Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lifting heavy

Deadlift 4x5
405 (PR)

Press 4x5
135 (PR)

Barbell curls 5x5-8
105x8 (PR)

Pump- db curls, flies and shrugs 3 sets each

Mobility: 2 min hamstring stretch, 2 minute leaning in hip stretch on bench

  • General: Didn't blog yesterday but ended up resting unexpectedly due to my mom's surgery and my day being thrown off. Good PR's today. 405x5 went up really easily and so did 135x5 which were long standing and will get shattered again next week.
  • Nutrition: So-so. Had some junk at night but mostly good stuff. Had more protein shakes today than normal. (Typically I have 1 or 0 a day)
  • Body: Felt really good today, which was nice. I had a few beers on Tuesday night for Dan's birthday but I killed it today in the gym even though it took longer than normal to feel good when I was warming up.
  • Sleep: 7 hours. I slept on Dan's floor last night so it was shit. I also broke my bed (fuck me right?) so I've been sleeping on the couch. Awful.
  • Reflections: Couple things-- I've noticed myself feeling unhealthy recently. By that I mean my body and my mind just don't feel 100% ready when it comes to living and training. I've noticed a weird thing in my legs were it seems like the blood clots for a brief second and then spits through, causing the skin to move weirdly. (Sounds healthy right?) I've also recently seen myself getting out of my funk with stress after over a month. My appetite has come back and I feel better overall. I'm beginning counselling once a week within the next 2-3 weeks which I'm actually looking forward to. My opinion is that my body misses the high intensity of metcons being as frequent as they once were, and the lack of conditioning is making me sluggish. I have a feeling that although this train of getting stronger and gaining weight has been awesome and I've set some huge PR's,  it may need to end relatively soon because I'm not willing to sacrifice my health for it. Being a bit overweight is one thing but going back to how I used to feel everyday when I was obese is not going to happen. Hopefully I can fix this soon.

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