Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rest Day + Race Update

No training

  • General: Good day to take off. Had a solid last 3 day cycle although I wish I had time to do more yesterday. I've officially signed up for my 3rd ultra, The TARC Summer Classic 6 Hour Ultra. So far there are only 8 entrants and I'm the youngest by like 15-20 years. I think the limit on the race is 40 total. I chose it because it was cheap, local and I've heard good things about the TARC club. I chose to do the 6 hour event instead of the 12 hour because it's relatively far away on the calendar, and I may take a few loops with my training in between now and then (like focusing on strength more than running). 12 hours would require me to consistently do long runs whereas 6 hours isn't as daunting and will allow me to become a faster runner leading up to it instead. It's also right around my 50k PR so I can use that as a marker to see how much I've improved in 8 months. I think it's the perfect long run to knock out before Stone Cat which is like 7 weeks after that.
  • Nutrition: Clean. On days like today I don't know if I'll do the shake before bed, but I'll probably have a scoop of protein and some milk/water instead.
  • Body: Back is sore. Foot injury from my last 50 is nagging from the weird stride I used yesterday. Shin isn't bad but nowhere near good enough to run on. My left achilles is also feeling about 50% because of the shitty stride issue.
  • Sleep: 9 hours. One downfall of the shake is it takes a while to fall asleep and I've been waking up 2x a night to pee whereas before I rarely ever wake up.
  • Reflections: Good to have a summer ultra lined up now. I'm not sure I like the running shoes I bought, so I'm going to give them to my brother. My feet just got too accustomed to running POSE that bulky shoes don't work for me anymore. I'm going to buy a really thin pair of track/road shoes in a few weeks when I get extra cash (tax return anyone?) and just do intervals on trails for now.

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