Monday, October 25, 2010

Squats, Tabata, Leg Levers

Squat 3-3-3

225 straight across (1/2 deload week I'm calling it)

Tabata Walking Lunges with 30# dumbbells

75 Total Steps

50 Leg Levers For Time:


General: Good day. Maybe holding the dumbbells was stupid because my elbows hurt a bit.... What else is new. Still can't run, been 9 days of rest -_-.

Nutrition: Good today, was bad all weekend. No paleo for this guy

Body: Eh. I didn't work out for 2 days so not great.

Sleep: 8 hours

Reflections: I noticed something weird. If I don't work out for more than a day I get these unexplained pains and aches all over my body. I think it's my body's way of telling me to quit being lazy because I usually don't feel good unless I do SOMETHING. Found that kind of cool. Hoping to be able to run soon, still being easy though.

On a POSITIVE note, I am now 99.99% sure I know where my elbow pain is coming from. Lots of research led me to a problem with radial nerve pain where any type of damage to this full arm nerve can cause pain to be felt in the elbows. I'm confident that is what it is because it described my situation perfect and the odd circumstances (more pain at night, certain ways I twist my arm that hurt, etc.) were also exactly what I've been going through. 3-4 weeks of pure rest is supposed to clear it up, and that involves heavy grasping, rotation, basically ANYTHING. So here I go again, I won't be touching a barbell until at least after Thanksgiving. Lots of bodyweight shit, core stuff, etc. and hopefully lots of good runs! Let's go

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