I decided I needed something to train for this summer. I dropped out of doing my marathon earlier in the year in February for a few reasons, and have been anxious to finally get the distance under my belt. My decision to make this into a challenge instead of just a distance to cover is more of something to just see if my body can handle it and how far I can push myself.
I will be running the distance at Tuft's in Grafton, MA in the field where you can walk your dogs. The distance has been rumored around 1.8-1.9 miles, so to play it safe I will be attempting 15 laps around the complex of the field (27 miles). However, there is several guidelines under which I will be adjusting my training, consuming, etc. just to make this more interesting for myself.
Guidelines:- Eat strict paleo/primal throughout. Cheat days are allowed if I so desire, however 1 week prior to the race as well as before and throughout the run will be strict paleo. Therefore, grains and other products widely used by runner's will be off limits and I will need to make some paleo-approved energy snacks to carry with me, as well as get used to eating fruit on runs.
- Only allowed to run 1 long distance of my choosing, if I decide that I want to do this. All other forms of training have to be Crossfit, Crossfit Endurance, weight training, sprints, etc. Long distance is not allowed on any more than 1 training day, unless the WOD on Crossfit Endurance calls for something like a 10k.
- All 15 laps must be completed at the same time, with only several minute breaks to go to my car and get water/food. Time of the event has not yet been decided, but the race with take place Sunday, August 15, 2010 unless I am forced to change that due to any and all events I am unaware that are scheduled. Weather will not be a factor as I will be doing it in heat, rain etc.
- I am currently doing the 100 day burpee challenge. The day of the race I should be on either day 51 or 52 of the burpee challenge, therefore I am upping the ante by declaring I have to do 3 or 4 burpees on every mile up at the fence where my car will be parked to complete my burpees for that day, and my time won't stop until I finish the burpees after my 15th lap.
- All forms of training/rest are up to me until the race, with the one exception of the long distance run. I am going to do 3 on 1 off mostly at CFCM, with CFE thrown in 3 times a week. If I decide to, I can also do one day a week at the track, but can never run over 1 mile in any given interval, and I also have to do some form of strength training that day (main purpose of this is so I don't focus too much on running and neglect other areas)
- I do not have a set time in mind, just to finish the race. However, as a Crossfitter, this WOD will indeed be for time. I'm only allowing 2 rest days prior to the race as well, which should also make it even more of a test.
For now, this is all I can think of. Today is July 3rd and I will begin training for this tomorrow full on. I will be adding in notes about my training for this and thoughts I have about the race on my COMMENTS section most nights. If I think of anything else, I will add it accordingly.