Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jerk, Clean Pull, Pullups, 500m Row

Split Jerk 1-1-1

*165 was my PR from last summer

Clean Pull Practice, worked up to 215# for single reps

Max Rep Chinups, 90 sec rest
9, 7. 5, 5, 6

Row 500m:
1:28.6 (PR by 3 seconds)

  • General: Pleased with the 25# jerk PR since I haven't done a jerk since last summer. The clean pulls originally were supposed to be my attempt to set a new PR in the power clean, but it was obviously quickly that would not occur today. My PR on the row was awesome because I've been wanting sub-1:30 for some time now.
  • Nutrition: Not good
  • Body: I felt OK today. For some reason I think something may be wrong like I may be getting sick.
  • Sleep: 7.5 hours
  • Reflections: I've been thinking a lot today about my health and stuff because something I read the other day has been sitting weirdly with me. It was about compulsive eaters and I seem to have some of the signs of someone who has this problem. Sometimes when I eat junk I honestly don't think others perceive it the way I do. I crave food. Even if I don't want to eat, I keep going. I think it might have to do with my history of being overweight and never monitoring what I ate before the last couple years. I don't know what I could really do about it... but it's just something I plan to keep monitoring. I've felt like crap and ate like crap the last couple days. Need to fix this now. Rest day tomorrow.


Justin said...


I love to eat as well. I feel as though when I run more/longer/faster (you name it) it gives me a reason to eat more. The harder the workout the more I eat. My wife (nutrition degree) said I have a disorder and gave me the name of it (don't remember it off-hand). She says I need to display more self-control. It also happens when there are sweets in the house (that she buys...i would never...jk). Instead of one cookie, I need to eat three. If I had more self control, I could either eat just one, or what I should do, don't eat any at all. Self control. Just my 2 cents though.

Ben said...

I've always only thought of it as self control. But I do feel like there may be something more to it, I just don't know what. Thanks Contois

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