Sunday, April 24, 2011

As many plates as possible in 12 hours

No training on this fine easter day

25 minute jacuzzi soak

  • General: Ate a lot of food and chilled today. Let's re-cap the damage I did today. Started off with a breakfast buffet where I proceeded to scarf down lots of good stuff but nothing too crazy. My first dinner was at 2:30 where I had ham, peirogies, lots of vegetables, and some other stuff. A mere 2 hours later was my own families dinner (first one being my sort of girlfriend's family's) where I downed some turkey, butternut squash, grilled pineapple, ice cream and a big salad. Proceeded to return to my quasi-girlfriend's aunts house later in the evening for a ham sandwhich, a piece of cake, a diet coke (the forbidden treat of my past), and some chocolate. Training today may have induced vomiting and/or simultaneous bowel movements so I opted to rest.
  • Nutrition: Yeah.............
  • Body: Leg abductors are sore from yesterdays squat and my back is a little tight. Foam rolling really loosened it up.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Did work today and I'm not ashamed of it. Back to the drawing board tomorrow. I have a lot of schoolwork to do tomorrow so whatever training I do will be within an hour. I'd like to hit 305x3x5 if possible but we'll see how the legs are feeling when it comes time.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Gotta love the holiday feasts!!!

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