Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rest Days

No training at all this weekend

  • General: So yesterday when my long run was scheduled, it turned out I accidentally agreed to work a longer shift than originally expected at work. I worked all the hours I could before I had to go to Endicott and missed a long run. So next weekend I'm going to jump to 3 hours and just try and catch up from there. I'm hoping the weekend of rest will make for some PRs and renewed energy this upcoming week.
  • Nutrition: Saturday I drank and ate next to no food all day because of my packed schedule, and Sunday was good minus some hashbrowns at breakfast.
  • Body: I feel tired, but that's because I was up late drinking last night. I'll hopefully get a good night sleep and be ready to go tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 7 hours of terrible quality sleep
  • Reflections: OK, so a couple things:

I'm going to start adding a new section to the blog every Sunday night where I reflect on the previous week of training after I spend some time reading it over. Talking about how many PRs I hit, improvements that could be made, little things I want to remember, etc. I think this will help me evaluate a lot more for the future and also be interesting to some of my readers.

I'm going to start being really anal about doing my mobility wods everyday. I'm debating on adding some sort of penalty if I do not do them. I feel like I need to keep doing them because I have seen such improvements since I started and I often neglect them.

For now, I will be cutting whole milk for 30 days starting tomorrow. I'm sick of this extra weight I gained so I'm going to be as strict as possible for the next month and try to lose a few pounds. I'll be keeping whey powder and probably a few other minor things that aren't "paleo." Dairy doesn't settle well with me as I've been well aware all along, and I've been using the "not being strict" cue to cheat at will over the past few weeks. Morbid cheats. Digusting amounts of cheats. On top of the tightened diet, I'm going to make a conscious effort to primal walk more often (even though it's freezing) because it helped me lean out during the summer.  I think losing some weight will do leaps and bounds in my effort to become a more efficient runner, make me a lot more motivated to keep training, and also improve all my chances of getting my bodyweight goals done. Hopefully I'll still see gains for the time being but as long as I eat enough protein I should be good to go. Game time!

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