Thursday, August 26, 2010

Primal Day


15 minute sprint session, did about 5 or 6 75m sprints in the VFF's in the rain


Core Work

100 Situps For Time Test: 2:55 (PR was 2:49)
P90x's Ab Ripper X


  • General: OK day for training. I chose to do the p90x to try to strengthen my lower abdominal area, because it heavily involves those muscles. The sprints felt really good.
  • Nutrition: Strict
  • Body: Felt good.
  • Elbow: Iced, heated and massaged for a good hour in the PM. Not making much progress so far.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Could've hit it harder I'm sure. Going to probably run tomorrow or something.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rest Day

As scheduled, no training.


  • General: Felt pretty good today, but decided to rest. I committed to no longer smoking certain substances today, and I feel good about that decision. Although I do enjoy it, I have been feeling like shit from doing it the next day which never used to happen. I will not do it in college, although I can't guarantee I'll NEVER do it again.
  • Nutrition: Strict
  • Body: Good, shoulders a bit tight from yesterday and back was a bit sore.
  • Elbow: Not feeling good. Picking up anything hurts. Going to ice both 20 minutes after I post this (930pm)
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Happy with my decision I discussed. Hoping I start to notice a difference in my elbows. Going to run tomorrow most likely or do some heavy back squats. Not sure yet.

Operation Heal My Elbows

Just to elaborate, and give me somewhere a spot to put my game plan on this, I'm posting about how I want to heal my elbow. I'm writing this on 8/24, and today is a rest day. My plan is to take 2 weeks off completely from upper body work, and limit all elbow movements to a minimum. Lots of ice, lots of rest, lots of hot/cold baths, and a fair amount of massage will take place. After 2 weeks, if it is no better I will get it evaluated at my college by the doctors (since I'm leaving in 11 days). Hopefully this step never has to happen.

To make the most out of this misfortune, I'm going to work on all the weaknesses I have that I can actually do without my elbow. Lots of lower core strength, midline stabilization, situps, sprints, etc. I will probably do a lot more running, even though I'm already a proficient runner. I think it would be a good time to get back some of the endurance I used to have. I will still be doing metcons and back squatting heavy if all goes well. I'm going to up my fish oil intake as well to hopefully help in some regard.

I will also add to the COMMENTS section every night a category called "Elbow" to write about how it felt, things I did to try to improve it, etc. Hopefully I can use that as a good evaluation tool.

Bench Press, Deadlift, FGB Work


315x1, 365x1, 335x3, 355x3 (PR)

Bench Press
155x5, 165x5(PR), Max reps @ 135- 12, 8


3 Rounds For Time:
20 Wallballs
20 Box Jumps
20 Push Press
20 Calories Rowed

1 min rest, weight was 75#

Time (with rest): 14:15


  • General: Officially decided I'm taking 1-2 weeks off in an effort to heal my elbow(s). They hurt really bad from the FGB and bench and I was an idiot for doing either of them. Lots of ice and rest should help, but if not I don't know what I'm going to do.
  • Nutrition: Strict
  • Body: Felt good minus my elbows.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: I can't balance getting messed up with working out and will definitely be lowering the amount of times it occurs.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Run, Squats


4 Rounds:

400m Run
50 Squats

10:49 PR

Worked on lower abdominal strength after that.


  • General: Not much training, just want to be smart with the elbow. I felt good with this work out but I really want to return to serious training ASAP.
  • Nutrition: Strict, 2 days in a row I believe
  • Body: Feel great.... minus my elbow.
  • Sleep: Good
  • Reflections: Could I hit it harder? I think the answer is yes.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Started today, planned on doing:

3 Rounds:

145# Thruster, 5 reps
10 Pullups
15 Ring Pushups

However, my elbow had other plans. I had to stop in the 2nd round because it started to hurt.

In general, I have not had any will to work out these last few days. Something is definitely wrong right now. Just been kind of depressed and felt shitty. Haven't had the desire to eat strict, went 3 days in a row with morbid cheats. Hopefully will figure everything out and will post accordingly.

8/20- Body Weight Metcon


30 115# Push press
40 Pullups
50 KB Swings (50 lb dumbbell)
60 situps
70 Burpees

Time: 16:08 (PR)

I forgot to blog. I did not eat strict.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Rest Day

Hoping this will solve the elbow issue. Going to hit it tomorrow.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rest Day

Took a rest day yesterday, and will again tomorrow. Going to try and hit the elbow problem head on with lots of rest and ice.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cleans, Double Unders, Trail Run


3 Rounds For Time:
10 135# Clean and Jerks
50 Double Unders

Time: 10:53 (PR)


Went on a ~55 minute trail run with Contois. I would imagine I ran between 7-8 miles, but I am not sure. We had a good pace going.


  • General: That metcon kicked my butt. I PR'd by about 30 seconds from last doing it in May. My double unders were AWFUL during it and I got really irritated during it, but I was happy with the PR. The trail run was fun and I kept up well, but towards the end started to crash.
  • Nutrition: Good, strict. Ate a lot of carbs to refuel.
  • Body: My elbows have been irritating me for a while now, and today they started to hurt a bit. Arms were really sore all day.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hrs
  • Reflections: Going to take 2-3 days off most likely (will see) from today because of the elbow thing. Contois had a similar thing and never rested it and it got so bad that he can't Crossfit anymore, so I need to be smart, and keep my ego in check. Probably going to get really primal with a really long walk or something one of the days. The trail run was pretty good, but I need to do long distance more ofte because I felt like butthole when I finished. Looking forward to a much needed rest day.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tabata This, Shoulder Press, CFE


Shoulder Press 3-3-3


"Tabata This"

Tabata Row
1min rest
Tabata Squat
1min rest
Tabata Pushup
1min rest
Tabata Pullup
1min rest
Tabata Situp
1min rest

Score is total calories rowed plus lowest score in each exercise round.

Score (In order)- 74+19+4+6+9= 112


Crossfit Endurance WOD

3 Rounds
200m Run
400m Run
600m Run

* Rest the amount of time it takes you to complete each run

I did not record any of them, but I did complete it as RX'd


  • General: Solid day of training. The run felt really strong and I did pretty good on it. The pushups fucked me over once again on Tabata and the pullups were bad because I did them yesterday and my grip was really off. I went lighter on the shoulder press and would bet I could've gotten more- but I got enough stimulus to make me happy.
  • Nutrition: Strict, probably not enough protein
  • Body: Triceps were pretty sore and affected the press and the pushups. Back is pretty sore too.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hrs
  • Reflections: Been thinking a lot about ultra marathons recently and how I want to do one. Don't think I'll be able to right now especially with school starting soon. Going to go on an LSD with Contois tomorrow, and it'll be my first time running long distance in quite a while. Not sure how to feel about it. One more day until rest day which I could really use.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Getting Stronger!

Back Squat
255x3 (PR), 285x1, 295x1 (F)

Bench Press 3-3-3
165, 175(PR), 175
Max reps of 135 bench: 10

315x3, 365x1, 375x1 (PR)

Deadhang Pullups (max reps, good recovery in between
9, 9, 7

Max Kipping Pullups
17, 17 (grip failed on both)


  • General: Didn't hit a metcon today because I drank last night and cheated and felt like butthole all morning. Was happy that I hit 3 PRs despite that.
  • Nutrition: Good, strict day 1....
  • Body: Felt good, maybe a little sore in my back for some reason.
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: Nothing.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rest Day

Took the day off. Drank in the PM and cheated.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Bench, GHD Sit Ups, Griff


145# Bench Press For Max Reps, Recovery Fully Between Each


GHD Sit Ups (On swiss ball)


800m Run
400m Backwards Run
800m Run
400m Backwards Run

Time: 10:20


  • General: Went kind of light on the AM session today because I was scared about the nerve issue in my arms from last night. The bench felt fine but I nix'd pullups from the work out because they felt weird. The GHD's hurt decently well. I didn't PR on Griff, as last time I did it I got 10:12
  • Nutrition: Strict day 3
  • Body: Glutes, yoga muscle, back, right lat
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Probably should've tended more to the nerve issue to make sure it heals fast enough for the next cycle. Rest day tomorrow, probably will walk or play basketball or something.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

OH squats, Pullups, Row


1k Row
21 OH Squats
21 Pullups
750m Row
15 OH
15 pullups
500m row
9 oh squats
9 pullups

Stopped at the 500m row

Time: 17:00

*comments explanation


  • General: My full arms started to go numb during the work out. I read up on it and it's a nerve issue that's common among people with poor shoulder flexibility and takes a few days to heal. It scared me so I stopped the work out at the 500m row.
  • Nutrition: Strict 2
  • Body: Chest was sore, squat muscles were as well
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Glad I stopped. Hopefully I can work out tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Squats, Shoulder Press, Fat Cindy


Squat 5-5-5
245 (PR)

Shoulder Press 5-5-5


AMRAP Cindy Rounds in 15 minutes w/20lb weighted vest:

Completed 10 full rds and 5 pullups


  • General: I was really pleased with the 2 strength PR's. I decided not to go higher on the squat, but I believe I could've gotten 250 or 255. Judgement call basically. I'm going to start benching and OH pressing more. The fat cindy pushups really held me back.
  • Nutrition: Good, but I cheated last night big. Day 1 strict
  • Body: Felt really good coming off the rest day but had a stomach ache most of the day.
  • Sleep: 8 hours
  • Reflections: Got to make better eating judgements. Not sure what I'll do tomorrow yet.

Rest Day

Went for a ~2 mile light jog with sprint intervals barefoot at Tufts. Stretched and foam rolled.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ground to Overhead, Shuttles, Gymnastics


3 Rounds For Time:
Ground to Overhead, 95#
200m SHuttle (50 back and forth twice)

Time: 3:59


Spent 30 minutes working on gymnastics: L-sit, handstand pushups, knees to elbows, toes to bar, L-Holds, etc.


  • General: That workout was 4 minutes of hell. I was pleased with my time I just wish I had more of a "go" on it because I got lazy towards the end. I'm getting better at being on my head and should have handstand pushups down relatively soon if I keep working.
  • Nutrition: Strict day 2
  • Body: Chest a little sore, upper body fatigued
  • Sleep: 7.5 hrs
  • Reflections: Good day, rest day tomorrow.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Split Jerk, Fight Gone Bad, Core Work


Split Jerk



"Fight Gone Bad!"
Max Reps in 1 minute @ ea station, 3 rounds (1 min rest in between rds)

Wall ball, 10 ft target w/20# ball
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 75#
Box Jump 20 inches
Push Press @ 75#
Row (Calories)

Rounds and reps

1. 119
2. 108
3. 97

Total: 324


Worked on some GHD situps and some back extensions

40 min primal walk in afternoon
Hot Cold Bath in PM


  • General: Fight gone bad was a first for me. It was good, and I was pleased with my score. The box jumps were the hardest part I would say. I was not pleased with my overhead numbers but I was also really sore in my triceps and chest from yesterday
  • Nutrition: Good, Strict day 1
  • Body: Chest, forearms, biceps are all sore.
  • Sleep: 10.5hrs
  • Reflections: Nothing to reflect on, definitely getting primal tomorrow though whether it be in my metcon or sprints or something. Good day of training.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Squat Cleans, Deadhangs, Muscle ups, Squats


Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1

195 (F), my elbow was hurting from the 195 rep from before

Deadhang Pullups Max Reps:



2 Rounds For Time:
12 Muscle Ups (6 Pullups, 6 dips for 6 rds as a sub)
75 Squats

Time: 19:42


  • General: First day back to training from the vacation after 2 rest days. Got a 30# PR on the heavy squat cleans from when I did this in december. I really suck at ring dips.
  • Nutrition: Day 2 strict
  • Body: Feel good, gonna be sore tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 7 hours
  • Reflections: Excited to hit training hard again for the next few weeks.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Vacation Training

Day 1: 8/3

21,18,15,12,9,6,3 and reversed
OH walking lunges with a 20 lb rock

* Done at beach
Time: 10:21

Day 2: 8/4
Tabata 20:10x8
Double Unders

Done with weighted vest. Numbers in notebook.

Took a rest day and cheat day the last day.


  • General: Solid 2 days, but that cheat day got me. The working out on the beach was fun. I felt really good and healthy the first couple days just being by the ocean. I love that type of stuff a lot more than I thought.
  • Nutrition: Strict the first 2 days, but I had a plethora of shit yesterday.
  • Body: Felt good all week.
  • Sleep: ~8hrs every night.
  • Reflections: Probably going to quit the burpee challenge. I fell really far behind and I don't care enought to do 200 burpees in one day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rest Day

Wasn't feeling it today. Leaving for Maine for 3 days, will record when I get back.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

3 Girls Down

The Whole Workout was as follows:

Complete "Jackie"-
1000m Row
50 45# thrusters
30 Pullups


30 C+J 135#

With the remainder of time left out of 30 minutes, perform AMRAP Cindy Rounds. (Ex: Took 14 min to do Grace and Jackie, do AMRAP Cindy rounds in the remaining 16 minutes.)

Score is total number of Cindy Rounds.

Rounds Completed: 13 +5 +9 pushups

Day 38 of burpee challenge complete


  • General: Planned on just doing heavy lifts today, but this was too good to pass up. Really fun WOD, very hard though. Definitely one I'll do again someday. Might rest tomorrow- will explain in reflections.
  • Nutrition: Strict day 4, but I ate a crap ton of food. Not sure what that means.
  • Body: Feel sort of run down. My lower back is really sore and has been for nearly a week.
  • Sleep: 8.5 hrs
  • Reflections: Might rest tomorrow, because I really want to work hard on my primal workouts at the beach the next couple days. Not to mention my back is really tight and has not been fully healed since I did the heavy deadlifts a week ago today. I'm going to try and get a massage (paid for) tomorrow to see if that helps.