Thursday, June 30, 2011

Catching Up


Deload Squat

Barbell Curls

Bent Over Barbell Rows

5 Rounds For Time:

60# Weighted Vest Run on the beach, 150yards or so
10 Burpees
20 Walking Lunge Steps with a log overhead




Chin Ups
12, 11, 9

Weighted Dips


  • General: Back from vacation and ready to get it going again. I had to deload my squat this week because my legs really needed it. I skipped deadlift on Wednesday because my back is still tweaked. I'm going to start adding chin ups and bent rows into my programming. I'm taking the advice of Justin from by quasi linear progression-ing sets of 10 barbell curls 2x a week.
  • Nutrition: The last 3 days were alright. I had pizza on tuesday and drank Wednesday night.
  • Body: As of now my back is still bothering me, especially from all the car sitting the last few days. I'm tired right now but I'm also hungover so big shocker there.
  • Sleep: Last night 6 hours but the last couple nights were better.
  • Reflections: Resting today and I'll be up early to run with Contois tomorrow. I will push strength training to Saturday. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mid-Year Update

Goals Accomplished: 4 out of 13

To put it simply, throughout the first 6 months of training in 2011 I have gotten a hell of a lot stronger. The goals I currently have as an athlete are to see how strong I can get while being capable of running ultramarathons. I'd like to run 100 miles before I decide whether or not I want to continue in this sport or try something new. I refuse to be like many of the other runners; emaciated, weak, frail, constantly counting calories and sharing advice on yoga tips to "prevent injuries." I'm being very judgemental and of course I don't believe that all runners are like that, but many of them are. Some of them are snooty people because they are good runners. Some are really good people. Regardless, in my mind I'd rather finish halfway down the list and still be able to deadlift over 600 pounds than come in the top 5. I'd also rather have a large upperbody that people can take one look at while I'm running a race and say "that guy must be pretty strong too." I like ultra running because finishing is winning to the ones that aren't considered elite. I think being one of the rare types of athletes I have become is interesting to experiment with so for now I plan to continue what I've been doing.

That being said, I'm going to need to make a few changes in order to meet all my goals for the year. After my first 50 mile race I can admit I was pretty burned out from running. I'm not sure what happened but once the race was over the spark just disappeared and is only now beginning to come back. I went through a rough patch in my personal life about a month afterwards which may explain it but to be honest I'm not really sure what the reason was. Now that I've hit nearly all my strength goals (and exceeded them in some cases) I can tailor my training back to what I was doing pre-50 miler. I have another ultra coming up in a little over a month that will be a nice test to see where I'm at. It's a 6 hour event so it's not anything excruciating. I plan to also run the Stone Cat 50m in November and other than that I don't have many other goals this year for ultra-running. I'd really like to PR on my 50m time when that race comes around. Dipping into 2012 I have set my sights on a few races. I plan to do the G.A.C. 50k, NJ Ultra Festival 50m/100k, Wapack 50m, and then attempt my first 100m run at Vermont 2012. None of this is set in stone but my point is that for the rest of this year I'm going to need to put in more mileage than I have in the last 2 months if I want to get to these races. Vermont and Wapack in particular are going to require some serious running training.

To the strength domain-- I have made a few decisions that were not in my plans at the beginning of this year. I did not plan to return to Springfield College this fall, but for those of you who do not know I will be going back there. They have a recreational powerlifting team that I was a quasi-member of my first semester in college, but upon returning I plan to fully engage myself into powerlifting and getting stronger at the 3 lifts (bench, squat, deadlift). I have my eyes set on competing in a meet before 2011 ends, which is something I did not have any intentions of doing earlier this year. I see powerlifting as a new change and something exciting because I do not know the type of people who partake in this sport. Looking ahead to 2012 I'm also debating giving a strongman competition a shot as a few members of the powerlifting team also compete in that as well. That would be more for enjoyment but I'd like to see where some focused training could get me in Strongman. I would like to end 2011 with at least a 405# squat, 525# deadlift, 185# press, and a 255# bench. These are flexible numbers, but I will use them as benchmarks nonetheless.

The rest of my goals are not as important to me, but ones I would still like to obtain. I plan to test my Fran time in the next couple weeks to see what I can do. I'm sure I'll destroy my old PR so it's just a matter of getting under sub 4:30. I've gotten better at burpees just from benching more frequently which leads me to believe I'll be able to hit that goal as well. The HSPU and muscle up goal are nice thoughts, but are probably the last thing on my list as far as "need to do." I do plan to try and get all my goals accomplished, but the main ones are strength and endurance related. The sub 5 min mile may be attainable with little focused effort. I have been doing more short intervals in running recently which should improve my chances. I plan to continue doing these type of work outs while the weather is nice. I'll test my mile time in the next few weeks as well.

Aesthetically I'm starting to get where I want to be. I would like to see my arm and upper body size increase drastically over the next few months. I think I need to start eating more protein consistently in order for this to happen. Some days I just do not eat enough. I'm debating doing a hypertrophy linear progression on barbell curls to see if that does anything. Right now if I had to guess I'm between 190-200#. I would like to end the year in the low to high 180's. I've begun paying better attention to my nutrition once again and will be more anal about it over the next couple months. Especially if I become a weight class athlete my nutrition is going to be important. Plus, let's be honest I want to look good. I'm planning on going sober for a month about a week into July where I will really focus on my diet with very little to no cheats in order to cut some of the fat I've gained over the last few months.

If anyone has any advice, comments or anything on how I can reach my goals for 2011 and beyond, feel free to comment. Any criticisms/comments on what I've done thus far is welcome as well. I'm here to learn, so teach me.

Bench press, weighted sprints, ball

Bench Press
225 (F)
225 (F)
10x155# (PR)
3x175#, immediately followed by 5 for 155#

200m Sprints, Dans house to stop sign down the street and back wearing 40# weighted vest x4

39s, 39s, 42s, 42s

2 hours of basketball

  • General: We got lucky enough to come across a free 40# weighted vest recently so I decided to test it out today. Although I drank last night and stayed up until 2am I felt good when I woke up so I decided to work out. I really think I am a couple days of rest away from a 225# bench. Can't wait to hit all my strength goals for the year.
  • Nutrition: Alright. I had ice cream today but other than that I ate pretty good. Last night wasn't good though.
  • Body: Legs are a bit sore from my run yesterday in the quads and hamstrings. My tweak in my back is still bothering me.
  • Sleep: 6-7 hours
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I'm leaving for Maine until Wednesday. I will be going to Baystate Monday and Wednesday to heavy lift but probably won't blog until I get back unless I get a chance to while I'm up there. Nutrition will be good minus one night where I plan to have really good pizza that they have at a restauraunt near where I'll be. My plan is to take advantage of the beach and get some good exercise doing fun metcons. I also may try to sneak away for a 1-2 hour run at some point.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

To the roads

8mi run. Started at Tuft's field for 1.7 miles, then ran a 5 mile out and back from my house to GHS, and also spent some time on the Wheeler trails


  • General: 8mi felt really easy on my legs which made me happy that I haven't lost much. I'm going to start working in some longer runs and actually have a plan to do something kind of interesting sometime in the next 2 weeks. 
  • Nutrition: Slacked today, had ice cream and some other stuff. I'll be partying tonight
  • Body: I tweaked my back and it's still sore from that. Other than that I felt good.
  • Sleep: 7 hours. I had a really weird night of sleep. I've noticed nights that I drink gin I have weird sleep patterns, so I think that may have done it.
  • Reflections: Headed off to Maine on Monday. I will be lifting heavy Monday morning but I will probably take advantage of the outdoors and hit some fun work outs on the beach while I'm there. I may hit up another run tomorrow actually since I am fully recovered and today's run didn't do very much to my body. I'm hoping to get my midyear write up done in the next week.

Press, pump, metcons

165# (PR, 2011 goal)
170# (PR)
10x115# (PR)

Barbell Shrugs 3x15x245#

Close Grip Bench 3x8-10x135#

Curls, Flies for pump

50# DB Swings

3:34 (PR  by 1:04)

"Tabata Treadmill"

  • General: Huge PR's on press made me happy. I think I can hit 175# or more on a better day. Close grip bench will be added into my programming after I saw how much it hit my triceps today. Seems like a good movement for all aspects of strength training. Metcons were good. Huge PR on the first one.
  • Nutrition: Good but had a few alcoholic beverages
  • Body: Felt OK
  • Sleep: Don't remember
  • Reflections: Running tomorrow and then the next few days will be scattered. I'll explain on tomorrow's post. With today's press PR I finally join the 1000 pound CFT ranks. That's a goal I set about 2 years ago.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

PR-town population me bro

475 (PR)
405x5, emphasising legs not bowing out and a quad dominant pull

Bench Press
205 (PR)
215 (PR)

Pump: Curls, tricep pulldowns

  • General: Lifted with the Baystate powerlifters today. The ring leader of them all who programs for all of them (and who can also deadlift in the mid 700's) fixed a minor flaw in my deadlift where my legs bow. He told me that he knows I can pull 500# or more, but that I shouldn't today because of that little flaw. I did reps at 405# emphasising it and felt a big difference. 2 bench PR's and I'm confident I can bench 2 plates now which I'll do on Monday.
  • Nutrition: Really good
  • Body: Legs are sore. I tweaked my back a bit adjusting on the 5 set of deadlifts but it'll be fine I hope.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: More PR's are always nice especially with a diet change recently. I'm starting to feel a bit leaner after only 3 days which is motivating. Tomorrow I'll be resting. Next week I go to Maine for 3 days so training will adjust a bit.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Freight Train, Soccer

"Freight Train"
3 Rounds For Time:

10 DB Clean to Thrusters, 50# DB's
15 Burpees
30 Air Squats

9:27 (Pr by 33 sec)

Indoor soccer game

  • General: I did that Crossfit wod once last summer and it stuck out in my memory as one of the hardest I've ever done. It didn't disappoint once again and even though my conditioning is nowhere near where it was last summer I still PRed which is nice. Soccer game wasn't as intense tonight because our team decided to fight instead of play soccer so I sort of dicked around. I've been using these soccer games as a substitute for intervals because they are just as intense if not more so.
  • Nutrition: Clean as a motherfuckaaa
  • Body: Nothing too sore. I went body to body with some kid in the game tonight and my leg shoulder is extremely sore right now, but hopefully it'll feel good in the morning.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Strength training and running tomorrow and a rest day Thursday.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Squat, Row, Goals

365# (lifetime PR and 2011 goal complete)

Row 2k, damper setting 10
6:42 (PR by 19 seconds)

MWOD: 3 min couch stretch each side, 3 minutes split hamstring stretch each side

Me after my squat PR in my gym
  • General: Showed up to the gym with little in mind. Decided to squat and see what would happen, although I had an idea that I may try to hit my 2011 goal if I felt good. Once I hit 315 easily I decided to go for it. Not to make any excuses but I hit this squat with no creatine or music (and therefore adrenaline), and I also slept a total of 45 minutes (no typo) on Saturday night and didn't catch up last night. My legs were sore before I got to the gym. My guess is that I could possibly squat 405# parallel if I really rested up for it, but what good is guessing..... I was really pleased with the row PR as well. Being strong always helps.
  • Nutrition: Really good, completely clean
  • Body: Entire body is fatigued and tired.
  • Sleep: 9.5 hours, but felt like 3-4 after Saturday night.
  • Reflections: This week should be a good one. I've only done 2 metcons and I'm already feeling a lot better outside of my workouts. I hope to get back to the level of lean-ness I attained last summer within the next few weeks by walking a lot, eating clean and doing really tough 5-10 minute metcons. I may go into a calorie deficit if I'm unable to get there by those means.

Need to get my shit together


Helen w/ 20# weighted vest
3 rounds: 400m run, 21 50# db swings, 12 pullups


Rest Day

Saturday, June 18, 2011

End of a season

Back Squat
3x325# (PR)

Bench Press
3x195# (PR)

5x145# (PR)

Pump: Curls, barbell shrugs 235#, db incline press w/ 55's

30 min walk

  • General: Decided that it's about time to end the strength training and get back to Crossfit-ish training. I had planned to go another 2 weeks on Madcow but changed my mind over the last two days. I'm ready to lean out and get my conditioning back while also.
  • Nutrition: Good minus brownie and cookie at night
  • Body: I felt good all day pretty much
  • Sleep: Forget
  • Reflections: I'm still trying to decide what program I will follow. I'm debating rejoining Crossfit Centermass still but other than that I'm not sure. I'll do some form of conditioning tomorrow.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kind of heavy for a rest day

1 Rep Power Cleans
225 (PR)

  • General: Planned rest day but I decided to fool around with my new barbell and since I felt pretty strong I decided to hit another 2011 goal. This is a milestone for me, something I've wanted to hit for a long time so it was nice to finally do. I will be doing Madcow tomorrow as scheduled.
  • Nutrition: OK, had a few cookies after dinner but the rest of the day was good.
  • Body: Back is really sore but otherwise I feel good.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: Another goal down. I'll be destroying all my other strength goals within the next few weeks as well. I'd like to also test my Fran and 100 burpee times within the next couple weeks to see how much more work I need to put in to accomplish the two goals.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Improvements in picking heavy shit up off the floor

Deadlift 4x5
425 (PR)

Press 4x5
145 (F on 5th rep)

Acessory Work:
Preacher curls, dumbbell flies, "backstage pass" pulldowns (a la Contois)

  • General: Forgot to blog again. The 425 deadlift went up pretty damn easily. With 2 deadlift workouts before I deload and test I am pretty confident I'll pull 445 for 5 reps when it's all said and done. The press fail was a fluke. As I leaned back on the 5th rep my back cracked and for some reason I immediately let out a cough. The valvalsa maneuver in turn deactivated those muscles and their rigidness, causing me to fail less than a foot away from lockout. I plan to get it on Friday or Saturday so I can hopefully hit 150 for 5 before I'm done with Madcow.
  • Nutrition: Alright, I had some sweets and I drank for the Bruins game (Stanley Cup Champs!)
  • Body: Deltoids were sore, but I woke up feeling good mostly. I've noticed that waking up on Wednesday mornings I've felt really good the last 2 weeks. I've been playing intense indoor soccer games before bed on Tuesday night and then housing food before falling asleep. Not sure if that's whats doing it but I've felt damn good.
  • Sleep: 8-8.5 hours
  • Reflections: Resting tomorrow. Fungal infection on my legs is clearing up and I would like to run Saturday if possible but if it's not gone I won't. Going to just keep going with Madcow and enjoy these last 2 weeks of lifting heavy shit and eating food to grow before I look to cut and condition again. I'm also planning on doing a write up for my halfway through 2011 progress in the next few days.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday + Tuesday


Squat 5x5
320 (PR)

Bench 5x5
190 (PR)

Axle Curls

3 Rounds, each for time:

Max rep pullups, followed by deadlift walk across Dan's yard (135# for first rd, 185# for last 2), followed by a ~200m sprint

1. 15 pullups(lifetime PR) 1:17
2. 11 pullups 1:16
3. 10 pullups  1:18


Indoor soccer game for 1 hour of sprints

  • General: Now that I have a blackberry I don't usually spend the last 20-30 minutes on my laptop, which has led me to forget my usual routine of blogging right before bed recently. Hoping I figure this out because I find value in blogging when it's fresh in my mind. 2 Pr's on Monday were nice, the squat was a grind on the 5th rep but the bench was easy. I was shocked that I got 15 pullups which is a lifetime PR after not doing a pullup in 2 months and putting on some weight. I'm a lot stronger apparently.
  • Nutrition: Yesterday's was solid. I made a shake for me and Dan that was about 1800 calories consisting of ice cream, 4 scoops of whey, a banana, PB and whole milk. Really helped my recovery. Today's was also not bad at all.
  • Body: Legs and triceps are sore but other than that good. I was really run down all day but feel better now.
  • Sleep: 8-8.5 hours both nights. Can't sleep longer than that recently even though my body could really use it. Often times that means I'm overtraining so if it doesn't relax soon I may dial back.
  • Reflections: Pretty much established a rough idea of my plan for the rest of summer. I won't be finishing the Madcow template simply because I need to start running again in preparation for my race coming up and I'm not going to be able to recover and do both as the weights get heavier. I'm going to do 2 more weeks after this week of Madcow, and then take 3-4 days off completely in order to test my 1 rep maxes. This brings me to about July 9, where I will be celebrating a friend's birthday for a whole weekend in the same fashion that I did this weekend. After that I plan to dump the program, start conditioning and running a lot more and getting ready for my race. I will also cut some weight at this point because it's getting to be that time. I'm not sure how I'll program just yet but I'm thinking I might go back to Crossfit Center Mass for a month because that's around the time my gym membership ends at Baystate.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend in Review

  • General: Weekend full of partying led to no training, although I probably increased my max rep pullups over the course of the 2 days considering I spent a lot of time climbing on the rafters in the cape house and showing off my gymnastic skills. I am spending the rest of the day Sunday relaxing and taking recovery measures in order to PR tomorrow. I think I"ll be fine.
  • Nutrition: Over the course of the 2 days I drank a lot but I feel fine from it. Stayed away from the hard stuff for the most part which usually ruins me more than beer. Ate some late night junk on Saturday night but besides that I can't say my nutrition food wise was awful.
  • Body: I'm really tired overall but that's expected. My shoulders and triceps were really sore yesterday but not too bad today. Unfortunately (and disgustingly enough) the chafing I had on my legs and crotch area turned into a fungal infection. I'm currently bathing in Lotrimin but I won't be running until it's gone because any form of friction irritates it severely.
  • Sleep: Combined for a total of 13 hours or so over the course of the 2 days.
  • Reflections: Overall looking forward to this week of training coming up. After next week I'll be halfway done with the Madcow program. Had a great weekend but I'm ready to get back to training.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Squat, Bench, other

Back Squat
3x320# (PR)

Bench Press


6 sets of curls w/ 40's, and 2 sets with 65# strict barbell curls
Tricep Pulldowns 3x15
Barbell shrugs 3x15x225#

  • General: Squat PR was a lot easier than I expected. No grind on any of the reps. Although the Madcow template says I'm supposed to go up 8# per squat workout a week I will only be doing 5# jumps until I stall. I also decided to skip 10# this week on bench because my sets have been too easy. I will begin doing 5# jumps again. Really liked barbell shrugs, they seem to put me in a better position to lift the weight.
  • Nutrition: Foodwise I did good. I had pasta because I'm at the cape house and that's all we had for dinner. Drank a good amount of rum and beer last night though.
  • Body: In general felt pretty good.
  • Sleep: 8-9 hours
  • Reflections: I probably will take the whole weekend off because there isn't much here I can do workout-wise. I have noticed recently that although my training has dialed back a lot and I haven't been running a lot my goals are coming along quite nicely. I can feel a significant size increase in all areas of my body so even though I'm not becoming a better runner right now I'm meeting a goal I've had for a long time. My nutrition has also been really good recently minus what I'm doing this weekend.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Resting up.. going to need it

No training

  • General: Nothing of note today. Spent the day relaxing although I had a pretty intense game of baggo earlier.
  • Nutrition: Clean minus a wrap at lunch that was home to about 1/2 a lb of chicken, greek dressing, feta cheese, lettuce and tomatoes. Yes, it was good thanks for asking.
  • Body: Back is sore, otherwise pretty good. Outside of my quads need rolling out
  • Sleep: 7-8 hours
  • Reflections: Probably the last day I'll blog until Sunday unless I get a chance the next few nights. I'll be partying Friday and Saturday night. I do plan to get some form of workout in on both days. We shall see what I come up with for Saturday.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Deadlift, Press, pump, Lifetime PRs

Deadlift 4x5 (madcow week 4)
415 (Lifetime pr)

Press 4x5
140 (lifetime pr)

Pump: Curls, shoulder flies

  • General: On paper it doesn't look like I did too much, but pulling 20 heavy deadlifts in a short period of time can really take its toll. 415 went up smoothly with a solid grind on the last rep. I'm debating taking a week off from madcow next week to attempt a 500# deadlift at my old high school, but I'm not sure yet. I may just wait and pull some ridiculously high number at the end of the program. Press was a longstanding PR so it's good to see that Madcow is working for all the lifts.
  • Nutrition: Really good
  • Body: Hamstrings still sore, and legs are a bit sore but nothing to complain about.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hours of good quality, really needed
  • Reflections: Rest day tomorrow. Friday will be a good strength work out followed by a weekend of shenanigans in Cape Cod where myself and 13 others are renting a beach house for the weekend. I may try to sneak off for an hour beach run on Saturday but can't guarantee it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A run to forget

6.6 mile run/hike on Riverlin st. powerline trail


Indoor soccer game


  • General: Quite possibly the worst run of my life. 1 mile in I felt great, thought I might go for a PR. 2 miles in I was nearly walking and thought about turning around. I hit the turn around completely skipping the hill because I wasn't sure I would be able to get back up it. I proceeded to walk 2 miles on the way back with some running in between before finishing it up with a little running action and a little extra trail to make up for skipping the hil.
  • Nutrition: Good but had a little ice cream from swirls
  • Body: Legs are toast, in general pretty tired.
  • Sleep: 8 hrs shitty quality
  • Reflections: Today's run was awful. I think it had to do with being dehydrated, underfed and stressed from last night's sleep debacle. Hopefully I recover strong with a good night sleep and hit it hard tomorrow.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Squat, Bench, large pump, hill sprints

Back Squat 5x5
315 (lifetime pr)

Bench Press 5x5

Seated dumbbell curls w/ 40's and 45's for max reps

Incline DB press w/ 55#'s 3x8-10

Tricep "Backstage pass" extensions 2x8



4x~200m hill sprints on Brigham hill Rd. near my house. Sprint to the top, rest the amount of time it takes to walk to the bottom

5 minute ice plunge fully submerged

  • General: 5 rep lifetime PR on squat was nice. For the rest of the Madcow program every squat set I do from here on out will be a lifetime PR. Recovery and sleep will be a key with making that advance. We realized when we were done that the bar was bent which made the heavy set even harder. Conditioning was supposed to be 6-8 reps but on the 4th one I almost vomited at the top of the hill and felt really nauseas, most likely due to dehydration from the strength workout I had just done. Still a good stimulus so I stopped to play it safe.
  • Nutrition: Really good, strict minus a little nutella on an apple.
  • Body: Nothing really that sore minus my hamstrings which are shot.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Writing this now it's 11:45pm. I was supposed to get up at 4 to run with Contois tomorrow morning but as he'll find out in the morning I won't be there. To put it simply there's something messed up with me. When I set myself up to get up at 4 to run something strange has been happening to my body. I have noticed myself getting nervous, anxious and constantly psyching myself out trying to convince myself to fall asleep because I'm afraid I won't recover well enough for the rest of the week if I don't. It sounds like I'm being a pussy I understand but it's kind of concerning me. When it was all said and done I laid in bed for 2 hours and 15 minutes with no TV on just freaking out about falling asleep without sleeping at all. At that point I texted him to tell him I won't be there. I don't think I'll be running in the AM for a while. After all the stress and problems I went through recently I don't think it's the best idea to force my body to do stuff it doesn't want to do at this point. We'll see what happens. I'll still be running tomorrow just later in the day. If anyone has any info or advice on this situation I'd like to hear it.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


No training

  • General: 4 hours in the car today, money made and a nice day of rest.
  • Nutrition: Alright had pasta at dinner
  • Body: Legs and abs are really sore from yesterday's sprints.
  • Sleep: 7-8 hours
  • Reflections: Good night of sleep leading to a good day of training tomorrow.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

AMRAP + grossness


200m Sprint, 30 seconds rest

18 rounds completed by 19:40

(Completed in New jersey on Dad's girlfriends street, estimated 200 meters)

Mobility: 6 minutes on each side of opening up the hip on the couch stretch

  • General: I despise this metcon but didn't really feel motivated to go for a long run today so I decided this would have to do. It's a PR but the distances are probably skewed from last time so I don't know by how much. Mobility made me her bitch tonight (assuming she's a girl), but that's one that I really need to do more frequently. My hips are very tight.
  • Nutrition: Had a sandwich at lunch but otherwise good. Half gallon of whole milk this morning because I was a bit too sore for my liking from the deadlifts still.
  • Body: Sore back, hamstrings and quads. Shoulder and chest are a bit tight.
  • Sleep: 8 hours on a couch
  • Reflections: Houston, we have a problem. I joke often about how swole I'm getting but today was a big indication that this is no longer a joke. I've noticed everytime I run recently my legs severely chafe and this is becoming a problem. I'm a cheap asshole who refuses to buy compression shorts but they may be in order now after what happened today. After the 20 minutes I got in the shower to find out my male parts were dripping blood from chafing irritation. Won't let that happen again and am now mandating that body glide is applied anytime I run in the future.

Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm Strong, man

Back Squat

Bench Press

173# Keg Holds, 5-10 seconds locked out at top of deadlift, 3-4 times

Small Log Clean + Press W/ Black bumpers + 25# plate, 1 clean + max reps press

Bunch of bicep curls, didn't record today

Mobility: Oly lifting inner thigh w/ 45# plate stretch on each leg, 3 minutes each side. Then did wrist flexibility

  • General: Tied my 3 rep PR with squat. Dan couldn't go to the gym today so I decided to wing it and do some strongman stuff. We often talk about doing it but rarely actually play with all the cool equipment our gym has to offer. Keg holds really tear my core apart and work my grip. Estimating that the log weighed between 150-180#. The weight wasn't too hard but it's a lot of form work so I didn't go all out on the overhead. Today was the last day of the arms program I've been doing.
  • Nutrition: Went to Cheesecake factory for dinner, did not get cheesecake. Nutrition was pretty good for a day on the road and no home cooked meals, but not by any means "healthy"
  • Body: Back was sore today still, probably due to undereating yesterday. Felt a little weak today.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Chose to do what I did with strongman because I've seen it on other blogs. Still don't know if I'll run tomorrow because I'm not sure how long I'll be working. Ideally I'll get an hour or so in.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


2 hour lacrosse practice, lots of sprints

Mobility: 2 min calve stretch on stairs, 4 minutes of hip stretch (2 with band 2 on couch each side)

  • General: Got to suit up today and practice with my high school lacrosse team which was so much fun. Let's just say I've lost a step. Probably a bit too much whole milk in the past year and not enough sprints. Mobility was good and I plan to keep it rolling doing it as often as I can.
  • Nutrition: Decent.
  • Body: Back is sore and hamstrings are sore from stretching.
  • Sleep: 9 hrs. Felt like sleeping in a hammock because my bed is broken.
  • Reflections: Tomorrow I'm going to New Jersey. I'll get up early to lift before I go but I can't guarantee that I'll be running this weekend. Going down there to work 2 full days ($100 a day under the table, can't complain) for my Dad's girlfriend. I will try to sneak a run in on Saturday but if not I won't be too mad. I think 2 weeks off from running may finally heal the achilles up fully because it did not hurt at all today running around.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lifting heavy

Deadlift 4x5
405 (PR)

Press 4x5
135 (PR)

Barbell curls 5x5-8
105x8 (PR)

Pump- db curls, flies and shrugs 3 sets each

Mobility: 2 min hamstring stretch, 2 minute leaning in hip stretch on bench

  • General: Didn't blog yesterday but ended up resting unexpectedly due to my mom's surgery and my day being thrown off. Good PR's today. 405x5 went up really easily and so did 135x5 which were long standing and will get shattered again next week.
  • Nutrition: So-so. Had some junk at night but mostly good stuff. Had more protein shakes today than normal. (Typically I have 1 or 0 a day)
  • Body: Felt really good today, which was nice. I had a few beers on Tuesday night for Dan's birthday but I killed it today in the gym even though it took longer than normal to feel good when I was warming up.
  • Sleep: 7 hours. I slept on Dan's floor last night so it was shit. I also broke my bed (fuck me right?) so I've been sleeping on the couch. Awful.
  • Reflections: Couple things-- I've noticed myself feeling unhealthy recently. By that I mean my body and my mind just don't feel 100% ready when it comes to living and training. I've noticed a weird thing in my legs were it seems like the blood clots for a brief second and then spits through, causing the skin to move weirdly. (Sounds healthy right?) I've also recently seen myself getting out of my funk with stress after over a month. My appetite has come back and I feel better overall. I'm beginning counselling once a week within the next 2-3 weeks which I'm actually looking forward to. My opinion is that my body misses the high intensity of metcons being as frequent as they once were, and the lack of conditioning is making me sluggish. I have a feeling that although this train of getting stronger and gaining weight has been awesome and I've set some huge PR's,  it may need to end relatively soon because I'm not willing to sacrifice my health for it. Being a bit overweight is one thing but going back to how I used to feel everyday when I was obese is not going to happen. Hopefully I can fix this soon.