Monday, June 6, 2011

Squat, Bench, large pump, hill sprints

Back Squat 5x5
315 (lifetime pr)

Bench Press 5x5

Seated dumbbell curls w/ 40's and 45's for max reps

Incline DB press w/ 55#'s 3x8-10

Tricep "Backstage pass" extensions 2x8



4x~200m hill sprints on Brigham hill Rd. near my house. Sprint to the top, rest the amount of time it takes to walk to the bottom

5 minute ice plunge fully submerged

  • General: 5 rep lifetime PR on squat was nice. For the rest of the Madcow program every squat set I do from here on out will be a lifetime PR. Recovery and sleep will be a key with making that advance. We realized when we were done that the bar was bent which made the heavy set even harder. Conditioning was supposed to be 6-8 reps but on the 4th one I almost vomited at the top of the hill and felt really nauseas, most likely due to dehydration from the strength workout I had just done. Still a good stimulus so I stopped to play it safe.
  • Nutrition: Really good, strict minus a little nutella on an apple.
  • Body: Nothing really that sore minus my hamstrings which are shot.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Writing this now it's 11:45pm. I was supposed to get up at 4 to run with Contois tomorrow morning but as he'll find out in the morning I won't be there. To put it simply there's something messed up with me. When I set myself up to get up at 4 to run something strange has been happening to my body. I have noticed myself getting nervous, anxious and constantly psyching myself out trying to convince myself to fall asleep because I'm afraid I won't recover well enough for the rest of the week if I don't. It sounds like I'm being a pussy I understand but it's kind of concerning me. When it was all said and done I laid in bed for 2 hours and 15 minutes with no TV on just freaking out about falling asleep without sleeping at all. At that point I texted him to tell him I won't be there. I don't think I'll be running in the AM for a while. After all the stress and problems I went through recently I don't think it's the best idea to force my body to do stuff it doesn't want to do at this point. We'll see what happens. I'll still be running tomorrow just later in the day. If anyone has any info or advice on this situation I'd like to hear it.


Justin said...

Blown off again! WTF!!! Just kidding Ben! To get up at 4am 5 out of 7 days was so tough in the beginning. I was a complete mess, but i knew that if i wanted to run, thats when i had to do it. and i wanted to run. you have the luxury (college student) to run whenever you want and you should do that. run when you can whether it be am or pm, just run/exercise whatever. I think just like anything, habits form, and getting up at 4am for me is normal now and i have no prob with it.

Baker said...

I had something similar going on with my sleep a few weeks ago when I was starting to lift heavier weights than I was used to. I would lay in bed at night and want to go to sleep so badly because I wanted to be recovered, but that of course just resulted in tossing and turning from worrying so about it.

I'd say just try to completely clear your mind and tell yourself that you will worry about tomorrow when it comes. Do some controlled slow breathing and just relax your whole body. Once I broke that cycle for one night I went back to normal.

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