Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thanks Alot Greg Amundson....

2mins on 1 min off x 8 Rounds on the Stationary Bike, Averaged 11 overall resistance setting

5.78 miles in 16 minutes of work (2:46/mile)


General: The title of this post came from the video I watched today by Greg Amundson, explaining that nothing comes easy and just because something gets in the way of your goal (AKA all my injuries preventing me from running and Crossfitting right now) doesn't mean you have to not do anything and give up. Find a way around it and I had been toying with using the bike for a while because I'm sure it does something to help improve my running since it's a little bit similar. It kicked my ASS... I clearly don't have the muscles to bike because I was dying. On a side note, I was pretty dehydrated going into this. I didn't know that because I had just woke up from a nap. I noticed halfway through how dizzy I was, and I'd be lying if I said I can remember walking from the gym back to my dorm. My pee looked like coke. Healthy right?

Nutrition: Pretty good. Strict until dinner and I had some homemade potato chips and a bit of mash potatoes.

Body: Beat up, been icing a lot. The ice on my elbows has been making them hurt more when they aren't being iced, not sure why and if that's a good/bad thing.

Sleep: 9 hours

Reflections: Probably should've focused on my hydration. All in all good day and I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Probably won't be able to run this weekend which is upsetting but I'll be back soon enough.


Dan Rotatori said...

you are welcome fucker

Shane said...

Dude, get to a doctor ASAP. Urine looking like coke is sign of rhabdomylosis. Dehydration would cause urine to be slightly bloody (not the end of the world), rhabdo causes it to be black (very dangerous).

Ben said...

I sort of exaggerated I guess. I've had that happen to me before. Definitely not rhabdo, just extremely dehydrated and dark colored urine would be a better description.

Good call though.. learn something new every day.

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