Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Deadlift, Pullups, Asst Work, Run

Early AM:

Deadlift 3-3-3
395 (PR)

1x20 @ 225# (focused on good reps with a quick pull, not trying to max)

Strict Pullups, First 2 sets overhand last 3 on grip bars with palms facing in:
8, 7, 5, 4, 5

- 3x15 GHD Sit ups
- 3 Slow let downs from the top of a pullup bar, averaged about 8-10 seconds per hold
- Max Rep Pushups: 32


30 Minute Run on Roads @85% pace, picked it up and slowed down gradually throughout

  • General: Awesome way to end the last 3 days with a 395x3 pull. I'm re-incorporating high rep sets but instead of maxing each week (and taxing myself way too much to recover) I will be slowly going up in weight but focusing on explosive, perfect form pulls. I have a feeling my luck will run out on these 10#/week jumps sooner rather than later and I want to start finding other methods to make gains, so I'm testing out this type of high rep max. The pullups didn't go up because my body was simply too taxed. The run felt good but my body just wanted to rest so I kept it short but still went at a good pace.
  • Nutrition: Good, strict day 10. In the process of a 19 hour fast that I started today at 2:30pm, and will end when I wake up tomorrow (around 8:30-9pm)
  • Body: Absolutely shot. My legs are toast from yesterdays sprints, especially my hamstrings and hip flexors. My shoulders are absolutely blown up from all the overhead in Grace yesterday. My body definitely wasn't used to that. Pile on today's deadlift and GHD's and I'll be a walking billboard for ibuprofen tomorrow.
  • Sleep: 6.5 hours
  • Reflections: Couple things:
- As of now, my plan is to do 2 more week long cycles of my program, then take a light week at 75-80% and re-test my 1RM's the week before my 50 mile race. Likely towards the end of the week (explained in next bullet). The week of the race I will try to get my 3 most important lifts in on Monday and Tuesday and then taper the rest of the week.
- The above lines up well with my running plan to finalize preparation for the NJ Ultra festival. Saturday, March 5 will be the saturday of my light lift week, where I will do a 6+ hour run with Contois. This will be my "big run" and will lead right into my week of 1 rep max testing. The weeks prior to this date will include a 3 and two 3-4 hour runs on Saturday mornings. Hopefully the trails melt so I don't go crazy in the process.
- After the race concludes I'm going to re-evaluate where I'm headed over the next few months. I can say I've been looking for an ultra to do this summer and have a few in mind, but I don't know which or even if I'll do one. I know I'll be doing the Stone Cat 50 in November, but I need something to train for closer or I'll lose motivation. It looks like I could run 5 ultra distances this year if I end up pacing Contois in his 100 miler in the fall.

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