Friday, June 18, 2010


The point of this blog is to track my goals. I had a blog before that I chose to stop writing on because of lacrosse, and when I looked back I realized how lazy I had been and how I was embarassed to see that on the blog. Now that my lacrosse career is over, I can focus solely on my training and programming.

This summer I will be joining Crossfit Center Mass in Worcester, Ma. I'm hoping to obtain a couple movements I was always to lazy to learn (HSPU, muscle ups, etc.) and work on all my weaknesses so that when I leave for college in September and begin my own programming I'll have some of those in my arsenal for Metcons. As of now, I think I want to do some sort of strength bias programming when I am in college, but we'll see. My ultimate goal is to be a competitive person in the Crossfit Games within the next few years. This year was supposed to be the one to increase my strength, learn and strengthen my weaknesses (gymnastic stuff mostly) and then be able to apply them to being a really strong Crossfitter.

As far as diet goes, I'm strict paleo most of the time. Writing this now, I'm on day 5 of a 30 day challenge going strict. I decided to do 30 days because I had been really lax with my diet for the last few months and want to dial it in. After it ends, I'll listen to my body and see what it needs and doesn't need.


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