobility work done, not complete mwod


General: 10# PR on the 3 rep squat even though I haven't squatted in a month, and have been focusing on running a lot. The MWOD is the difference in this case. I can honestly say I've never felt as good at the bottom of the squat before. The metcon was quick and sharp which was exactly what I was looking for.

Nutrition: Good. Not eating eggs for breakfast anymore because they make me sick now.

Body: Elbows didn't love the burpees, but there was no pain. I can't describe how they felt the rest of the day, just a weird sensation. Otherwise good.

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: Ready for tomorrow

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rest Day

No training, No MWOD


General: Busy day, not really much time to do a good work out. I'm going to do some Crossfit this weeek though.

Nutrition: OK, not great. Going to get it going this week

Body: Not sore at all from the run

Sleep: 10 hours

Reflections: Ready for the week

Long Run (11/27)

4 hours and 1 minute run @ Riverlin St Trails. Started at 5am. Estimated distance between 22-24 miles



General: The run went well. My legs would not move fast for the first 2 hours but I perked up after we made a car stop and I felt pretty good for the rest. My legs were very heavy but there was never any doubt that I could cover the 4 hours. I need to start doing the MWOD because I missed it 3 days in a row.

Nutrition: Not great, but I wanted to fully recover from the run

Body: (Writing the following day)Nothing is sore from the run. I'm just tired and the elbows have been doing well. I'm going to begin a dedicated heating session to them everyday in hopes that it speeds recovery.

Sleep: 6 hours yesterday

Reflections: Nothing. Going back to school tomorrow and won't be home for over 3 weeks so I'll be doing maybe one 2 hour run, 3-4 one hour runs and the rest will be focusing on getting my elbows better and the best "Crossfit" I can manage. Going to make the MWOD a huge priority the next couple weeks too.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

4 Rounds For Time:

25 Crossfit Pushups
25 4 Count Flutter Kicks
25 Squats




General: Solid workout. Crossfit pushups were a new one. I probably won't run tomorrow because we're leaving earlier than I thought. If I do, it'll be when I get home.

Nutrition: Chalking this one up to the holiday.

Body: Solid. No elbow pain on the work out

Sleep: 6 hours

Reflections: Nada

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Calves Hell

1000 Single Unders For Time, Wearing weighted vest

*Every break requires a penalty of 15 air squats

Time: 14:40



General: My calves are going to be sore tomorrow I bet. The work out wasn't so much a killer metcon, but my feet and calves were toast by the end. I think it was a good one to help out my running. The MWOD I chose had to deal with my calves so it was perfect.

Nutrition: Good

Body: Good, only a bit of elbow pain today

Sleep: 8 hours, shitty sleep coming again tonight

Reflections: Nada, traveling tomorrow. Can't wait for Thanksgiving... legit one of my favorite holidays by far.

Medium Run (11/23)

1 Hour 12 minutes on Riverlin St powerline trails @5am. Faster pace than ultra.



General: Solid run, I was tired all day though from lack of sleep the last couple days. Didn't stop me from staying up as late as I did though. The pace we went at was a lot faster than normal. Had cramps the whole time from all the fruit I ate the date before, but I pushed on and finished really strong. I've noticed that my recovery has been phenomenal from trail runs recently, even with the less than adequate nutrition as of late. I haven't been the slightest bit sore or worn down from the actual run portions recently.

Nutrition: S.A.D.

Body: Good just really tired. My chest and triceps were destroyed from the burpees.

Sleep: 5.5 hours or so

Reflections: MWOD has been going well. Noticing a huge difference in the 3 times I've done it in my squat and lower leg flexibility. Schedule for the rest of the week goes as follows:

Wed: Crossfit(ish) WOD, maybe some sprints
Thursday: Thanksgiving Crossfit(ish) WOD
Friday: Light trail run, going exploring in New jersey
Saturday: Long trail run, likely pushing for 4 hours
Sunday: Rest Day

Once I get back to school I'm going to spend a lot of time looking over little things to get ready for the 50k and see what else I need to buy/request for christmas so I can get that out of the way too. Training will stay consistent to how it's been prior to thanksgiving break. Only 23 more days at SC.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Burpees, Leg Levers, Light Run


Leg Levers


25 minute light run on Riverlin trails (brought Allie out so she could try trail running, and she actually liked it a lot)



General: Got my elbow checked out today. They need to schedule an MRI to properly diagnose it, but the doctor thinks it's a ulnar collateral ligament strain. He based that on the pain indicators when he would put resistance on my elbows in certain directions. I'll be scheduling my MRI asap. He told me not to do any overhead or olympic lifting, so I decided to see what burpees would do to them. They felt good so I was happy overall. The workout was originally going to 50-40-30-20-10 but I think what I did was plenty.

Nutrition: Good

Body: Solid, fully recovered. Need to get some sleep tonight though.

Sleep: 8 hours

Reflections: Nothing to reflect on, but going on a 5am trail run tomorrow. Doing something I've never done before tomorrow; 2 long runs in one day. Going for the early one and then going on a night run at Tuft's when it's dark out. Looking forward to it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Recovery Day

No training



General: Didn't work out today. Had a really long night last night and got shitty sleep so I knew it was best to rest. I won't be drinking for a while. Me and Dan decided today to start doing the Mwod everyday and hold each other accountable. Today we started with the 10 minute paleo chair... ouch.

Nutrition: Not great

Body: Tired

Sleep: 7 hours

Reflections: Really looking forward to seeing what the Mwod will do for my flexibility issues. The 10 minute squat loosened up everything that's always tight (lower back, hips, ankles, etc.) and I felt really good after. I'm excited to do tomorrow's. Got a good week ahead of me, looking forward to it and I'm not going to let my dumb mistakes from last night haunt me anymore past not running tomorrow like I was supposed to (chose not to so I could catch up on sleep)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chronic Awesomeness

Long Run starting at 5AM @ Riverlin St Trails

3 hours 19 minutes


General: First time ever running in the dark before with a headlamp. Today's run was awesome. I felt really good the entire way and kept going after Contois left for work for 40 more minutes. Also had another first today- I took my first dump in the woods in the middle of a run. Just a day to try new things I suppose. Anyway, the run went great and I think I'm looking really good for the 50k in January.

Nutrition: Good, ate strict after the run which was a first. Writing this post early I'm going to Endicott for the night, so I can't imagine it will be too healthy

Body: Really tired. Got more fish oil so I took some of that today for the first time in a week. Elbows getting no better.

Sleep: 6 hours

Reflections: Going to rest tomorrow most likely. I'm planning at least 2-3 more long runs in the next 7 days.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Rest Day

No training


General: Resting for tomorrow. Going to go on a 3 hour run

Nutrition: Not great

Body: Feelin good, elbows hurt a lot from moving shit to my house for the week off.

Sleep: 9hrs

Reflections: Nada

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Crossfit Endurance

I stole the workout from CFE that goes "Run 10k total, first 5k at 85% and second 5k at 95%" but I used 20 minute intervals instead. Made my goal to beat my first 20 minutes in the 2nd 20.

5 Laps completed in both 20 minutes, for a total of 10 laps in 39:29


General: My legs were so slow today. They had no intensity at all most likely from yesterdays hell work out. I wasn't pleased with my score, but I did the best I could and was just not feeling it. I think I was a little low on the carbs side and that was part of it.

Nutrition: Not great, tried to replenish the carbs and kind of went overboard. Not awful though

Body: Hamstrings sore, elbows hurt

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: Probably going to rest tomorrow, definitely won't run.I'm going home tomorrow for Thanksgiving break early. I'll be home for 9 days and I plan to do 3-4 long runs in that time. Got to speed up the training while I have the opportunity.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm never running again


200m run, 30 second rest

14 rounds, finished with 15 seconds left so I just collapsed.

1min on 1 min off x3 Leg Lifts 6 inches
50 Abmat situps AFAP.. didn't time


General: That was the hardest running workout I've ever done. When I finished I was laying in the grass and hallucinated the lights that illuminate the football field falling next to me. Needless to say the intensity was there. My throat was making a clicking noise the last five minutes too. Not sure what that was about.

Nutrition: Good, ate a shit load of almonds though and now I'm out -__-

Body: Feel good, elbows have been nagging bad though

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: Nothing

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rest Day

No training


General: Sore core, and want the legs 100% for tomorrow led to this. If I was more creative or could use my upper body I would've worked out.

Nutrition: Good

Body: Solid, ankles still kind of sore

Sleep: 9.5-10 hrs

Reflections: Nada, get it tomorrow

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tabata, You're my bitch

Tabata Intervals with 20# Vest, Totals added up for all 8 rounds

Walking Lunges: 105

Situps: 99

4 Count Flutter kicks (had to do all 4 or it didn't count towards anything): 45

Squats: 125


General: Solid workout. The intensity got really high with the squats, and my body is certainly no longer as adjusted to being that high of levels as it used to be. I was pleased with my recovery from yesterday and how I felt good to work out today. My yoga muscle was the only limiting factor during the squats but it loosened up quick.

Nutrition: Good, had some cheese and some breading on my pork at dinner.

Body: Minus the elbows everything is good. My ankles are sore as balls, calves are tight but other than that I was good to go today. Could've ran if I wanted to.

Sleep: 10.5-11 hours of medicated baby sleep(haha). Haven't slept that deep in a long time.

Reflections: Might rest tomorrow if my legs are toasted. I need to start foam rolling more because I think it will help with my knee if I loosen up all the muscles around it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Longest Run For Awhile

Long run at Riverlin St trails, mixed terrain @6am. Lots of single track, wide trails, powerline trails, some hills and the last 10-15 minutes were on pavement.

2:33.42. Complete estimation of 12-15 miles (12:45 to 10:12 mile pace)*Based on pace I felt my body was moving at, nothing else.


General: I was so pleased with this run. This was my first time running sleep deprived (6 hours of sleep maximum) and also my first time going this early in over a year. Regardless I did phenomenal and there was never a low point during the run. I used 3 goos throughout. The hammer gels we got are great and might be my go-to from now on. Hydration was good too. Although it means nothing I would bet that I had another hour in me without any water or food at the position we finished at. I sprinted the last half mile and had a lot left in the tank. The new shoes felt great too and I noticed such an improvement in my mechanics and focus that I know they were worth every penny. I think the most positive part was there was never a point where any injuries nagged (i.e. knees, achilles).

Nutrition: Good, had some pumpkin pancakes post WOD but otherwise strict.

Body: Yoga muscle is really tight from the run. Both knees are a little creaky now. Left ankle got swollen after but it doesn't hurt at all. Not that fatigued but my body in general could use a good night's sleep.

Sleep: 6 hours or so

Reflections: I think today was a big step in proving I could be good to go on January 9. Even if I have to walk a good amount I think that if I do a couple more long runs I will have the ability to get there. You could say that my runner's high still hasn't worn off after 10 hours. I'm going home next weekend to go hopefully over 3 hours with Contois.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Rest Day


General: Didn't work out. Doing this a day late.

Nutrition: Not stellar

Body: Straight minus the elbows..

Sleep: 9 hours of babysleep

Reflections: College......

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Long Run

1 hour Run on SC Complex, 14 laps completed (~7 miles) in 1:01.02


General: Felt pretty good today. I had some major highs and lows during the run. Had to stop about 33 minutes in to use the bathroom, but I stopped the clock and picked up. I drank out of the sink in the bathroom because I was really thirsty, and it seemed to give me a pick up for the last half. Achilles never hurt, but my calves are going to be sore as a mother tomorrow.

Nutrition: Good. I need to find a way to solve my problem with eating so late in the afternoon that I'm never hungry for dinner before 7ish, which is when I need to eat by because the dining hall closes. Wasn't really sure what to eat post WOD since I was trying to eat strict, but I did have some chili with beans.

Body: Headaches still. Elbows are hurting less but still a good amount. Otherwise solid.

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: I think I need to stop typing the way I have been. I know that sounds weird, but my elbows seem to hurt when I type for a long time or use my laptop a lot. I think laying in my bed with it on me alleviates some of the tension that using it at my desk brings to the nerve.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Box Jumps, Core

100 Box jumps, 20 in box for time:

50 Leg Levers for time:

Tabata leg Lifts 2 min after

1 hour walk in the PM


General: Pretty good today I guess. Just working with what I have. Decided that I might be running my first 50k 2 months from this very day instead of all the way in March, and might contact the race directors to see if I can do the 50miler in March instead. It'll take a lot of training quick to succeed but I'm ready for a challenge while my elbows heal.

Nutrition: Good, I'd say like 95% strict

Body: Knee hurt today until I walked, guessing it was from the box jumps.

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: I got kind of stressed today deciding if I wanted to do the 50k. I realized that it's a Fat ass race so the worst thing that can happen is I stop and no one even realizes it and no time is ever recorded, so it's not a big deal. I'm just scared about getting re-injured again after I just spent 3 weeks shelved and I'm not sure if I can safely reach that level of training between now and then. On a positive note, I think it's a good move because even if I don't do the 50miler in March, I'll still definitely PR if I am successful in the GAC one in January, because it's a lot flatter. I also decided that I want to transfer to Worcester State today, or that it is at least my #1 at this time. So it's been a long day with the brain, but hopefully some sleep tonight will help.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Run Intervals

30:20x8 using SC complex and new inov8 shoes

1 Lap completed plus about 300 more meters.


General: Forgot how much I hate short interval sprints. The cold air made it even worse and the wind was brutal. Good news is that I cleared out the remaining "stuff" (we'll refer to it as that) that may still be in my lungs from the past couple weeks of slacking. I usually feel a lot better the second time I do these when I do them consistently. I had planned to do some core stuff but I'll probably do it tomorrow and try to do something longer.

Nutrition: Good, had some rice and corn though so not strict. I'm still trying to decide if I want to put my body through a 2 week phase of eating really strict to get my focus back. I'm not looking forward to the feeling though and I'm not giving up coffee this time regardless.

Body: Minus the elbows everything felt good with the exception of some pretty sore calves. Had headaches all day though.

Sleep: 8.5 hours

Reflections: Nada, looking forward to a good week of training

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Run Run Run

~4 mile Run in 33:21, 8:20/mile pace


General: Really not the definition of a healthy weekend. Didn't work out yesterday because I was hungover and it pissed me off but I was just out of it so I took the day off. I tried the new Inov8 Roclite 295's out, and it's safe to say I'm in love. I can't wait to go home next weekend and hit the trails with them. The run was good, I was holding a good pace and felt fine when I finished minus my calves.

Nutrition: Time to shut up with the excuses and dial it in.

Body: Alright. Achilles felt good but my calves were sore as shit after 25 minutes so, probably because they haven't been worked in 3 weeks in this manner. Played it smart. Elbows have been bothersome all weekend.

Sleep: 8 hours... Not great quality because I had to share a twin bed but whatever.

Reflections: I'm going to start wearing my brace more for my elbow to remind me that I do have a problem and I need to lay off the everyday things that could irritate the nerve. The nutrition problem is just a stupid mistake that is my fault and I'm man enough to admit I've just been lazy. I can do much better and my race deserves a better effort from me so I'll be better from here on out. I have thought a lot about the elbow situation and was thinking that maybe if I just bite the bullet and get a nice heaping dose of runners muscles (maybe 4-5 runs a week) for 2-3 weeks I'll not only surpass where I was before with the running but it just might heal completely. We'll see though because I need variety to be mentally happy and motivated to train.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Front Squats 3-3-3


*Great form, really deep

1x15 @ 205


General: I was going to pair this with a run, but I popped my hamstring warming up to squat. It doesn't hurt but it was really tight and was already really sore so I didn't want to mess it up further. I'm going to do a good 30 minute warm up tomorrow to make sure I'm good to go.

Nutrition: Not great. Probably going to have some man sodas tonight so it won't get much better.

Body: Alright. Elbows nagging a bit more than before

Sleep: 8 hours

Reflections: Just keep being smart. Get ittttt

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rest Day

No Training


General: Desperately welcomed.

Nutrition: Not strict, not great if I'm honest

Body: Legs are very sore from the squats a few days ago, shoulders sore too

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: Lets go tomorrow

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Don't Judge Me Contois


50 4 Count Flutterkicks

30:15x6 Leg Lifts

Shoulder Press (Hence The Title) 5-5-5
105 Straight Across, Focused on Form

50 yard sprints, decent recovery in between x 10 (Barefoot, on grass)


4 Mile Forward Locomotion, 1 lap walk then 1 lap run. Not timed. Tried to nail a solid ultra pace on the run portions


General: Did a lot today. Truth is I was really tempted to try out the elbows now that I've been nerve gliding. They felt good the whole time, and never was there any pain. The right elbow feels a bit off now, and I know the nerve needs some extra attention before I do that again. Overall I was pleased with my decision and will probably do something similar in a few days. The achilles felt great, I think I loosened it up which was exactly what it needed.

Nutrition: Good, 3 days in a row. I'm going to start recording on Fitday most days now to see how I'm doing.

Body: Feeling good.

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: I spent my whole 4 miles reflecting on the race in March. All I can say is I'm going to be thrilled to finally cross that finish line.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bodyweight BS

3x 100 Squats For Time:

1:45, 2:12, 3rd one I lost time for because Dad texted me during it and stopwatch stopped.

100 Situps For time:
3:27 (no pr)

Went for a 5 minute light jog, had the right foot wrapped in ace bandage and was at a light pace.


General: OK, probably not the most creative or hardest work outs but I did something that didn't involve a bike at least. Some very positive news today- the achilles didn't hurt but it was sore the whole time, no pain though. The nerve gliding is phenomenal and although I'm not rushing anything I am pretty confident I will be back a lot sooner than I thought. I had no idea something could do this much for an injury, it's unbelievable. No pain in the elbows at all today. Hopefully I can do a run tomorrow, maybe some sprints.

Nutrition: Good. I filled out a fitday today and tweaked it to adjust to my goals (excess fat loss, better performance). The link is a realistic ideal day for me. I started by filling out my actual day and removed all the fruit I've been eating at breakfast and replaced it with a can of tuna and an orange, which should help a lot.

Body: A lot better. Mentally feeling better too.

Sleep: 9 hours, still was tired today. Going to sleep like a baby tonight.

Reflections: Just so happy that I might be back to Crossfit soon. It couldn't come at a better time. The nerve gliding made me aware that there is physically NOTHING wrong with my elbows. The nerve is just compressed and when pain is felt, that's where I feel it. The radial nerve goes from my neck to my finger tips and I can feel the entire thing when I do the gliding exercises. If I feel a tweak in the elbow, I do it and it makes that go away for hours. I'm very excited for what the future holds.

Monday, November 1, 2010


3x3 Bike Intervals with 3 min recovery

4.45 miles completed at 15 resistance

20 minutes of stretch and foam rolling


General: Can't hit as high intensity on the bike as I can running no matter what I try. Began nerve gliding today, and I think it's going to be very helpful for my recovery.

Nutrition: Good, maybe a few too many almonds (got a headache)

Body: It's been better

Sleep: 9 hours, was exhausted all day

Reflections: Nada, going to try and be more creative tomorrow I guess.