Sunday, October 30, 2011

Back, With a Vengeance

I took this entire week off pretty much besides a little upper body training during the week to re-evaluate where I wanted to go from here after my failed attempt at running 100 miles. Here is what I've come up with:

I decided that the strict powerlifting/weight training, although something I love doing, is not for me simply because of who I am trying to become in the next few years. It's hard to sell an athlete on Crossfit when I don't even do it myself. Therefore the metabolic conditioning work outs of past will make their way back into my training. I'm going to give a CFSB template a go for now because I have experience with making good progress on that program, but may change to something else in a month or two depending on what I come up with. Instead of doing the straight sets across on my press, bench and deadlift I will do it the way Johnny Pain programs in GSLP (2x5, 1x5+)

As far as ultras go, I still have 2 lined up in the next 2 months. I'm doing the winter Fells race which I've heard is a ball buster. That one is in 4 weeks and to prepare I will get a few runs in between now and then. I'm also going to do the GAC Fat ass 50k again in January because it's free and it's a sweet course. These two runs should keep my endurance up enough so that with some extra running training in the spring I can have my 2nd go at a 100 mile run. I can't give up is pretty much what it comes down to. I can't just quit on a goal I set so long ago even if I do not like running that much anymore. I will accomplish this goal, and the next time I toe the starting line to run 100 miles, whenever that may be, I will be ready.

As far as my heart condition goes, I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday to get me referred to a heart specialist. I've only ever had problems with my heart during training during the Ghost Train race, which I think was from several hours of being in an elevated heart rate stage. I chose CFSB with the intent that there will be no problems with my heart as I've done a few conditioning work outs recently and didn't notice anything. The first step here is getting healthy, and if my heart says I need to stop training for a while to do this then I will. I'm going to be monitoring it a lot more closely. I also had a little elbow pain the other day which scared me, because I've had such bad problems with it in the past that I may also need to monitor that and change on the fly based on how it's feeling. If my body tells me to rest then I will.

Few others things-- I'm going to start becoming a stickler about my warm ups for work outs by posting them along with my work out everyday. I think this will help keep me honest with doing them and save a few injuries. On top of that I will be implementing the mobility wod once again in some form, just not sure how yet. The key needs to be consistency which I never seem to have because I shoot for too much mobilizing each week and get unmotivated to do it. Either I need to suck it up or lower the amount of time for the benefit of long term. Diet will change as well, I'm done being overweight for someone with so many goals. No one will ever look up to me if I'm like this in a few years so it's time to make the change for good. I'm confident I will be able to change this permanently as I'm probably the only one who knows how bad my eating has been at times.

Regular blogging begins tomorrow, I will begin posting my heart and soul into this blog from here on out. I think this is a big moment in my life to finally embark on a journey to my goals (whatever athletic field that may be in), and I'm taking it as seriously as ever. Hopefully my readers come along for the ride.

Note: I'm beginning my goals for 2012 and I can say that half of them will probably not even be physically related, similar to this year. I've noticed the last 2 years that I hit the main goals I really want, but the ones I just set "because" usually fall through the cracks. Next year will be less goals but all of them will be achieved. I'm thinking 2012 is going to be the year where I finally try to take my music skill to the next level, which I'm really excited about. I've been playing acoustic guitar for 3 years but I'd like to start performing someday and it's going to take just as much work practicing as it will to do any type of physical training. On top of that I'm also looking at learning to meditate in 2012.

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