Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back Squat, tabata

1x5x305# (PR)

Tabata Bike, Setting 12: 63 calories (PR)

1x15 GHD situps

200 single unders

Foam rolled lower back

  • General: Went into the gym with intentions to squat and get conditioning in so mission accomplished. Didn't go across on the sets because it was a grind on the last rep and I was pretty taxed. Kept lifting heavy shit anyway because I love it. I can definitely get higher on the tabata but for some reason I'm having trouble pushing myself on the bike. Single unders were to test out the achilles.
  • Nutrition: Clean as a mothafuckaa
  • Body: Achilles feeling better, jumprope didn't bother it much. Not ready to run yet. Left elbow nagging today.
  • Sleep: 9 hours
  • Reflections: Solid day for what I have to work with. Hopefully I'll be fully healed to run in a few more days because I'm still stir crazy. Thinking that going forward I will be incorporating calf raises and jump roping into my weekly routine because the most common running injuries I get are in my achilles. On top of that I plan to start barefoot running again for 1-3 miles at a slow pace once a week. People like Anton Krupicka do it so it can't be awful. It would be mostly for recovery purposes but to also increase the strength in my lower legs to prevent further injuries.
  • Food For Thought: If there was one thing you could "flick a switch" on in your brain to make doing it not feel like a chore in regards to your training, what would it be? What is that thing you neglect and know that it could really benefit you but for some reason it always gets put on the back burner? Why do you think it's that specific thing and not something else?


Ben said...

There are 2 things in my life. My nutrition and my mobility. Both of them seem to be for different reasons.

I believe with all my heart that a part of the reason I have trouble eating properly all the time is because I grew up eating very unhealthy and was very overweight. I think my brain has a different response to food than others and I consciously am aware that I have a problem with food. I use it for comfort and rewarding myself which associates it improperly in my brain. I need to change it but I'm not really sure how. I refuse to completely chalk it up to that reason, because me being a pig can be controlled with self control. Just need to remember everything in moderation, even moderation.

Mobility is because I'm lazy and hate visiting the pain cave on the tight corners. I feel amazing when I do it but can't drive myself to do it all the time simply because I get lazy after I train sometimes. I know for a fact it would benefit me so if anyone has any advice on how to get me to do it feel free to throw it at me.

Dan Rotatori said...

I would have to say that my main thing that I wish I could do everyday is Mobility. I am very lazy when it comes to it. I have been getting better at it but still no where near where I want to be with it. I think maybe if I do my mobility as a warm up for my workout it may help me from getting lazy on it but who knows.

Justin said...

Chalk me up for mobility as well. I have done it in the past and most recently last fall on a regular basis (after runs mostly). Not sure what it was but I seemed to get injured more when I was stretching? Things would hurt in my joints, muscles ached more than usual and it only went away when i stopped stretching (?). I think some type of pilates or even yoga possibly would help me in the long run, not only with my flexibility but with my strength. I may try to incorporate this soon. As for a way to get it (stretching) in, I would simply pick a time of day and stick with it. I always do my "core work" before I log on to my computer at school. I lay the mat down and go to work for at least 5-8 minutes every weekday morning (weekends not so much). I did the same thing during the burpee challenge and it worked. It was much tougher on the weekends b/c i never had a set time. so pick a time (before you blog, before you brush your teeth in the morning, whatever) just make the time consistent.

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