Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rest and Relaxation

15 minute hot epsom salt bath

5 minute ice plunging both feet split between 3 different dips
Ice plunged both elbows for 2 minutes

  • General: Elbows were really bothering me today. May be time to give up on tryingand rest them. Not giving up hope as of now, but if they aren't better tomorrow then I'm pulling the curtain down. Not worth being incapable of training this summer.
  • Nutrition: Had ice cream and some grains but not the worst
  • Body: Quads were a bit sore today but other than that felt OK. Achilles feels better but I'm sure would hurt if I ran.
  • Sleep: 9 hours w/ melatonin
  • Reflections: Not much to discuss on this fine evening. Lifting heavy tomorrow but will stop short if elbows start going.
  • Food For Thought: What's going to be the turning point in your athletic career? What feat when you finally reach it will give you the incentive to say "I think I've done enough, and it may be time to slow down and enjoy new things"? And if it's not a feat, then what might be the thing that tells you that it's time? When you think about being an older athlete or person in general what role do you see your training playing in your life?


Ben said...

I think about this topic a lot. What's going to happen when I wake up one day and tell myself it's time to dial back the training and the ego and focus on my health?

Some major goals just off the top of my head that I want to accomplish in my life are 600# deadlift, run 100 miles in under 24 hours, and I also want to qualify for and run the Boston marathon. There are others but these three have been consistently formulated in my head for a long time. Whether or not they all happen is still obviously completely in the air. I think once I knock off some of my top goals after years of training I will take a long look at what I've accomplished.

Once I do decide to dial my goals back a little, I will probably focus on opening my own strength and conditioning facility. It'll be the perfect time to use my workout each day as exercise and health but nothing else really. That way I can teach people the things I've learned in the past however many years and not worry so much about my training. I see myself remaining competitive in SOMETHING for as long as this body says it's OK, whether or not that's a good thing.

Shane said...

As you know I'm training to be a SEAL so as long as I'm still training toward that, there's going to be no time to slow down. I guess when I retire.

Although I guess once I win something somewhat big, I'd be satisfied and might want to think about something else. Not like a championship or anything, just something respected, like one of the classic 100 milers or the big Oly meets like the Arnold or Americans. I'm not anywhere near that right now but to be able to put something like that on my athletic resume and then move on to try something new would be great.

Dan Rotatori said...

One major goal that I have had for a while is to make it to the crossfit games. I have been going back and forth on this idea now for sometime. I really can't decide if it is in me anymore to do this. I do enjoy crossfit but not as much as being on the barbell. I think that in my prime I would like to accomplish somethings really cool at my bodyweight and try to set some records in power/olympic lifting. I also would like to run the boston marathon at some point in my life because my dad did it as well and I want to follow in his footsteps. I think that If I were to ever compete in the games it would be as a team affiliate later on in life or in the masters division when I am starting to wind down from lifting heavy. Those are my thoughts as of now but who knows anything can change. I also want to compete in a new sport starting next year so we will see what I choose to do.

Justin said...

I think I found something in ultrarunning that I legitmately enjoy and am somewhat good at. I would like to actually "win" a race someday. I don't think I would end it right there as running has become part of who I am. I really enjoy being out in the woods or mountains (maybe even the road...a little) and just seeing how far my mind and body can take me. The possibilities of races in different regions and countries excites me and my family. I think this will lead us to more traveling which is something I've never really done.

I think in general any form of exercise will keep me happy. I don't see myself stopping due to me reaching a goal of some type. I may switch gears like mt biking or even mountaineering at some point in my life for the simple fact that I want to do something different.

I have found as long as I am active, I am happy. And I want to be a happy guy.

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