Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week in Review (2/4-2/20)

Highlight of the week:
Back Squat PR 5x285#

Low Point of the week:
General shitty feeling of eating at a caloric deficit

PR's: (2)
5x285# Back Squat
215# Power Clean
Things I Said I'd Do, and Did:- Fast at least once
- Run Fartlek style for the first time

Things I Didn't Do:
- Hit 405x3 Deadlift
- 3-4 hour run on Saturday
- No paleo deviations
- Primal walk for 2 hours (1 hour)

Goals For Next Week:
- 405x3 Deadlift
- 4 hour run on Saturday
- 135x5 Press

Even with two junky days of eating this week I felt a lot leaner than normal which is a good sign. I've been reading so much about it over the last few days and I really am having a hard time deciding if I'm willing to sacrifice strength gains to get leaner. I think I should just push my linear progressions as far as I can and then worry about how lean I am. You only live once and I'd rather hit a 600# deadlift instead of getting a six pack. Of course that's a tough decision to make for me so I will continue to try to lean out, but I cannot eat at a calorie deficit all the time. Instead I'll worry about gaining a lot of muscle for now. If in the coming weeks I start questioning this theory again, someone slap me please and tell me to wake up. Performance > Aesthetics
The lack of PRs was  because I'm close to my stalling weight and because I didn't eat enough food this week. I'm going to load up this week with the food and hopefully hit some big PRs. Hitting 295x5 backsquat, 405x3 deadlift and 135x5 press are all big benchmarks in my mind and I will be psyched if I get them all in a few days.
As far as running goes, I'm going to keep monitoring my left foot. It's been nagging me and although I can run through it I know it's one of those injuries that are minor now but during the later stages of a 50 mile run may cause me some serious problems. I might not run on Tuesday/Wednesday to try and heal it up for a long run on Saturday. I logged 20 miles over 3 runs this week, and only 2 of them being scheduled. Next week I will  be in the mid 20's-30 range if all goes as planned. Contois also invited me to run another free 50k in April that I am most likely going to do. That would satisfy my 3 ultras for the year goal, but I am definitely going to do the Stone Cat 50 in October/November too.
I mentioned something about the challenge I was thinking about doing this summer and I'm looking for some general opinions on the idea I had. It's a pretty simple idea. I ran my first 50k in 5:50. The concept is that I will map out a 25k out and back course and start the timer. Before I can start the run I have to establish PRs in back squat, deadlift and press. The goal is to establish all 3 pr's and beat the 5:50 mark of running 50k. (So if it took me 20 minutes to get all 3 PR's, then I'd have 5:30 to run it) I could do this at Dan's because he has a barbell and will have adequate weight by summer. I think it would prove to be a fun challenge and be a good way to get a long run in. I also thought I could up it and maybe throw in something like 100 burpees between the lifts and rthe run? Any opinions are appreciated.

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